Monday, May 16, 2005

The Liberal Abortion Hypocrisey

There are many liberal hypocrises in american society today. One for example is abortion. the leftists claim that abortion should be legal. They also love to critize those who do not help the homeless. In california, 80% of abortion clinics are in minority or "Ghetto" areas.
while White women obtain 60% of the total number of abortions, Black women are three times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are two times as likely.
52% of U.S. women who have abortions are younger than 25; women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; and teenagers obtain 20%. So really if you look at it, abortions are really mostly in minorty parts of cities, while the rich prosper with offspring. So all their really doing is killing off the areas which their trying to help. Why? because their terribly shallow people, interested in good at first, then eventually consumed in hatred. the poor fools are helping destroy the only thing thier trying to help. Its probaly because thier too intrested in hating george bush, I cant wait to see the look on their faces when in three years when nothing happens.

Ive found a very good site that deals very well with the issue of abortion, they even have a common arguments page, that deals with the arguments that pro choice dishes out:

Pro Choice. The liberals always like to say this, to make it seem acceptable for a women to kill her baby. But this is a paradox. Are you telling me that the liberty to choose is more important than life itself?

Abortion hurts.


Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Here let me elaborate on this math concept. Lets say that 75% of black women are getting abortions. Then you put that number of abortions into the larger picture of all abortions. Since the white population is a lot larger, it would make the number of black women abortions seem smaller. Understand?

I dont get much out of bush presidency that I can see, but I get to see actual progress being made in iraq.(Clinton didnt do a damn thing)

The reason were fighting these wars is because theres no more "real wars" to fight. Theres no big country seeking to destroy us, the only trouble in the world left is terrorism, korea, and the middle east.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005 7:59:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Jasper, I love that verse! It shows excactly whats happening now with the intellectual liberals! Im sure youve posted that link on peterzchetts site, and im sure theyve ignored or ranted at you. It just proves our point.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:57:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...


what is your email address? Ill send you an invitation to be a member of this blog, so you can post things as well.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:14:00 AM  
Blogger Living Positive said...

Let's start out with your post's subject.

If the poor are having more abortions, which I won't refute, it is because they feel that they can not afford to raise a child under such consitions.

If rich people are getting fewer abortions, then it is because they know that they can afford to give it proper health care and a roof over it's head - even at its basesest level, this should be obvious to anyone who has worked with the poor and the homeless.

As far as statistics go:
if you are using statements such as these (comparing white women to hispanics to black women)

Lets say you have 100 white women abortions.
This means that according to your statistic, 300 black women and 200 hispanic women have also had abortions.

That is a total of 600 abortions.

now you take the number of abotions per group and divide it by the total:
white women 100/600 or 16.66%
black women 300/600 or 50%
hispanic 200/600 or 33.33
total 600 or 100%

When using total percentages, you can never go over 100%

if your statement had been correct, which I am sure you can see by now, it was not, then

White Women 60%
Black women 180%
Hispanics 120%

Remember, you can never go over 100% of your total.

Also according to the CDC,
In the year 2000,[1]

By race:
White women 56.6%
Black Women 36.3%
all Other races 7.1%

By ethnicity:
Hispanic 17.2%
Non-Hispanic 82.8%

In the first set of numbers, we can clearly see that White women are nearly twice as likely to get an abortion. This makes more sense in the light that Whites are the majority.

Once again, you have shown your great ability to follow the heard by using data from sites who have an agenda instead of going directly to the source.

On health issues in the US, I would recommend looking at the CDC and the NIH for your data.

For global health issues, try the WHO.

These two are great resources for unbiased un-skewed data.

Finally, I have stated several times to you before that I, though pro-choice, am NOT pro-abortion. I think abortion is wrong, and many things can be done to lower the abortion rate. Education is of utmost importance - and I don't mean telling people they are mudering babies. I mean real sex education - the use of contraception as well as abstinance. I mean telling women that have had an unplanned pregnancy that there are other options.

I have a great and wonderful nephew because my sister was able to adopt my other sister's child. The availability of a family willing to adopt is not the case in many situations.

You have also been involved in at least one discussion with "pro-choice people" where you have been made aware that no one you talked to in that discussion approved of abortion.

The women who knew women who had obortions had a very hard time coming to their decision.

You speak as though women have abortions just for the sake of convenience.

The only difference making abortion illegal will make is that there will be more illegal abaortions according to WHO data. (i apologize for not having this reference available, but BC'08 has seen it before.)

According to the CDC the abotion rate in the US is dropping even without making it illegal. Take a few hours and read the reports on the WHO site about abortion in countries where it is illegal:
WHO Site

1. Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2000

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:39:00 AM  
Blogger Living Positive said...

BTW if you are going to say "hypocisey" which is:


n 1: an expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction [syn: lip service] 2: insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have

maybe you should make it a point out where that hypocrisy is.

and as for being shallow, please meet me face to face before laying judgement on me. I will be sure to grant you the same courtesy.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:43:00 AM  
Blogger Living Positive said...

There is NEVER a NEED for war.

You claim to be pro-life?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:44:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

living positive, I chose the option that would cause less death and suffering. Getting rid of the dictatorship government was the best choice. Of the 100,000 deaths, there would have been a lot more if saddam would have remained in power. We chose the option that would cause less death. this is another reason why liberals have shallow minds. They think war is unnaceptible, even if we are openly attacked! Now what does iraq have to do with terrorists? well, its not with iraq, its with its leader. We had to take out the terrorist patron, which is of course saddam hussien. he was financially aiding the terrorsts. And I know your going to say, give me proof, but we are at war. He will be tried in a court. Ive explained this time after time but you must not read my posts.

and does anyone know how to allow anonymouse comments?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 9:37:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

nevermind I figured it out.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 9:39:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

"What if the baby's parents can not afford it? It will live an unhappy life.

There are currently 400,000 couples in America trying to adopt, so these babies could have a happy families even if the blood parents can't raise them. The USDHHS estimates that 1/3 of couples in America are infertile, and many of these are seeking babies to be adopted. Child abuse rates in these families are much lower than in the average family, so these children would be safe. I have had a unique advantage because of this web page of hearing the testimonies of dozens of people who have been adopted and have lived wonderful, happy lives. How can anyone be allowed to take the life of another just because we think that he or she may not be happy? "

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 9:43:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Okay, lets say there are 100 black women. and theres 2700 white women.
lets say that 75 black women get an abortion, and white women get 675. so that means that women got 90% of abortions, and blacks got 10%. so out of all the black women, 75% of them got abortions. but out of the total population of white women, 25% got abortions. so at the same time, white women get the majority of abortions while black women are three times as likley to get an abortion then white women.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 9:56:00 AM  
Blogger Living Positive said...

Once again, you are not completely factual:

Jasper, you were banned for your language and verbal abuse.

It is well documented that the terrorists went to Saddam to strike an aliance. It is also well documented that he said no and sent them packing.

It is obvious that you will continue to behave as you did on Hanchett's site. esp. Jasper.

I have better things to do - I actually have a life.

Good luck with your blog. I suspect that it will be as useful at building bridges between us as the one you got banned from.

Go ahead and rejoice in the thought you "won." in the end when we fight and bicker to no constructive end, we all lose.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 11:07:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

And its obvious that thats what saddam wanted us to think.

if I disagree with you you tell me to rot. so good riddance if you want to be immature. its not worth my time.

Thursday, June 09, 2005 8:22:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

okay first of all, you are not anonymouse77. You were obviously one of the liberals from stevens site. I will delete your comments until you reveal yourself since you lied. Im not going to be like stephan and ban people, just tell me who you are, but only because you lied. I allow anonymouse comments here.

Thursday, June 09, 2005 1:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could be anonymouse 69 or 420 but that does not matter LOL Enough of my witty sarcasm. BTW you don't take these jokes seriously...the point is that I am not going to take you very seriously with these abortion statistics and the website is completely ralf rate. I will tell you the reality is Washington is in NO FACT will murder not only gays, but patriots, wiccans, muslims, athiests, agnostics, zorostrians, and TRUE CHRISTIANS. The reason that they had not rid of them is that they had slowly giving us choice of less freedom. You don't believe me look at the security cameras everywhere...they already issuing the national ID card I think it is HR508? Anyways they the government had not rid of anyone like alex jones and texe marrs yet because both are how should I say christians? They are both against this globalist administration...If they asassinate them the christians would revolve their heads around and revolt against the government... click on american dictators the fraudulent wars and martial law 911 and believe me it is NOT a moore film and more information that moore would never touch...

Thursday, June 09, 2005 8:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ralf rate LOL half rate maybe I should get off those shrooms...

Thursday, June 09, 2005 8:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Killing the children from the ghetto through abortion or from sending them to an illegal war in Iraq.
What's the difference?
That is the hypocrisy of the Neo-Con Christian Fundamentalist.
Pro-Choice to them means "The right to chose a war by misleading and trickery"
Who are the real hypocrites?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 1:18:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

I think its about time I posted somthing on the iraq war

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 1:44:00 PM  

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