Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A conversation with an angry america hater.

Here is a conversation I had recently on Aol Instant Messenger who had no clue what he was talking about. Just full of threats.(I apologize for his language.) I also changed his screenname to protect his Identity (although I dont think he cares)

Bulsara37: this world is so fucked up
Bulsara37: that even He doesnt care
MoreLambasBread3: He?
Bulsara37: God
Bulsara37: He is pissed at people like George Bush
MoreLambasBread3: ...
Bulsara37: He is pissed that His creation is illegal and Man's creation is legal.
Bulsara37: man's creation is alcohol
MoreLambasBread3: Oh Im sure he is(majorly sarcastic remark)
Bulsara37: His is marijuana
MoreLambasBread3: oh yeah
MoreLambasBread3: lol
MoreLambasBread3: he isnt pissed at george bush
Bulsara37: God invented weed. Man invented beer. Who do you trust?
MoreLambasBread3: the marijiuana thing is the only thing I disagree with on bush
MoreLambasBread3: your right about that
Bulsara37: well he is pissed at what the world is today
Bulsara37: is what I mean
Bulsara37: he'd be like WTF
MoreLambasBread3: sin spreads
MoreLambasBread3: but theres good people out there trying to help it like GW
Bulsara37: no
MoreLambasBread3: yes
Bulsara37: they piss on it
Bulsara37: USA = shit
Bulsara37: they just want money and the biggest dick
MoreLambasBread3: Well Im part of something called America Blog
MoreLambasBread3: nvm
MoreLambasBread3: that link doesnt work
MoreLambasBread3: blogforusa.blogspot.com
MoreLambasBread3: I am a patriot and it saddens me to hear you say these things
Bulsara37: im in the court system
Bulsara37: so i feel much different
Bulsara37: they rape me
MoreLambasBread3: we want money, eh?
Bulsara37: and let the rapists go
MoreLambasBread3: is that why we give billions to people in need?
MoreLambasBread3: is that why we free oppressed Iraqis?
MoreLambasBread3: if you feel its the court system, then its not usa your talking about
MoreLambasBread3: its the white collar thugs who screw people for money
Bulsara37: the laws are whats bullshit
MoreLambasBread3: if your interested in this topic I suggest you read "100 people who screw up america"
MoreLambasBread3: (and al franken is Number 37
MoreLambasBread3: the laws are fine
MoreLambasBread3: except for a few
Bulsara37: yeah right
MoreLambasBread3: if your going to call america bullshit just because marijiwana is not legal
MoreLambasBread3: then thats pretty stupid
Bulsara37: thats not it
MoreLambasBread3: seems to be all you care about if thats the case
Bulsara37: idiot
MoreLambasBread3: yeah yeah you can name call and whatever
Bulsara37: why can a rapist go to jail for six months and be set free
MoreLambasBread3: but in the meantime Im the smart one with the political website who KNOWS what hes talking about
Bulsara37: he should be executed
MoreLambasBread3: no he should not
Bulsara37: yep
MoreLambasBread3: but he should be in jail for longer
Bulsara37: executed
MoreLambasBread3: 10 commandments
Bulsara37: just as bad as taking peoples lives
Bulsara37: raping is killing
Bulsara37: scarring someone for life
Bulsara37: ruining there life
MoreLambasBread3: but not ending it
Bulsara37: the 11th
MoreLambasBread3: I dont recall taht one
Bulsara37: and murderers
MoreLambasBread3: but even if it was, I think the 1st one is more important that the 11th
Bulsara37: they get away with it
MoreLambasBread3: your right, they shouldnt
MoreLambasBread3: but you shouldnt let your anger get in the way of your judgement
Bulsara37: Alcohol is legal cause they make money off it
MoreLambasBread3: if you kill them, you prove your just as bad
Bulsara37: they have bars but say no drinking and driving
MoreLambasBread3: they could do the same to weed
Bulsara37: nope instead they fuck you over for it
Bulsara37: to get money.
Bulsara37: make you go to rehab
Bulsara37: so they can take your money
Bulsara37: they say " you may never be able to get a job in any law enforcement position or goverment position"
MoreLambasBread3: people made rehabilitation to help people
Bulsara37: but George Bush
Bulsara37: fuck you
Bulsara37: .George Bush got a D U I
MoreLambasBread3: we all make mistakes
Bulsara37: but for possession of marijuana they ruin your life
Bulsara37: we all make mistakes
MoreLambasBread3: well, Im for that
MoreLambasBread3: I think weed should be legalized
MoreLambasBread3: Im with you on that one
Bulsara37: yeah but everything is fucked
Bulsara37: he wanted to wait to see how many blacks would die
Bulsara37: before helping them
Bulsara37: but then when Texas was affected
MoreLambasBread3: oh my god that is so stupid
Bulsara37: he was like FUCK
MoreLambasBread3: yeah right
Bulsara37: yes, right
Bulsara37: If they want to help...they should help starving people sick people and houseless people
MoreLambasBread3: no, he is not racist
Bulsara37: hah
MoreLambasBread3: guess what condoleza rice is?
MoreLambasBread3: BLACK
Bulsara37: how'd we get half way around the world
Bulsara37: with the tsunami
Bulsara37: and help
Bulsara37: in one day
MoreLambasBread3: we got there, but not very fast
Bulsara37: and a week to help our own country
MoreLambasBread3: Its the governers fault
MoreLambasBread3: now why dont you take your irrational hatred somewhere else
MoreLambasBread3: please
Bulsara37: you're so fucking stupid
MoreLambasBread3: just read my blog dude
Bulsara37: no
Bulsara37: blogs are gay
Bulsara37: so are you
Bulsara37: you're pissing me off cause YOU dont know shit
MoreLambasBread3: blogs are a way of expressing ideas
MoreLambasBread3: I know everything about this
MoreLambasBread3: And a lot more than you
Bulsara37: nope
Bulsara37: you drink piss
Bulsara37: its all fucking wrong and twisted
MoreLambasBread3: I hear the constant liberal attack on the good nature of this country
MoreLambasBread3: and I dont believe it
Bulsara37: its all fucking twisted
Bulsara37: everything including BUsh
Bulsara37: idiot
MoreLambasBread3: you care about joining the rebellion and joining america haters
Bulsara37: fuck yeah i do
MoreLambasBread3: in a hopless effort to discredit my man
Bulsara37: you're a stupid little fucking kid and you're emo
Bulsara37: just fuck off
MoreLambasBread3: and I am 100% behind him!
MoreLambasBread3: And I support the troops!
Bulsara37: so do I
Bulsara37: but not America
Bulsara37: not the goverment
Bulsara37: not the laws
MoreLambasBread3: but you say fuck the president and all your credibility goes down the toilet
Bulsara37: hypocritical lawa
Bulsara37: fuck the president
MoreLambasBread3: so go live somewhere else
Bulsara37: and still care
Bulsara37: you dumb fuck
Bulsara37: i should have kicked your ass when i had the chance
MoreLambasBread3: I challenge you to find ONE COUNTRY THATS BETTER THAN HERE
Bulsara37: Russia
MoreLambasBread3: your an ass. your willing to hurt someone because they have different beliefs than you. your no better than the terrorists
Bulsara37: no I am willing to hurt someone for being a piece of shit
MoreLambasBread3: your the one who exploded at me
Bulsara37: its not about who the president
Bulsara37: its the goverment
MoreLambasBread3: Im the one whos defending my beliefs
MoreLambasBread3: thast being a piece of shit?
Bulsara37: no matter what we live in a fucked up nation
Bulsara37: you're just dumb
MoreLambasBread3: well have a sad, sad life not appreciating the freedom that we get
Bulsara37: haha
MoreLambasBread3: we are the freeest nation in the world
Bulsara37: duh
Bulsara37: thats why I live here
Bulsara37: doesnt mean that most of it is fucked
Bulsara37: and its not free
MoreLambasBread3: so our rules may be "fucked up" but its alot better than everything else out there
Bulsara37: thats not the point
Bulsara37: our goverment is hypocritical
Bulsara37: TWISTED
Bulsara37: thats it
MoreLambasBread3: Well I dont believe that, we have the best system in the world.
MoreLambasBread3: and our president is not twisted
Bulsara37: Europe
Bulsara37: is better
Bulsara37: Canada is better
Bulsara37: no violence
Bulsara37: dipshit
MoreLambasBread3: thats because they dont have the freedoms we have. our freedom comes with a price, we must defend it
Bulsara37: they do
Bulsara37: what??
Bulsara37: ????
Bulsara37: ????
Bulsara37: ???
Bulsara37: ????
Bulsara37: ???
MoreLambasBread3: what
FreddieBulsara37: the people in america fucked it up
Bulsara37: ijdsngkvjas
Bulsara37 signed off at 7:11:55 PM.

this is what our youth is coming to.


Blogger Gayle said...

Okay BCO8: This is the first time I am going to disagree with you big time. This is not "what our youth is coming to." A certain percentage of our youth has been dumber than rabbid rabbits for a long time. You are positive proof that there is hope for our youth. I am amazed there are so many very bright youngsters in this world. I felt the way you do for a long while. But you really know better. You also represent the "youth" of this country... remember that! Never forget it. This country is going to need you.
One other thing: these people you were having this conversation with (if you could call it a conversation) might grow up one day. Life has a way of changing attitudes, for better or worse. Let's hope, for their sake, it will be for better. But it could be for worse. That is their problem though; not yours. You just focus on being the best you can be, as you are, and you and others like you will help make this country a better place.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 11:03:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Why does this moron live in the US if he hates it so much? Go to Canada, you idiot!

America: Love it or Leave it.

Thursday, October 13, 2005 3:43:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

he just graduated. I dont think he has enough money to leave yet.

Gayle, these kids that I talk to are the youth of the future, because I have never met a kid whos even remotly like me. these guys are a dime a dozen though.

Thursday, October 13, 2005 9:23:00 AM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Yeah, I see your point, BCO8, but one of you is worth 30 of them. Many of them will never make anything better in this world or do anything to help anyone other than themselves... they will ultimately make no difference to anyone or anything. They are not going to be people who will make or break our future. You will!

Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bulsara37: Alcohol is legal cause they make money off it

Uh no. If bulsara knew American history he would know that its because crime rates go up when you ban alchahol. It starts getting smuggled. This has happend before. And uh, let me get this straight, your friend hates alchohal... and likes pot... which is worse... That's... very odd.

Thursday, October 13, 2005 6:30:00 PM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

If you mean that the youth of America are becoming angrier, I would agree with you. Thankfully, even most angry people I know can articulate themselves much better than that. Heck, I am fairly angry about the state of things, yet I still debate negative and find it helpful to know my stuff, so it's much easier and effective to keep my composure.

Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:48:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

allisoni balloni: yes I am pretty angry about all the anti patriotic stuff going on. People who hate the president, the people who cast a dark shadow on our nation by having a negative attitude about everything in general, and the constant liberal attack on the good nature of this nation.

Friday, October 14, 2005 11:37:00 AM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Friday, October 14, 2005 5:19:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

While we're on this topic I'd like to do a little venting myself.

Why do people keep jumping to conclusions about me?

First they say "why do you agree with everything Bush does"

Other than you who said that?

Or "you hate all Muslims"

I don't hate Muslims at all. I hate Muslims that want to kill us.

Or "you hate all Mexicans"

No I don't. I hate Mexicans that come here illegally and steal our jobs and money.

How about taking the time to comprehend what I said before commenting, and if I wasn't clear, ask first, before you make your rediculus assumptions.

And that's what I am angry about right now and if anyone else jumps to conclusions like me being a racist G.W. boot licker I'll most likely loose it.

Friday, October 14, 2005 5:20:00 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Don't lose it, Cody. You have to understand, there is a myth out there that most liberals believe: Conservatives are warmongers who hate poor people! They actually believe that, and I get the same rhetoric that you do. So don't get angry about it: it's just a fact of beating down the myth that we must deal with. (Or not... maybe you prefer not to deal with it. Some Republicans don't even try to talk to liberals. I personally don't agree with that, but that's my choice.)

Of course you don't agree with everything Bush does. Neither do I. Nor do you hate all Muslims: Neither do I. Nor do you or I hate Mexicans. But liberals come to our blogs with that preconception, and it's one you and I must change. The myth has been told for so long, and is so ingrained into some people's conciousness that we have to try our best to derail it, because, simply said: it's just not true!
So smile, Cody, and keep on keeping on!

Friday, October 14, 2005 6:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cody's right. And whenever we make a little hipee or Mexican joke we get jumped on and called racist and negative.

Friday, October 14, 2005 7:35:00 PM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

I think it's important to note that if YOU disagreed with the way the country is running, you would be angry too. Many people are upset right now, on both sides of the political spectrum. It saddens me that as a nation we were first of all unable to come together and give a large majority vote to one of the candidates, and second of all that after such a controversial time and in times of tragedy and sorrow we have still remained seperate. My opinions and beliefs, to me, are total common sense. I know Gayle for sure has said similar things about her opinions, so we are in the same boat. Yes, I come here daily to post my thoughts in response to yours, but I do not let my political views stereotype every politically concerned individual I meet. My boyfriend and I agree an almost everything, besides politics. Same goes for a few of my good friends. Because I am surrounded by mixed views and beliefs, it's much easier to see in all people the similarities, as well as the differences. It's unfortunate that not all people have that same opportunity, or are purposely turning it down. That's what creates anger and irrational behavior, as well as an overall ineffective agenda.

Friday, October 14, 2005 10:40:00 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Allisoni balloni said: "It saddens me that as a nation we were first of all unable tocome together and give a large majority vote to one of the candidates, and second of all that after such a controversial time and in times of tragedy and sorrow we still have remained seperate."

It saddens me too, Allisoni. I am also surrounded by mixed views and beliefs, with all the individuals I know. My Priest is a liberal, and I love him more than I can say. This bridge between liberals and conservatives does create an overall ineffective agenda; but we still have to try to cope with the threat that is there, and is extremely dangerous and real. The terrorists don't give a dam* about who is liberal or conservative in this counrty. They will kill all of us indiscriminately and with equal glee. And they feel they have a good chance of doing that because we are not united! Even if we aren't, we should at least be pretending to be... especially our representatives of both parties in Washington DC. And what saddens me more than anything, is now the Republicans are bickering among themselves. It's a weakness of the Republican Party. They have always done that, and being a Republican it angers me that they cannot be more united than they are. This Miers thing has them bickering like a bunch of old hens.
You said "it angers me that not all people have the same opportunity, or are purposely turning it down. I have to tell you here that I grew up dirt poor. In this country we do have equal opportunity if we are willing to work. It's the ones who are purposely turning it down that gripes me. And I happen to know many of them personally, so it's not just an irrational judgement made out of thin air on my part.

We are in the same boat... my opinions and beliefs, to me, are also common sense. You seem to be more reasonable than many liberals, and so I would like you to think about this: Why are the liberals and conservatives so seperated? We belong to the same country and need to survive under the same threat: terrorism. Should'nt that unite us? I think it should. So why do we have all the infighting? We shouldn't! We are Americans. We should be standing back to back against this moronic enemy who has nothing in mind but to blow us up, even if it means blowing themselves up. I just don't get it. If we had an invasion from outer space the entire world would unite to fight the threat. Here we are, one country, under dire threat, and we cannot unite. Doesn't that seem really unconcsionable to you? It sure does to me.

Friday, October 14, 2005 11:44:00 PM  
Blogger PlaidBaron said...

Look, if Bulsara37 doesn't like America, then he should leave! America would be a lot better without people like him. Maybe I'm sounding a little harsh but the truth is people like that spread this kind of crud. Bushcheny08: Do you want me to add a link to your blog from mine?

Saturday, October 15, 2005 9:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont understand why liberals cant say facts and just complain and make fun of people. liberals just need to learn their stuff and state facts. they need to stop with the name calling.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 12:40:00 AM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Right on, anonymous!

Sunday, October 16, 2005 3:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Another conservative teen! I thought we (http://bloghogger.blogspot.com) were the only teenagers interested in politics out there. Anyway, I'll link to your blog, yo.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 4:26:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

gayle said... most liberals believe Conservatives are warmongers who hate poor people!

Yes, that is what I believe. Lie to yourself if it makes you feel like a better person, but you're not fooling me.

gayle said... Why are the liberals and conservatives so seperated?

Because bush is such a terrible terrible president! I support ZERO compromise with bush or any of his supporters. Normally I support compromise 100 percent -- but not with bush! No progress can be made until he is GONE (out of office, impeached, or in jail awaiting execution).

gayle said... terrorism. Should'nt that unite us? I think it should.

bush does not want to stop terrorism. He likes it. 9/11 gave the bush administration an opportunity to put PNAC's plan for the middle east into action.


Sunday, October 16, 2005 6:12:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...


I'm a teen blogger too. I've got a few blogs myself and links to other blogs run by teens and a few others.


Yeah I love killing people, it tickles me fancy. Me and my Conservative friends go around killing people all day. I'm in full support of dropping nukes in every country.

or not. But you can believe I'm like that, I don't care, it only proves that your so called "open mindedness" is a big fat ugly lie. You're not worthy of the word liberal. Your just an anti-Conservative.

Monday, October 17, 2005 3:43:00 AM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

What? It's Bush's fault that libs and cons can't get along? Are you freaking nuts?!

Listen, I don't think Bush is the greatest president, in fact a disagree with what he does a lot, but to blame this on him is just rediculus. But I expected you to say it, everything's Bush's fault, right?

Bush does not love terrorism. Do you like think before you write stuff, or does it just fall out of you rectum? I didn't like Clinton too well, but I never said to "give him the death penalty" or, he's a "satanist" or he's "best buddies with Bin Laden"

But please reply to this, this is really entertaining I must say. Come on, drop a few personal flames, or tell me why Bush should die, it's really funny stuff.

Monday, October 17, 2005 3:59:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

Cody: "Why does this moron live in the US if he hates it so much? Go to Canada, you idiot!"

Because Canada is where all the idiots and morons live?! You can keep your American morons, thanks. We have our own.

And here is something to think about - disagreeing with the way your country is being run does not make a person unpatriotic nor does it mean they hate the place. Thinking the President of the USA is a lying snake-oil salesman also doesn't make a person anti-US. An unpatriotic person wouldn't care enough to have an opinion either way.

All of you love to jump on each other and claim that those of the opposing view-point actually hate your country and that's why they disagree or that's why they are anit-Bush or anti-whatever. In actual fact, it is because they ARE patriotic that they fight to make things better (as they perceive the idea of 'better'.)

Lay down your arms - you're fighting on the same side, you just aren't agreeing on the tactics!

In any case, I think the idea of 'Patriotism' is largely to blame for a lot of the world's problems. I don't mind admitting that I'm no patriot. I don't believe in being loyal to Canada over every other country in the world. Why should I? Are Canadians any more or better humans than anybody else? No, of course not. Would I "fight for my country?". It would depend on the circumstances I guess. If foreign invaders came to Canada trying to kill us for no good reason (and really, the number of "good" reasons for going to war is pretty small, though not non-existant), you bet I would fight. If Canada started an illegal (or immoral / needless) war in another country for what I found to be no good reason, no. Citizenship does not buy my loyalty in that way. I would sooner join up with the oppressed victims of war and fight against my own country than fight for my country and be the oppressor.

No, God does not see country lines - God sees one people that he loves, and I believe that being a Christian that is also what I (and anyone else who calls themself a Christian) should see. God's concern is not for Canada or the U.S. or Iraq or Afghanistan - he didn't create those places. He is concerned with his people and he hates that we ignore justice and compassion and kill each other for our own selfish agendas. And that doesn't stop at the U.S. either. And it doesn't stop at George W. Bush. God hates it when you do it every bit as much as he hates it when Saddam or Bin Laden do it.

Monday, October 17, 2005 9:36:00 AM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Okay, I'll change it to

"move to, Antarctica, you idiot!"

Monday, October 17, 2005 11:33:00 AM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I never said that bush was "best buddies" with bin Laden. Do you think before you write, or are you just pulling this BS out of your butt?

Cody Said... What? It's Bush's fault that libs and cons can't get along? Are you freaking nuts?!

Yes it is bush's fault. No I'm not nuts. Are you?

Cody Said... everything's Bush's fault, right?

bush was itching to invade Iraq from the minute he took office. 9/11 gave him the "political capitol" he needed to carry out PNAC's plan. I can't get through to you (because you're deluded). I've accepted it and moved on. The reason for my last post was to get some humorous replies.

Cody Said... tell me why Bush should die, it's really funny stuff.

I brought this up in a prior thread, and answered that question when Jayson asked it. Go back to that thread for your answer.

I know that you disagree with bush on the subject of borders. Tell me why you think bush is failing to protect our borders. I think it is because he is not interested in protecting America from terrorists sneaking in weapons via Mexico. In fact, he's counting on it. After the next terrorist attack he will declare martial law (after katrina laws were passed making it easier for martial law to be declared).

Monday, October 17, 2005 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

dkfz said...

because you're deluded
because you're deluded
because you're deluded
because you're deluded
because you're deluded
because you're deluded

use a different adjective for once, you're beginning to bore me.

Monday, October 17, 2005 3:09:00 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Saint said...
"Because Canada is where all the idiots and morons live?! You can keep your American morons, thanks. We have our own."

Thanks for the laugh Saint! I almost fell out of my chair! (I'm dead serious. No sarcasm intended whatsoever. I laughed so hard my sides hurt!)

Monday, October 17, 2005 3:11:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You are being deceived by the Antichrist Bush!


The Judgment of God and the Deluding Influence

2:11 Consequently God sends on them a deluding influence that they may believe what is false. 2:12 And so they will all be judged who have not believed the truth but have delighted in evil.

"Consequently" (Greek, dia touto, "for this reason") looks back to the previous verse and the refusal to love the truth by those who are perishing. As such, it also introduces us to the consequence, the moral judgment of God. They consign themselves and are thus consigned to judgment. We must not lose sight of the fact the judgment here proceeds from man's own choice. Because of it's immoral indifference to the truth, God will not only let the world believe a lie, but will send a deluding influence to promote it. "A deluding influence" is literally, "a working of error or delusion". "Working" is energeia, "working, operation, action", but in the New Testament, always of what is supernatural.73

The ultimate consequences for them will be condemnation. Certainly one of the key points of these verses is the very sobering truth that people can so resist the truth that God finally gives them over to greater and greater delusion where they literally wander further and further away so that they believe one lie after another. Plainly, there is no walking the fence, no neutral ground that men may take -- either we respond to the revelation of God in Christ and His truth as we find it in the Bible, or we will believe Satan's lies. To love not the truth leads to rejecting the truth and ultimately to receiving Satan's and the world's lies.

The ultimate consequences for them will be condemnation.

You find the prospect of this happening to you boring?!

Monday, October 17, 2005 4:06:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

So now you're comparing me with satan? Jeez, you're a real mean guy! I'm not angry, your pissed off every time you come on here. I'm just joking around and you turn it into an angry debate.

dkfz, do you have friends? How can someone so angry get along with anyone?

Point is, I'm not here to debate right now. I make a few jokes whilst in a happy mood and you jump on like I threatened you.

Just settle down bud.

Monday, October 17, 2005 4:45:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So now you're comparing me with satan?

I'm not angry. I feel sorry for you.

What's funny is the lengths to which you will go to deny and avoid the truth. For example, my post above does NOT compare you to satan! Your delusion has caused you to miss the point entirely.

I guess what's going on here is actually funny in a sad way. But I do enjoy maudlin humor.

My last post consisted only of a few paragraphs I cut and pasted from bible.org. You characterize my post as an "angry debate", and say I'm "pissed off" -- that's pretty funny. Thanks for the laugh!

Monday, October 17, 2005 5:10:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

btw I agree with gayle that saint's comments about not wanting America's morons was funny.

"America: love it or leave it". Since when has bush been synonymous with America? I don't like how bush is running (ruining) things, so I can leave? That's ridiculous!

Monday, October 17, 2005 5:17:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

I said love America, I said nothing about Bush. Why do you always want to bring Bush into every single post? We all know you hate him, you don't have to remind us twice a post.

MoreLambasBread3: I challenge you to find ONE COUNTRY THATS BETTER THAN HERE
Bulsara37: Russia

Did you read that part? Do you still think he loves America?

Monday, October 17, 2005 5:33:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Bulsara37: USA = shit

How about this part.

Monday, October 17, 2005 5:34:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Did you read that part?

No -- I didn't read Jayson's post. It obviously contained nothing of interest. In any case the "love it or leave it" comment has been applied to liberals in general -- You told me that I hated America in a prior thread. You think I should leave, don't you? (I'm not leaving.)

I did scan it (Jayson's post), and noticed that he mentioned that stupid "100 people" book. I'm currently reading Al Franken's "lying liars" book -- Chapter 6 is titled "I bitch slap Bernie Goldberg". After reading that chapter I knew WHY Al Franken is in Goldberg's "100 people" book...

I also saw Goldberg a few weeks ago on "The Daily Show" where he was bitch slapped by Jon Stewart. Man, that guy is pathetic!

Monday, October 17, 2005 5:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAWN-As a conservative myself you absolutely make me sick. Why do you think Bush is a republican even though he does not practice the fiscal value or responsibility. Don't you dare do the name calling I find it very funny that people even REAL conservatives are being downright persecuted for their beliefs. What's going on with this country our constitution is going down the tubes and do you feed all of the false propoganda from your petty Fox News and tell your little prepubescent oh well I cannot say conservative arrogant smut cronies of yours. Your views are still in a black/white, liberal/conservative format which died for centuries. We are very close of police state and yes if you LOVE Bush he is taking guns away from citizens like us and promoting power to the police yes that's a real fact. You look at hurricane katrina and the damages it caused well who comes over to the citizens yes the police. Your post is one of the most pathetic attempt to defend the leader of the "lies."

If you LOVE Bush then you should love his idea of open borders, this disgusting patriot act, and gun control. Yep you should thank him for that. Well Russia should fit you nicely because you don't have the mental capacity of receiving strong criticism and whenever someone spits on your fearless leader you lash out.

If the country crashes into a financial meltdown will you still stand behind your "leader?"

Monday, October 17, 2005 6:58:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

uhh, who are you talking to? If you're another moron who jumped to the conclusion that I "love" Bush you're in for a rough time. Every single day "why do you love Bush?" I don't, stop making that assumption. I'm a Conservative too, but that doesn't automatically make me a Bush-bot.

You wanna know what makes me sick? You telling me I love everything Bush does when I don't. He makes mistakes, just like every other president. Some bigger than others, and I would rather get a good Conservative in there.

So, when you're done flaming me for something I didn't say, you can respond.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 3:32:00 AM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Your post is one of the most pathetic attempt to defend the leader of the "lies."

That's because I'm not trying to defend him you idiot. I was telling dkfz how the guy hated America, not because of Bush, and I was quoting from the article.

I see you know how to write, but do you know how to read yet?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 3:36:00 AM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Remember when I wrote this?
Right in this thread even.

While we're on this topic I'd like to do a little venting myself.

Why do people keep jumping to conclusions about me?

First they say "why do you agree with everything Bush does"

Other than you who said that?

Or "you hate all Muslims"

I don't hate Muslims at all. I hate Muslims that want to kill us.

Or "you hate all Mexicans"

No I don't. I hate Mexicans that come here illegally and steal our jobs and money.

How about taking the time to comprehend what I said before commenting, and if I wasn't clear, ask first, before you make your rediculus assumptions.

And that's what I am angry about right now and if anyone else jumps to conclusions like me being a racist G.W. boot licker I'll most likely loose it.

stupid moron.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 3:42:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

A little less vitriol, Cody, and a little more understanding. The angry conservative has made some very good points, but had some problems articulating them in a way that was clear to everyone. Instead of name calling and acting like a child in a sandbox, how about asking for some clarification.

You apparently don't like people to assume you are in love with Bush, even though a lot of the things you post on here would seem to suggest that, when you aren't conciously declaring the opposite. So perhaps this guy deserves a little grace and an opportunity to clarify exactly who he is addressing and why.

dfkz: I hear what you're saying, brother, and it is something for us all to be aware of, however there is one problem with your declaration that all who refuse to believe that Bush is the anti-christ are deluded: there is no hard proof yet - no absolute fulfillment of the prophecies that foretold the anti-christ's coming. I do believe it is fair to say that Bush is not what he would like us to believe, and despite having some close friends who are convinced he really is a great Christian, I reserve the right to think for my self and come to my own conclusions on the matter. I have seen very little to say that Bush is a good person or that he has good intentions. However, I also don't have to believe he is the anti-christ.

There was more evidence, 50 years ago, that Hitler was the anti-christ, in my mind, than there is today that GWB is, and yet Hitler was not the anti-christ. And so GWB may also not be anti-christ. Have you ever stopped to think that it may be YOU that is under a delusion? Assume for a moment that GWB is NOT the AC and imagine what might happen to you should the REAL AC make his appearance while you are still stuck on Bush. Now THAT would be a good delusion, don't you think?

I believe that God will reveal this to us in his time, but until that time comes to completion, it is important that we keep our options open so that we don't miss the real deal when it happens.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:22:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

umm wow. looks like dkfz just couldnt stay away. I thought he was done with this blog.

angry conservative patroit: your not a conservative patriot; look at the way you talk. Your no different then the bush bashing liberals. what you are is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

sorry I havent posted in a while guys, schools been. . . difficult. Ill post something either tonight or tommorrow.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:23:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

dfkz: I think what saint is trying to say(not saying that he didnt do it well, im just adding on) is that you just shouldnt be so convinced, because after all, there is a possibility that he is not the AC like saint said.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:58:00 AM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Saint Said... I hear what you're saying, brother, and it is something for us all to be aware of, however there is one problem with your declaration that all who refuse to believe that Bush is the anti-christ are deluded: there is no hard proof yet...

Yes, I realize that what I posted was, essentially a "declaration that all who refuse to believe that Bush is the Antichrist are deluded". However, I composed that post with the sole intention of getting an angry, indignant (and hilarious) response from Jayson, Cody or any other of the bush loyalists who post here. If I had posted it with a bunch of qualifiers it would have taken away all of the bite. These people can't be reasoned with, so I might as well have some fun.

This blog has gone a long way towards convincing me that bush definitely could be the Antichrist. You said yourself (in the thread where we were discussing Abu Ghraib) that I was clobbering Cody and Jayson with the facts (my words). They ignored the facts I presented, presented their own extremely weak "proof" (Rusty Humphries), and ended up simply denying everything by saying "America wouldn't do that". I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty deluded to me.

I not 100 percent convinced, but I think the case is EXTREMELY strong (that bush is the Anti-Christ). In any case, I think he is a very bad President. For instance, both Harriet Miers and John Roberts share a history as corporate lawyers. Coincidence? I don't think so:

[begin Article quote] A new tax break for corporations is allowing the biggest American drugmakers to return as much as $75 billion in profits from international havens to the United States while paying a fraction of the normal tax rate.

The break is part of the American Jobs Creation Act, signed into law by President Bush in October, which allows companies a one-year window to return foreign profits to the United States at a 5.25 percent tax rate, compared with the standard 35 percent rate.

Any company with profits in other countries can take advantage of the law, but the drugmakers have been the biggest beneficiaries because they can move profits overseas relatively easily, independent analysts say.

The money the companies are bringing home has come from many years of using legal loopholes in the tax law to aggressively shelter their profits from U.S. taxes, tax lawyers say. [end article quote]

This is just one example of the steps bush is taking to further America along the path to becoming a full Plutocracy (that means Government by the wealthy, Jayson & Cody).

Note: After today any future posts will contain no hint of any doubt (even if I actually have some). They will be presented as though I believe everything I am writing 100 percent. However, I have never (in the past) posted anything that I didn't strongly believe could be true simply to get a rise out of anyone here -- I want to be absolutely clear about that. It's not something I have, or would do. I don't, and won't lie about my position.

Saint Said... Have you ever stopped to think that it may be YOU that is under a delusion? Assume for a moment that GWB is NOT the AC and imagine what might happen to you should the REAL AC make his appearance while you are still stuck on Bush. Now THAT would be a good delusion, don't you think?

My guess is that you are assuming I have not thought of that -- because I am so convinced bush is the AC I am blinded to all other possibilities. I'm not. I am interested in the TRUTH. If the truth is that bush isn't the final Antichrist I can certainly accept that. The facts are what they are -- either he is or isn't. We will know in due course. If bush leaves the White House in 2008 without incident -- I'll say that he probably isn't the Antichrist. However, I will still believe that he was the most greedy and duplicitous (and possibly evil) US president ever (so far, anyway). Maybe he is doing what he thinks is right -- I don't know since I can't see into his heart. Based on what I know about the man, I have a VERY hard time believing that is even remotely possible.

I know that Jayson and Cody (and a few others) think I am a far-left conspiracy-theorist America-hating liberal crazy -- and that's fine by me. Go ahead and say that all the concessions I just made were only to dispel that perception. Actually I don't care what you believe. You will say this is most likely just another ploy -- which is along the lines of what you said when you attacked Stephen Hanchett. So go ahead and say those things -- I will be disappointed if you don't.

(Interesting link: http://journals.aol.com/setcaptivesfree/EndTimesNewsMyViews/entries/421. I don't believe it, since it says that the "Occultish Left" is the true "Philosophical Home" of the antichrist, but interesting none-the-less.)

Jayson Said... umm wow. looks like dkfz just couldn't stay away. I thought he was done with this blog.

I never said that. Go back and check. I simply said I wouldn't be wasting as much time here in the future. It doesn't surprise me that you have a very selective memory.

Jayson Said... your not a conservative patriot; look at the way you talk. Your no different then the bush bashing liberals. what you are is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

I agree with "Conservative Patriot" -- Bush is neither a Conservative nor a Republican. Of course you don't address any of the points "Conservative Patriot" made -- instead you launch an ad hominem attack. I would expect nothing less from someone as deluded as you obviously are.

(if you don't understand what that means read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_Hominem)

OK -- That took a long time to compose, and was probably a waste of time. I am trying to avoid composing such long and thought out posts (but I am NOT making any promises regarding future posts -- same as I didn't make any promises to stay away before). However, if Saint has any more questions I will try to answer them. (a final concession: you can substitue "deceived by bush" for "deluded" if you like -- since my use of the word "deluded" is a reference to bush being the Antichrist. However, I am going to continue to use "deluded" just because I like it -- and am fairly convinced it is appropriate. Also because Cody obviously dislikes my using it.)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 4:05:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Again, why do you still assume I like Bush? He's left the borders open, he's spent more money than any other president, Miers is a terrible choice. I am not a Bush lover.

And I didn't address "angry conservative patriot" on his disagreements with Bush because he's mostly right. I was mad at him because no matter how many times I say it, someone assumes I'm a Bush lover, I'm not.

Get it through your heads guys, I'm not.

I know that Jayson and Cody (and a few others) think I am a far-left conspiracy-theorist America-hating liberal crazy --

I'll give you the Liberal crazy part. Most liberals are nice, and resonable, your not. I can't even talk to you, a resonable discussion is always turned into a personal flaming debate by you. I don't bother arguing with you anymore because it wastes my time, extremists will never accept that they're wrong once in a while.

And you think I'm a Bush worshipper. deluded satanist. Racist. Warmonger. Right wing extremist lier.

Although it's not true, you can make yourself look bad by believing it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 4:31:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

And you think I'm a Bush worshipper. deluded satanist. Racist. Warmonger. Right wing extremist liar.

You think the only people going to hell are Satanists?

You would have voted for bush. You would vote for bush if he ran for a 3rd term. So you don't "worship" him! That doesn't let you off the hook for all the evil this man has done! He wouldn't be president (and in a position to do evil) if not for people like you!

bush "worshipper": No.
bush supporter: Yes.
deluded: I believe so.
Satanist: No.
Someone who believes he is a Christian: I would guess yes.
An actual Christian: I don't believe so.
Racist: In your mind no. In reality -- most likely yes.
Warmonger: In your mind no. In reality -- Yes.
Right wing extremist: I'm not sure, but I think probably yes.
liar: No, not a liar -- deluded. But you are allowing yourself to be deluded.

I can't even talk to you, a resonable discussion is always turned into a personal flaming debate by you.

You put anyone in this category who hates bush, don't you? He is ruining our country, and I am supposed to be polite -- and say "oh, it's just a different point of view"? I STRONGLY disagree with your "point of view". Since your "point of view" incorporates a lot of bush's lies. It makes me angry (and sad) to hear bush's lies being repeated by someone who actually believes them!

[quote from the 2nd to last page of "lies (and they lying liars who tell them)" by Al Franken]Yes. Lying is a serious matter. And calling the President of the United States a liar is not something I say with any relish or self-satisfaction. I wish with all my heart that our president wasn't a liar, or if he were, that he was more like President Clinton.

Bush lies about important things. Like the economy, his tax cuts, education, our reasons for going to war, and drunk driving. But I think he lies only when he has to. He knows that, most of the time, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and Rush Limbaugh are only too glad to do it for him.

And all the lies, small and large, add up. The create a world-view in which the mainstream media is a liberal propaganda machine. In which Democrats are ruthless, manipulative power grabbers. And also sissies. Where if you're poor, you should blame yourself, and for everything else, blame Clinton. Where Democrats feed a culture of victimhood, but where the real victims are decent, hardworking white males. The right-wing media's lies create a world in which no one needs to feel any obligation to anybody else. It's a worldview designed to comfort the comfortable and further afflict the afflicted.[end quote]

You like the word "flame" don't you? I only called you a moron once (on your blog). All the other "flames" have been rather low-key in my opinion (mainly consisting of calling you deluded). btw: I posted an apology for calling you a moron on gayle's blog, but she deleted it. I have no idea why. I used the words "I apologize", and she called my comments "rude". Oh well, I was thinking of deleting that post myself, which was why I returned (and found that it was already gone).

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To young little Cody:
I was NOT talking to you was I? I don't think so. But since you like to get personal about this let me tell you what I think... It is obvious you hate this country no matter what. If you support Bush and his phony terrorism mantra/propoganda then you support the suppression of freedom, the RFID tag, the cashless society just to name a few. He is just another lying tool from the Illuminati and an opportunist to take advantage of OUR liberties. You do not deserve the name conservative. You are more of an arrogant self righteous prick so don't think of libeling me little boy.

BTW gotta love that sig of yours. Yeah that whole Eagle sig with the six star of david formation. It is an obvious occultic symbol not the symbol to identify with the Jews. But you are too self rightous to see it and I commend your prepubesent smut.

To unpatriotic BC08: I would take that as a compliment. I think NOT. Yes that post I sent was about your pointless and BORING attempt to make liberals bad. But I am going to be personal about this...if you want to defend your leader then you should move to Communist China. They would give you the same hospitality like Guantanamo Bay.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 6:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw BC08 what's the difference between dems and republicans even though they are working on the same goal. Manipulation, deception, and confusing the public. I am so sick of people like you who claims to be conservative but no clue about the definition. Look up on Paul Roberts or Ron Paul they are the REAL conservatives. Not those O'Reilly/Hannity Hypocrites and sickening little snakes like Roberson.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 6:39:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

For the fourth time angry conservative patriot, I'm not a Bush fan. In fact he lied to us yesterday. Yes LIED. In fact what he's doing is WRONG, RACIST, and not to mention he's LYING about it.

He said he would get all illegals out of America. But in fact he is only keeping OTM (other than Mexicans) out of America.

He lied, he's racist, he's spending like a retard.

Again, I am not a Bush fan.

Kind of funny you think the US seal is occultic. And you're calling me un-american? How very entertaining.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:37:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

yes I know what the definition of conservative is. It means close minded to thier own opinion. and I am that. The fact is that liberals arent liberals anymore either. We call them liberals, but they arent open minded to my opinion as they attack me.

And wow, cody said that you made some good points, and you freak out and call him an unpatriotic bush lover even though he just layed it out for you in black and white? You are truly unbelievable. Just keep on lashing out at us. Its what you do best, right?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:29:00 AM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

"yes I know what the definition of conservative is. It means close minded to thier own opinion"

...mmaybe, but it's mostly

Fiscal Conservatism
Traditional family values
against reverse discrimination (Affirmative Action)
Lowering taxes

That kind of thing.

But it's actually pretty hard to put a definition to a political ideology.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:48:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

thanks for clearing that up I guess I was referring to the opposite of liberal which I am. I can see why people would think that way. I can see how they would think something like that. but I also see how they are wrong.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:00:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm not going to go into detail -- but here are some quick comments regarding cody's post about what it means to be a Conserative.

Fiscal Conservatism (selfishness. I got mine, and that's all they care about.)
Traditional family values (hatred of homosexuals.)
pro-military (chickenhawk. waste. Halliburton.)
pro-gun (everyone has a RIGHT to own an assult weapon!)
against reverse discrimination - affirmative Action (meaningless mumbo-jumbo)
Lowering taxes (for the wealthy.)
security (Is this a Iraq reference? Terrorism has INCREASED because of Iraq! Bush has made us LESS secure!)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:15:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Fiscal Conservatism (selfishness. I got mine, and that's all they care about.) Everysingle person is in charge of him/herself. Were just following that simple guidline.
Traditional family values (hatred of homosexuals.) No, its belief in the fact that homosexuality is an abomination(Gods opinion) We dont hate homosexuals. at least I dont. I have 3 friends that are homosexuals and I dont hate them one bit.
pro-military (chickenhawk. waste. Halliburton.) what are you talking about? I might be wrong, but do you think that the military is a waste of time or something?
pro-gun (everyone has a RIGHT to own an assult weapon!) Thats true. Im glad we agree on that.
against reverse discrimination - affirmative Action (meaningless mumbo-jumbo) Wow. you dont understand what hes saying do you? lol your really making yourself look stupid here.
Lowering taxes (for the wealthy.)No, lowering taxes for everybody. You people are interested in heightening taxes on the wealthy - money they earned themselves.
security (Is this a Iraq reference? Terrorism has INCREASED because of Iraq! Bush has made us LESS secure!) Thats because most islamic terrorists werent pissed off enough to commit terrorism. but now were taking them out, and theyre angry. there may be more terrorism now, but in 20 years, 90% of terrorism will be wiped from the face of this earth.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:46:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

wait - scratch that - AT LEAST 90% of terrorism.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:47:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

"but now were taking them out, and theyre angry. there may be more terrorism now, but in 20 years, 90% of terrorism will be wiped from the face of this earth. "

It makes me very nervous to see how giddy you seem to be about the idea of an entire people-group being exterminated. Sieg Heil? Anglo-saxon uber alles??!

That scary, man.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:41:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Everysingle person is in charge of him/herself. Were just following that simple guidline.

"Personal Responsibility", "Class Warfare", "Culture of Life", "Privatization". I've heard of them. They are Republican catch-phrases (and smokescreens) designed to put a positive spin on (or detract attention from) their evil agenda.

No, its belief in the fact that homosexuality is an abomination(Gods opinion)

Nonsense. It's hatred.

We dont hate homosexuals. at least I dont. I have 3 friends that are homosexuals and I dont hate them one bit.

You agree that they should be treated like second class citizens. You think they're going to hell. I think those two facts speak for themselves.

I might be wrong, but do you think that the military is a waste of time or something?

I'm talking about Halliburton and Dick Cheney. There is a lot of money to be made if you are in the business of war profiteering.

Are you aware that the value Dick Cheney's Halliburton stock options has increased 3,281% since 2004?(http://rawstory.com/news/2005/Cheneys_stock_options_rose_3281_last_1011.html). Certainly this is a Conflict of Interest.

During World War II Harry Truman referred to some forms of war profiteering as "treason".

Everyone has a RIGHT to own an assult weapon! That's true. Im glad we agree on that.

I STRONGLY DISagree. But you knew that, didn't you?

you don't understand what he's saying do you? lol your really making yourself look stupid here.

I understand completely. Young White Males are the LEAST discriminated against! To cry foul on this issue shines a spotlight on your cold hearted selfishness. You don't want to give anyone else the chance to get ahead.

No, lowering taxes for everybody. You people are interested in heightening taxes on the wealthy - money they earned themselves.

It's called a progressive income tax, and I support it 100 percent. Supply side economics do NOT work! bush's father called Supply side Economics "Voodoo Economics" (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/270292.stm). It is all part of bush's plan to make the rich richer and the poor poorer!

The simple fact is that "supply-side economics" doesn't work. On paper, it sounds like a decent idea -- the wealthy get their taxes lowered, so they spend more, putting it back in the economy, and everybody gets richer. But there's a problem: the wealthy don't spend that extra money. They save it, so that we get big piles of money not doing anything to help the economy, which means you're faced with a trade-off. Either the economy stagnates (and the poor and middle class certainly aren't benefitting) or we have inflation, because more money is needed. Republicans, who generally like this system, will do anything to keep down inflation (which isn't good either) so that doesn't leave great options. And since the economy wasn't boosted, the government doesn't get back the revenue that it would have had from taxing the rich, so we have to cut spending from social programs or go into massive deficit (both Reaganomic tenets) or both. In simpler terms for those who are less intelligent: the system is a fiasco, a farce, and a failure.

...but now were taking them out, and they're angry. there may be more terrorism now, but in 20 years, 90% of terrorism will be wiped from the face of this earth.

Total nonsense. Do you have a link to back that up, or did you pull that stat out of your butt?

Maybe you meant that 90 percent of terrorism will be wiped out because everyone will be dead after bush starts WW3?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:25:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

Just so you don't use the "traditional family values" thing against me, I am NOT against gay marraige. I beleive it's their choice and everyone should be treated the same. That is why I am against Affirmative Action, everybody should be treated the same, regardless.

I know I'm dissapointing a lot of conservatives here but I have my beliefs and I'm not embarassed to state them honestly.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:42:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

no, saint, I dont. I hate it as much as you do. Either kill them, or they will plan, attack, and run. And after that, they will plan, attack, and run some more.

"Nonsense. It's hatred."

I am practically QUOTING these words from the bible buddy! I think its leviticus 22:18.

There is no such thing as gay marraige. marraige is defined as one man and one woman. in the bible. but your not christian, or at least you dont have christian values.

"It is all part of bush's plan to make the rich richer and the poor poorer!"

if thats what happens when everyone recieves equal taxes-then fine. If the poor are going to remain poor by not getting up and making something of themselves-then thats too bad. I am not going to give them free money. I will not give them something they have not earned.

oh and guess what? Owning an assault weapon equals two things. no 1: freedom to bear arms. No 2: SELF DEFENSE.

When I get a car the first bumper sticker Im going to put on it is "Buy a gun - piss of a liberal"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:03:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You are so very, very wrong. about everything.

Here's a website you might like:

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Cody,

Now since you have seen the light about how politicans are corrupt snake I take everything back for what I say...

BC08 PREPOSTEROUS! You still know nothing about conservatism and blindly follow your leader of lies. Let alone your arrogance and hotheadedness consumes you. A friend of mine sent this rant to someone so I think would fit you

"...and oh said the shit are you really gonna die without saying hi to the leader of the lies and leave your soul on the other side and wish the truth would pass you on by and judge others by the bullshit you allow to fill in your eye and close that mind you call your own tell the world you are dead. The stupid will always listen but never wonder why let alone...listen are you not here to learn but instead you close your mind and kill your soul and let all that is real go let your self become nothing as you strive for it to be. Become one with your lord and serve the darkness that has become you and you never since the day of your creation bothered to wonder why just follow the fools and jump to your death and never understand what is said because of the bullshit in your head punk bitch open your fucking eyes and then open your fucking mind and the open your minds eye and then you may begin to realize what intuition really is and quit being a superficial whore."

from an anonymous friend

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:18:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

dfkz: yeah Ive seen that, and let me let you know that those people are not part of my party and give us a bad name. god doesnt hate the sinner he hates the sin.

angry dude: it doesnt consume me. I let it out here.lol

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:49:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What does the piss of a liberal have to do with buying a gun?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:42:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

In recent months I have considered buying a gun, mostly because I live in a heavily wooded areas where bears are known to frequent and I like to go for long walks at night. That said, were I ever to buy a gun, it would be a 9mm pistol (or hell, maybe a desert eagle just because they look hella cool and make a lot of noise).

But please take the time out to listen to what you are saying. Unless you live in downtown Tikrit, no one needs an assault weapon for self-defense - that's just overkill plain and simple, which seems to be an overriding theme of the current administration as well.

And by the way, why do anything just to piss off liberals? Do things or say things because you believe in them, not because you know it'll piss off the other guy. That is something that pre-school children do, and it gives conservatives a very bad name.

"I am not going to give them free money. I will not give them something they have not earned."

How can you call yourself a Christian with an attitude like that? In all the time you have been going to church and going through all the motions of a good like religionist, have you never, once, realized the basic truth behind it all - that we, ALL OF US, are beggars. What Christ gave to each of us was not only unearned, but not even possible for us to earn. In this same spirit, Christ COMMANDS us to give to the poor and the needy WHETHER THEY EARN IT OR NOT. It isn't an idea or a suggestion, it is a COMMAND. Strange though that Christ never commanded (or even suggested) that anyone persecute gay people or fight against same-sex marriage. We have come to those decisions ourselves, for right or for wrong, and devote ourselves to it, meanwhile completely ignoring and disobeying DIRECT COMMANDMENTS from God.

And by the way Jayson, I don't want to see any more of this "I'm practically quoting the Bible" crap. Quote the Bible, or don't. "Practically" quoting the word of God is what cult leaders do.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:56:00 AM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Well said Saint! But your wise words are completely lost on Jayson -- NO Republican can understand this basic truth. It goes against everything they stand for.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:49:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

"NO Republican can understand this basic truth. It goes against everything they stand for. "

Complete crap. Conservatives are neither evil nor retarded by nature. They simply hold to certain values and beliefs that Liberals don't. The same can be said of Liberals. So what? The use of hyperbole to describe those with an opposing view point is assanine.

For example:
The Bush administration says (in action if not always in words) "All arabs are guilty of terrorism and should be shot on-sight."

You would call this arab-hating, and you would be right.

When you say "NO Republican can understand...", I call this republican-hating, and I am also right.


Christ came here out of love for a people that shunned and abused him. He loved the people who nailed him to a piece of wood and hung him up to die of hunger and thirst. He not only asked God to forgive them and bless them, he died in a level of utter agony and despair that no one else could ever know, so that the very people who killed him might be redeemed.

Compared to that, your petty little arguments about right and left are pathetic and meaningless. Stop using disagreements as an excuse to hate. It is exactly the opposite of the point.

Stop being a republican / Stop being a democrat. Start being a Christian. Start being the church. Everything else is a minor detail.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goody dkfz is back...

Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:46:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

You know, I fail to see why you would have a problem with dkfz being commenting here. He is one of the few people who comments regularly that is actually willing to back up his arguments with solid facts and sources. You should be happy that someone cares enough about these issues to actually SEEK for truth.

I think the reason you don't like seeing dkfz is because you are afraid of his facts, and because you are not prepared to counter his arguments. You could probably learn a lot from his example.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:57:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

I don't know if I would call them facts. I would call them opinions with biased links to back them up. Not to mention he's the most hateful guy on here.

Just read his comments on the next thread up. It's a conspiracy.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:07:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Complete crap. They simply hold to certain values and beliefs that Liberals don't.

I strongly disagree. I find their "values" and "beliefs" to be WRONG. They don't work!

You said "WHETHER THEY EARN IT OR NOT". While a Republican may very well be charitable -- they would NEVER agree with that statement at face value.

Maybe if the person in question was an invalid or mentally handicapped, or brain dead. Even then they would say these people should first be taken care of by their families. If their family couldn't afford it then they would be at fault. If they didn't have any family then Republicans would say faith-based organizations or independant charities should help -- But definitely not the government!

Republicans think that people should be free to give what they want -- that their money shouldn't be "stolen" from them and "redistributed" to the poor. (I just did a google search and couldn't find what I was looking for...) Anyway, I know I read awhile ago that it was a fact that if all charity was left to churches and privately run organizations that it would simply NOT BE ENOUGH. (I'll post a link if I can find what I'm looking for later.)

The statement you made -- "WHETHER THEY EARN IT OR NOT" -- most certainly is diametrically opposed to what Republicans stand for!!

Compared to that, your petty little arguments about right and left are pathetic and meaningless.

Again I disagree. If bush is indeed the antichrist, and Jayson is allowing himself to be deluded by bush's lies... I don't think that is "meaningless". I think it is the only thing that has any meaning at all.

Even if bush isn't the antichrist, he still is running our country into the ground! I don't think that is "meaningless" either.

Stop using disagreements as an excuse to hate. It is exactly the opposite of the point.

bush's policies HURT PEOPLE. bush's polices HURT this country. I think I have a right to be angry.

When you say "NO Republican can understand...", I call this republican-hating, and I am also right.

As Jayson says -- hate the sin and not the sinner. No, I can't say that, because I disagreed when he applied the same logic to homosexuals... but I still stand by what I said. If they understood it they wouldn't be Republicans. "Compassionate-Conservatism" is an oxymoron.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:15:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I admit it, I don't like Republicans, OK? However, "hate" is a very strong word. I have hope that at least some of them can be rehabilitated. I don't hate the common rank-and-file Republican. I hate their lying leaders and the lying right wing media pundits they listen to. These people are despicable.

Cody Said... It's a conspiracy.

[following is a quote from my post on the "Bush did NOT steal the Election" thread]

No conspiracy theorist, and no fan of John Kerry's, the author nevertheless found the Ohio polling results impossible to swallow: Given what happened in that key state on Election Day 2004, both democracy and common sense cry out for a court-ordered inspection of its new voting machines.[end quote]

Did you miss that part? I think there is genuine reason to believe that SOMETHING is amiss -- but the whole thing was quietly swept under the carpet...

I would call them opinions with biased links to back them up.

Nonsense. I've posted a few links to "Common Dreams", if that is what you mean by "biased". Most of my links have been to stories from respectible news organizations. Your problem is that you simply refuse to believe the truth.

Not to mention he's the most hateful guy on here.

That's total nonsense.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is always bad form to publish the contents of a chat without the consent of the chatter. Uncool.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:47:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

"If they understood it they wouldn't be Republicans. "Compassionate-Conservatism" is an oxymoron."

Like I said earlier, I have nothing against gays or gay marraige, so don't over generalize this. And yes I am a Conservative Republican, I just don't have the Mainstream Conservative opinion.

Again, don't over generalize this. Not all Conservatives have the same beliefs.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:51:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I have nothing against gays or gay marraige.

I was talking about charity. Still, I do find it a little strange that you don't agree with Jayson on this one. You still think they're going to hell, don't you?


In recent months, however, some activist judges and local officials have made an aggressive attempt to redefine marriage.

After more than two centuries of American jurisprudence, and millennia of human experience, a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization. Their actions have created confusion on an issue that requires clarity.

America is a free society, which limits the role of government in the lives of our citizens. This commitment of freedom, however, does not require the redefinition of one of our most basic social institutions. [end bigoted quote]

Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:06:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

You still think they're going to hell, don't you?

Absolutly not. Please don't jump to conclusions on me. Like I said, I'm not a mainstream Conservative. There are a few things I agree with the Democrats on. This topic is one of them.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People like dfkz and bulsara should be sent to the front. Witness what happens in war and why we do it. Witness Saddam's touture of his people. Witness terrorists cutting of heads, then come back and have liberals spit at them. Then they'd see why we fight and how great America is.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 12:16:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

Have YOU been there, darksaturos?

Monday, October 24, 2005 9:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you ignorant or just plain blind:

Witness terrorists cutting of heads

one of the most distrustful organization the CIA...

Monday, October 24, 2005 6:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't need to go. I've read accounts. I've listened to the soldiers on radio programs. Soldiers who have been injured, had their throats burned out and STILL support the war.

Order of Chaos, was that directed at Saint or me? Just wondering.

In advance if it was at me then there are videos of it happening. If not never mind.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 1:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who does the soldiers stand for protecting the constitution or serving to the Illuminatis for Clintons, Bushes, Johnsons, and the Nixons? I find it laughable that they support the war and fall into an illusion that they are serving to the country. They are serving to the self interests of the globalists. By all means the president does not care about you or anyone else for that matter.

http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg96740.html check out these links


Separate cases? I think not and this is not a conspiracy theory

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I listen to them call a radio program and pledge support to the war. Many of them. You don't know anything, you are completly ignorant.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please read the last part

Who does the soldiers stand for protecting the constitution or serving to the Illuminatis for Clintons, Bushes, Johnsons, and the Nixons?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 6:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did read it, it was so poorly written I didn't understand it...

Thursday, October 27, 2005 5:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's make it simple

The soldiers who do they stand for:
the Constitution or serving to the Illuminati's of Bushes, Clintons, Nixons, Reagans etc?

Friday, October 28, 2005 8:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They stand for America and spreading freedom actually.

Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was not part of my question and it was not elaborated enough. If you are going to provide mediocore answer without providing me any of your claims.

Hey what about sovereignty wasn't America a sovern nation we were not suppose to "conquer" and globalize the world to their standards.

Saturday, October 29, 2005 6:17:00 PM  

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