Thursday, July 14, 2005


"THURSDAY, July 26 (HealthScoutNews) -- To sleep, perchance to have nightmares. That may be your lot in life if you're a conservative Republican, while your liberal Democrat friends enjoy nightly flights of fancy.
A California researcher says his study suggests that your political views may predict the trends in your dreams.
Kelly Bulkeley, an author and lecturer on dream research at California's Santa Clara University, says, "The people on the right were much more likely to have nightmares than people on the left. Their nightmares had more fear, aggression and helplessness, while the scary stuff among people on the left was moderated by other elements that offered some possibility of hope or power to deal with a frightening situation."

In his study, Bulkeley asked 56 students about their political beliefs: "I picked just the people who were ideologically pure, people definitively on the left or right."
He found 14 conservatives and 14 liberals on the far sides of the political spectrum. He then asked them about the most recent dream they remembered. "Given a couple minutes, most people will remember something," he says.
"There's a lot of evidence to suggest that learning about a single dream gives you a good picture of a person's dream life," though he says more can be learned by the more difficult task of tracking dreams over several weeks.
Bulkeley discussed his findings recently at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Dreams at the University of California (UC) at Santa Cruz.
He says the conservative people reported frightening dreams of family members being murdered and of threats to children. One man dreamed his hair fell out, and he couldn't do anything about it.
"The people on the left tended to have dreams that were more bizarre and fanciful, with more unusual settings, characters and actions," Bulkeley says.
People on the left weren't immune to nightmares, but their dreams were different, he says. One young man dreamed about being in a room with a huge telephone keypad that he had to press in a specific order. "Unlike some of the nightmares on the right, where there's utter bleakness or despair, he has three friends telling him how to do it up on a balcony," Bulkeley says.
While the differences between conservative and liberal dreams are clear, the reasons for them aren't, Bulkeley says.
"Maybe they reflect greater inner conflict (in conservatives). They're more anxious or insecure, and people on the left are more secure, less anxious and more imaginative or creative," he says.
Or, he says Republicans simply could have a better handle on the world.
"As my conservative friends like to point out, it may be that people on the right have a greater realism, a sensitivity to the threats and dangers out there in the world, while people on the left are irrational and caught up in their own fantasies. Their heads are off in the clouds," he says.
Bulkeley acknowledges his study was small, while another dream expert says more research clearly is needed.
Veronica Tonay, a psychology instructor at UC Santa Cruz, says, "People's dreams reflect their similarities and differences, and they do reflect waking concerns."
"Maybe Republicans feel under threat in some way, while Democrats seem to be seeking more harmony," she says.
No matter whom you vote for, nightmares are entirely normal; feelings of fear or anxiety make their way into 65 percent of dreams, Tonay says.
"Nobody knows what the function of dreams are, but we hypothesize that they serve as some type of emotional balancing function," she says. "They clear your mind of stuff that's been emotionally charged. If you have extreme emotions during the day, and you're not aware of them, you'll have them at night."

Now I showed this to one of my friends and he said that all this shows is that republicans are paraniod. And I said that if being paranoid means knowing whats out there, how and when to fight it, and seeing the big picture unlike liberals who are too bogged down in details to see the forest through the trees, then yes, I would choose paranioa over "normalty"

the liberals are too caught up in thier own fantasy of some utopian dream where everything would be fine and dandy if bush and republicans didnt exist, and if everyone would exept gays, against gods word. But we conservatives see the great picture, we know whats going on.

Keep dreaming.

Ironic note: The link to this report orginally came from a post on Stevens Site about Conservatism being a degenerative mental illness:

Ironic that it eventually proved to him my point. But of course he dismisses it, as he dismisses all truths.


Blogger saint said...

I hate to resort to the lowest common denominator here, but bud - you're 15 years old - you have no idea "what is out there" nor do you have a "better handle on the world". Until you get out of high school you have no idea what the real world looks like or the systems of power and control that exist within it.

I can say this as a relatively young adult (26ish) - my high schools are still vivid in memory so I know what I was like and what my friends were like. You are coming to all sorts of conclusions based on VERY loose assumptions (not facts) that weren't even yours to begin with. This more than anything demonstrates the mentality you are still within.

Again I don't say these things to condemn you, but you make you aware that as time goes on and you become more adult, your perspectives will change, and you need to be careful that as an adult you don't look back with regret on things you did or said as a teenager.

Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:37:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

No, they aren't. What made you think they were?

Friday, July 15, 2005 8:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I showed this to one of my friends and he said that all this shows is that republicans are paraniod. And I said that if being paranoid means knowing whats out there, how and when to fight it, and seeing the big picture unlike liberals who are too bogged down in details to see the forest through the trees, then yes, I would choose paranioa over "normalty"

the liberals are too caught up in thier own fantasy of some utopian dream where everything would be fine and dandy if bush and republicans didnt exist, and if everyone would exept gays, against gods word. But we conservatives see the great picture, we know whats going on.

Keep dreaming if republicans are paranoid. Just Bush and his misAdministrations look are delusional.

On a serious note saint made a real good point. I once think I know everything while stuck in my little "world." By all means you don't want to grow and have the same mentality as you did right now. Someday you would realize that all of these parties are the same elite group.

If you want to discuss about real dreams look along about futuristic psychic dreams.

Friday, July 15, 2005 8:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what an awful blog post. try saying something worth while rather than all this b-s about paranoia.

for the record, i'd rather be normal than paranoid about "threats" that really don't exist on the scale you assume.

grow up and develop your opinions.

Friday, July 15, 2005 9:07:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Friday, July 15, 2005 11:40:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

great site!

Friday, July 15, 2005 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't take them seriously. This site is a complete joke.

Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:10:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

a complete joke, eh? Your very funny. Maybe your the joke.

Saturday, July 16, 2005 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Courtesy of El Shrubbo, the nightmares the Goppers have are now introduced to billions of people, from the uninsured in Peoria to the blown-up in Baghdad.

Saturday, July 16, 2005 3:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so thats where do plagarise all your profoundly stupid ideas from.

Now I understand why your writing sounded like a fifteen year old. Not because you are fifteen but because is from the mouth of the racist ("a world without gays, feminists or non-Christians wouldn’t be all that terrible") Right Wing Republican.

Sadly it seems racism and republicanism, is it a devilish symbiotic relationship!

Sunday, July 17, 2005 12:18:00 PM  
Blogger CJ Srullowitz said...

Saint, you can't say that someone has no right to think or have an opinion because of his age.

I never hear anyone complain about all the college students repeating all the liberal mantras without so much as a modicum of thought.

Sunday, July 17, 2005 4:35:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Hey mr jones look at post no 6. You see that time? 11:40? I found that site only a few hours before. Go look at that site and read old posts. You will not find any comments from me. No, my ideas come from myself, having researched issues, and I have facts to support my opinions. I was sick and tired of ditzes and stoners and morons at my school bashing the president, but not knowing a thing about it. So I decided to counter this by becoming politically aware, then by talking to them about it. Turns oout they didnt know a damn thing about it, all they could say was, "bush is bad" or "lets make peace with the terrorists" or the classic one "talk to my dad about it"

The liberals have done a good job at making it look like "anybody but bush" in the political world. I for one am coming to his defense.

Sunday, July 17, 2005 6:44:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

oh yeah and good point cloojew

Sunday, July 17, 2005 6:44:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

Hey, you're getting attacked by the libs and taking Hanchett's fun away... good work... LOL!

I will say as a man in my 40's, that this 15 year old has much more sense than any liberals I know, and that includes Corporate CEO's, who I've found have basically zero common sense and tend to get by on smoozing others with lies and dinner parties.

You all should read this article, very straight forward with proof positive that Bush is one of the best president's to date, and far superior to any democrat.

Bush well on way to meeting deficit promise Link:

Of course no amount of factual evidence will ever convince libs of that. But that's OK, they'll just stay sucked into the deceptions of democrats and liberal media while everyone else moves ahead.... heck, libs bit on the Rove thing for the umpteenth time didn't they? Morons!

Monday, July 18, 2005 12:03:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

Cloojew: I wasn't implying that a 15-year old can't have an opinion. Anyone can have an opinion, but that doesn't mean it is a well informed or mature opinion. BC08 likes to think that because he imagines himself to be a republican that this makes him "more aware" of what is happening in the world. What I was pointing out is that, as a 15 year old who hasn't even gotten through the highschool phase of his life yet, he hasn't seen anything yet.

Unfortunately it is a lesson that I did not believe when I was in that place, and I have little hope that BC08 will either.

Monday, July 18, 2005 8:17:00 AM  
Blogger brianna said...

First of all, it's low to attack a guy just because he's 15. He happens to be one of the most articulate 15 year olds I know, although a bit too dependant on talk radio.

About dreams, if that's true I'm a total liberal. I have the most awesome dreams... Maybe you should go a little to the left just to experience this. :)

Monday, July 18, 2005 9:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a Man who is in his 40s you haven't learned anything about history. You proven my point how much hatred and far right you are. Since you defend the president, did you ever enlist in the military? At least met people who are veterans and what impacted them from the war? What will it accomplish?

What if Bush came in for a third term and the 4th?

I don't want to hear liberal loser this and liberal morons that because you are not by any chance a christian...You are the opposite of christianity.

You fail to resort that both parties are the same and never to see the big pattern there. Clinton initially started the health care ID card as another source of stripping our rights away. Then this whole BS about the drug war during the Reagan Administration towards Bush II. Several people close to the administrations were killed or mysteriously suicided. Included Gary Webb, Vince Foster, and Hunter Thompson. Just only a few who were getting close of what really happened with all of the drug epedemic on the streets or the transferrence of the drugs imported into this country. Going back to the ID thing we are in a police state where we are bing fingerprinted for groceries. That is criminal. Now the HR 508 which offers a world ID replacing passports and provides the crucial information about yourself.

I don't think you would take this seriously and simply accuse me as a "liberal." Here is a reality, Bush is NOT a republican, he does not represent this country, he never cared about the troops, his oil busniess raised up the gas prices, and is fiscially irresponsible meaning he cares about order and chaos. I don't know what more I can provide you.

Monday, July 18, 2005 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are both idiots in mass company. No matter political association, race, color or creed. We, the common, are expendable. We are currently being replaced by our neighbors to the south and other allied nations with workers/consumers who are willing to settle for less by giving more. Americans are owned and operated by Corporate America. STAY HOME do nothing, no phone, no TV, buy nothing for just ONE DAY and say MORE to Corporate America than a thousand demonstrations.

Monday, July 18, 2005 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

Okay where is the mental breakdown occurring that allows people to start wildly throwing assumptions around that are based on absolutely nothing? I mean, nothing, not even personal thought or feeling on the subject. Its like I just went outside for the first time and decided that the sky is blue because we're all inside a gigantic blueberry popsicle and anyone who thinks otherwise must be a communist.

fleen bean: How do you suppose that you can come to any kind of rational conclusion about what I was like in high school when you don't even know what I'm like NOW? You didn't know me in high school and certainly nothing I've said on this blog evens alludes to anything I did or said in high school aside from the obvious fact - when I was 15 years old (or 18, as the case may be) I thought I knew all sorts of things about all kinds of different subjects. As I have grown up and matured I've realized that is not the case. I'm sure that when I look back on myself 20 years from now I will also have to chuckle and think to myself "If I only knew then what I know now...".

Wisdom and discernment and "having a handle on the world" are not static things - they grown and evolve as we grow and widen our horizons and experience more of God. For any 15 year old (regardless of relative intelligence or maturity) to claim to have a "better handle on the world" than "all the whiny liberal losers" is nothing more than childish arrogance.

Monday, July 18, 2005 2:13:00 PM  
Blogger Silas said...

It's great to see another conservative
blog. The question of "why aren’t you over there fighting" always seems to come up when talking about war in general. They are just trying to steer around the main issue by attacking something unrelated. basically in debate lingo, a straw man

Keep posting!

Monday, July 18, 2005 2:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ottmann's link is

Monday, July 18, 2005 2:27:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

that link doesnt work.

Monday, July 18, 2005 3:47:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

yes perfect sense! that was definetly some good insight for me. thankyou! I was beginning to think saint was right.

Monday, July 18, 2005 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You say you tried to make yourself "politically aware"

and many of your readers talk about "idiot liberals". I wish that rather than just using immature insults you would present an argument that doesn't rely on liberal bashing, bizarre dream analysis and actual says something important.

Maybe then I'd actually respect what you have to say but at the moment you just seem like another 15 year old whose only methods of argument are insults, hyperbole, religious hatred, Christian extremism, completly impartial statistics and generalisations which make lower the level of political discourse in this god-forsaken country.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:15:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

I am right BC08 - 5 years from now you will have a good chuckle about the social development and political awareness you had at age 15. 10 years from now you will laugh at the social development and political awareness you had at age 20.

With luck, someday you will be able to come to a place of realization that politics don't matter. Left and Right don't matter. Pro-this or pro-that don't matter. All that matters is one thing - What does God think about it? Once you come to that place you will see that Liberal, Conservative / Democrat, Republican all amount to same thing - nothing - without the LOVING guidance of the father to lead you down path of truth, regardless of whether you colour yourself blue or red (neon pink for all God cares about colours.)

Someday I hope your eyes will be opened enough for you to realize that God and Christianity are not about the 2 or 3 issues that resonate with our "side" (for republicans its same-sex marriage, abortion and stem-cell research and for democrats its social justice, the environment and peaceable foreign policy). It is about ALL the issues, or none of them. I have never disagreed with you about same-sex marriage and abortion being important and very spiritual issues for today's world - what I'm saying is that these are NOT the only issues and not even really the MOST IMPORTANT issues. They are no more "important" or "spiritual" issues than stewardship of the environment or taking care of the poor. The Bible has something to say about all of that and we should, as Christians and as free people, be getting behind ALL of the issues, because ALL of the issues are important.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 9:02:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Saint, I am aware of that whole spheal, but you dont seem to understand where im coming from.

Im talking about how people think, thier natural thinking processes and how they come to conclusions on things. liberals tend to be more imaginative, so much in fact, that they apply it to real life. I am aware that this side that side doesnt matter. I know that the only thing that matters is what god thinks of it. But I do believe that the most things the right believe in, is what god belives. I know that god abhors war, but I think under the circumstances it was the right course. And of course god is against abortion, I think we all know that. He is also against homosexuality, he didnt make us in a way for men to to have intercourse with men and women with women in a natural way, and there are many things in the bible against homosexuality. Living Positive, a gay liberal on hanchetts site, even admits it!

"Yes I know - the gays are sinners. Let it rest - we are all sinners"

Well we may all be sinners, but living a sinful lifestyle and continuing to live in one is mocking god and taking advantage of his gift of eternal life, and in this way you are giving you immortal soul to satan on a silver pladder. God is closer to being a republican than a democrat!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 4:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we may all be sinners, but living a sinful lifestyle and continuing to live in one is mocking god and taking advantage of his gift of eternal life, and in this way you are giving you immortal soul to satan on a silver pladder. God is closer to being a republican than a democrat!

So if you are speaking that god takes sides with republicans when will you learn that you are desecrating his name with political identification. That is NOT christian of you. God doesn't take sides and you will be judged with your sanctimonious actions.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 6:12:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

you dont get it. Im not talking about god taking sides with anyone. Im talking about christains knowing him, having a personal relationship with him, and in that these so called "religious right" take the on the true image of god. Having researched and known what it says in the bible, it shows that god is against abortion, againts homosexuality, and against war. but as I said before, it was the right choice under the circumstances. And I think god knew that.

what I am trying to say is that since the majority of christians are republicans, that republicans are truly gods views, and the christains have truly followed gods will.

To put it simply, God didnt choose our side, we chose gods side.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

proof about homosexuality?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so if they are siding with god then why these so called christians are following bush?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:49:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

because bush has followed this christian image of god as well, he has shown true christain values, and has been a very brave president, hes made hard choices that he knew he would make the libs go mad. Its true that all alot fits in the whole antichrist thing, but if you look at his term alltogether, hes been a very good president, besides all of the liberals attempts to paint him as an "evil dictator for the new world order"

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:56:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

and you want proof about homosexuality? well thats easy, even without finding a direct quote from it. The Bible defines marraige as one man and one woman, and so does the constitution. There for if homosexuality marraiges are against god, and so is premaritail sex, then there is technically no way that you can be homosexual and not be against God. Premaritial sex is wrong and there is no such thing as a homosexual marraige in the bible. God is obviously against homosexuality.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 9:25:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

You're missing one important thing here. We are all leading sinful lifestyles. Humanity by definition is sinful - it would be impossible, unless we were God incarnate, to not lead a lifestyle of sin. Leading a homosexual lifestyle brings with it a different set of earthly consequences perhaps than whatever sin you and I are committing on a daily basis, but God loves that person as much as God loves you or I or any republican.

And yes, you are right, the Bible does speak out against such things as homosexuality and (indirectly) abortion, which are issues that the republican party has chosen to emphasize. But the Bible also speaks (a lot more frequently, especially Christ himself) about more democrat type issues such as social justice and taking care of the environment.

And there is absolutely no reason to believe that republicans are better or more frequently Christians than anyone else, they are just better religionists and better at using religious jargon in their arguments. That doesn't make them christians. The spirit of religion and the "holier than thou" mindset are in fact quite the opposite to freedom in Christ (anti-christ attitudes, if you will.)

Keep this in mind - the pharisees were also excellent religionists and were similar to the religious right in many respects. They APPEARED to be in tune with God while on the inside they were void. Much like the religious right APPEARS to be Christian, and practices a sort of "Christian Religion" and looking down their noses at those who disagree with their worldview.

But that is something quite different from actually having an intimate relationship with the living God. When one knows truth and love intimately there is no longer a need to condemn others or use truth as a weapon. Jesus never did either of those things, and neither should we.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BC08 you are deluded I don't need your rebuttal here since I am talking to a brickhead...

Saint though these are your opinions I don't agree with your standpoint on homosexuality and abortions. I really don't understand why homosexuality is a sin even though that sodom and gammorah have little known about homosexuality.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:26:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

because its unnatural! its not really that hard to see, all you need to do is open your eyes. . .

Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a legitimate reason than unnatural

Thursday, July 21, 2005 1:04:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

anonymouse, Gods reasons for things are not based on legitamacy. its based on moral values. It shows that in the bible. Are you a christian? If you are then I cant understand your constant defiance of the lord.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 1:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

show me on the bible don't give me it's on the bible...

Thursday, July 21, 2005 3:39:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

Alright, here it is. What to me is the most definitive word from God on the subject on homosexuality.

Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin." (NLT)

The KJV says it somewhat differently - "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

Some people will bring up the point that jewish law no longer applies to Christians, and so some extent that is true - there were a lot of rules given out that were not necessarily talking about things sinful in themselves, but were things that God required his people to sacrifice. Those things have changed somewhat since Christ came to fulfill the law.

But notice the wording there - "This is a detestable sin", "This is abomination". That to me makes it VERY clear what God thinks of it. No, we aren't to stone people to death anymore for committing sins like this - in that the law has changed, but God is not changeable, and something that he calls "detestable" and "abomination" back then, he still thinks the same about today.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 4:03:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

I need to preface that again by saying that I do not believe that homosexuality in and of itself is the worst sin ever or any worse than any other sin that I commit everyday. Certainly gay people are not to be persecuted, but loved despite their sin.

But there is a difference between acknowledging that gay people are no more or less sinful than me or anyone else and taking the next step in saying that it is not a sin at all. God's purposes for his children are that we love one another and lovingly correct bad behaviour and sinfulness. But to minimize the existance of sin is also wrong.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 4:07:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

yeah, ther it is, a direct quote from the bible. (i havent had time to look in the bible about this)
A question: So do you believe that you will go to hell if you die a homosexual and have excepted gods gift of eternal life? I personally think that it is taking advantage of gods gift. I just dont think you can ask jesus to forgive all your sins, be a homosexual for the rest of your self and think that your saved anyway.

Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:32:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

Amen sister - that is exactly what I was trying to get at. I know of many people who have a very deep and intimate relationship with Christ and yet struggle with homosexual urges. For all intents and purposes they could be called homsexual, though they may not be acting on it just like I, as a heterosexual do not act on my urges to have sex with women who are not my wife, or before I was married, having sex with women I was not married to.

Unfortunately I did have sex before I was married, with more than a couple people. It was sinful and I have definately reaped (and am still reaping) the consequences of that. But in an eternal sense - even throughout all of that - I was still saved by Christ's grace.

If black is a color were to die never having fully dealt with her issues surrounding being prideful, according to your logic she would go to hell because she would have died living a sinful lifestyle. The same kind of thing could be said about me.

It is imperative that you remember who you are dealing with - God. For you to suggest that God's grace is not big enough to cover the sin of practicing homosexuality (as we should differentiate between the urge, which is only a temptation, and the practice, which is the sin) is akin to blasphemy.

Friday, July 22, 2005 9:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please explain -->(NLT)

Friday, July 22, 2005 5:14:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

Oh sorry, that is the translation of the Bible I was quoting from - NLT is the New Living Translation, NIV is the New International Version.

I don't know if you know what I mean when I say 'translation'. Because the Bible was written such a long time ago, and obviously not in English, many different groups or people have been translating it since the King James Version came out back in the 1600s I believe. The different translations contain different wording sometimes - KJV contains a lot of 'thee's and 'thou's whereas the NLT puts makes it a little easier to decipher by using contemporay wording and phrasing. Interestingly, the actual meaning has never changed much, but how we read it has. Plus, our knowledge of the original language and our skills at translation have improved and the language that we use continues to evolve, so what we get is a slightly more accurate translation, translated into current english as opposed to 1600's-era english.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 2:33:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

finding a verse in the bible takes a lot more time than finding a subject for a post.

Sunday, July 24, 2005 6:16:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

okay, I'll look in to that.

Monday, July 25, 2005 9:59:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

You mean to tell me that you can find the time to post all kinds of liberal-bashing, conservative-praising and CHRISTIAN view-points on things, and you don't even take the time to find out whether what you are saying is even based on God's word?

You need to smarten up and realize that what you are doing here, when you invoke God's name for the sake of your viewpoints, is being a witness to people. Don't you DARE be telling people what God says about things when you have not even done your homework enough to know that for yourself.

Just because you and your republican friends (or idols) claim to be Christians or claim to be doing what God would want, does not make it true. Jim Jones said that, David Koresh said that. If you want to form opinions then go form your own - get your own information and verify your sources. If you want to tell people that the Bible says this, or the Bible says that, you had been have read it yourself, and know the proper context in which to place it.

Someday you will stand before our lord and we will ask "Jayson, what have you done for me during your life?" And you will say "I have spent my life debunking all those whiny liberal losers who are against you and defended all of the good conversative people who are your friends!"

And God will reply "Jayson.. how would you know who is for me and who is against me when you have never bothered to find out for yourself what I am really about?"

Monday, July 25, 2005 11:22:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

I know its based on Gods word, and I know that what im doing is right. I have been in church all my life and I do know bible versus that support my ideas, what im saying is that I just dont have the time to look them up, not that im assuming that God agrees.

Monday, July 25, 2005 12:29:00 PM  

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