Everyones Shutting Down
Apparently right now is the right time to either end your political blog or start one. Ive seen a lot of blogs today that are closing down, particularly Kirks Blog. Apparently he was tired of people not buying his liberal agenda. I have no problem with that. If he sincerely thought he was preaching the truth, he would keep posting, no matter how tough the going gets. But he's just tired of losing. As for me I will NOT be shutting down my blog.
HI Jayson,
I found your site from the post you left at Gayle’s site (myrepublicanblog.blogspot.com). I am writing this comment to let you know about a few of the sites that I run: unfitnews.com, forum.unfitnews.com, merelewis.com, & forum.merelewis.com . PLEASE feel free to make use of these resources and let others know about them if you want.
Mark Ehrlich (markehrlich.com)
Did you READ his post? You are sick and brainwashed. That is ALL there is to it.
thank you mark. I have a feeling that theyll be useful.
Allisoni balloni: this is what I got out of it. Brainwashed? never heard that one before. keep it up, I'm all for a laugh.
"History will look down on your president and you"
This will happen and when it does I hope you realise that 1,700 American soldiers have died fighting a "threat" that never existed in Iraq. Your countrymen have died.
Shame on you. I hope you do stop blogging and reflect on how families have been left without a father or mother as a direct result of fighting a war against a country who never attacked America. Rather that concentrating on spouting Liberal-hate, or just re-gurgitating Republican propaganda think about the soldiers, and the thousands of civilians who died for no reason.
1,700 American Soldiers lives lost in the Middle East. Thousands dead as a result of Bush and his governments neglect to effectivly deal with the disaster left after Hurricane Katrina hit. The thousands of US citizens in poverty aptly demonstrated for the world to see in New Orleans.
What is Bush going to do to help his own people rise from below the poverty line? Go to war again and spend more money and send this country into even more debt that it can't handle?
I suspect another war would scare everyone into voting for him again
If the USA attacks another country the Republican party will win the next election
If the USA somehow manages to avoid a war, the Democrats will win.
Good luck with spreading the hate when all America needs is love and compassion. Republicans have no compassion, only greed. Democrats aren't much better. You are brainwashed and the sooner you start doing something to help rather than hinder America's recovery the closer you will get to the reality of the being a Christian.
hmmm... the only people who respect one word that you say are Republicans.
Maybe that's because everyone else realises how everything you write is narrow minded trash. Please stop blogging, that or just carrying wasting hours of hour time of your life that you should be spending finding out the facts rather than copy and pasting the fiction.
War against a country that never attacked america. Have you completely lost it? Iraq attacked us in the early 90's, you moron.
Saddam has been in power since 1979. He went to war with us at about 1990, I dont know the exact year. that proves that hes a threat, and one that can be dangerous. He obviously was building up military strength since he first came into power, enough to challenge the power of the U.S. But then he lost, and has been reaccumulating ever since(keep in mind bush's dad was in office at this time). I think he made a deal with al quida, and became the terrorist "patron" if you will. With the help of al quida, he got back up on his feet, and reassesed his strength (Saddam Hussien had the 4th most powerful army before we went to war with him) and prepared to declare war on america by doing some terrorists attacks (9/11) After 9/11, bush saw that saddam needed to be taken out, because saddam pulled this same trick 11 years ago on his dad. He knew what needed to be done, so he did it. Those in this country who didnt have enough forsight and awareness (Liberals) to see it coming, thought that bush went to war for no reason, just wanted the oil.
A lot more souls in iraq would have died had we done nothing about saddam. So we really saved iraq. Say someone has cancer in thier arm. it is spreading and if nothing is done about it, it will spread throughout the body and kill it. So they cut off the arm to save the person. This is the same thing with iraq. We did some damage, but saved it from an evil that would have caused more damage had we done nothing. not to mention future terrorist attacks saddam and al quida would have orchestrated in the future.
So why dont you be happy that our country wasnt bombed again because we took out the major threat. It is true that people have died, and that it is a bad thing. but we have done our job of self defense.
Jason: No, I will keep blogging. Republicans respect what I say cuz theyre the only ones that can understand. I believe that what you liberals believe is narrow minded, and I believe I am right.
"I think he made a deal with al quida, and became the terrorist "patron" if you will. With the help of al quida, he got back up on his feet, and reassesed his strength (Saddam Hussien had the 4th most powerful army before we went to war with him) and prepared to declare war on america by doing some terrorists attacks (9/11) After 9/11, bush saw that saddam needed to be taken out, because saddam pulled this same trick 11 years ago on his dad. He knew what needed to be done, so he did it. Those in this country who didnt have enough forsight and awareness (Liberals) to see it coming, thought that bush went to war for no reason, just wanted the oil."
"saddam and al quida would have orchestrated in the future."
Thats all opinion and conjecture. You are guesseing. It's very pathetic that thats the only argument you have.
By the way I'm not liberal, I just hate Bush, hate Kerry and wish their was a viable alternative. Don't guess that because i hate Bush I am immediatly a Liberal. I'm sure there are plently of republicans who dont think Bush is doing a good job and they certainly wouldn't want to be called Liberals. i would respect what you say a lot more if you avoided massive generalisations.
I may not have proof but everyone knows its obvious. Just keep denying it.
and since I cant tell one anonymous from another, I wont know if its you. sorry.
"everyone knows its obvious"
No thats opinion again. What everyone does know is that it's muslims. and that seems to be enough evidence nowadays for going to war.Its a very sad state of affairs.
I will keep denying it until
Has anyone told you that Bush can't stand again yet?
Bush can't stand as President again, (maximum term etc) so BushCheny08 should surely be CheneyBush08?
I'm not a blogger as I feel spending hours of my life trying to convert people to my exact views is sad. I don't have a username.
Why do I need to like Bush or Kerry? Shouldn't there be any option?
And yes I do like complaining, its my right when you boys right this rubbish
Right is often right, but more often it is wrong. But hey I don't really want another child to argue with.
Uninformed opinions do not water-tight arguments make. And obviously if "everyone knows its obvious" then why would people be arguing about it? It is your opinion, and that is all. There has yet to be shown any evidence that Saddam and Al Qaeda were in cahoots. However the evidence DOES show that Bush's bosom buddies, the Saudis, are very closely linked to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. I wonder why he hasn't gone to war with them yet ..
exactly saint, you're right again
bushcheney08 you need to take some time and answer these questions:
why hasn't bush gone to war with the Saudi's considering the number of 9/11 hijackers were Saudi?
I suspect you'll claim Saudi Arabi has never attacked us, but you must remember never did Iraq.
To bushcheneyo8: You are really attracting a lot of left-wing wacko nut jobs on your site! I know there are many liberals out there who aren't as venemous and downright insulting as some of these who have posted here are. I cannot believe they are telling you to quit posting!! You have every right to your opinion, and I hope you don't take their advice.
Some of the comments astound me. We are fighting a war in Iraq so that we won't have to fight it in this country...and we still might. I don't understand why they don't see that. Yes, soldiers have died. They have died for the rights of everyone in this country to be free and to say what they think. Our freedom of speech was won that way. Our soldiers are hero's fighting for America. Only a fool would think otherwise. But when some liberals don't like what you say, then they attack either your Christianity (as they do with me) or your intelligence by calling you a child, as was done with you. They do this because they cannot possibly put forth an argument that makes any sense. But that's okay. It's what America is all about. They call us Republicans everything in the book, as do some of the Democrats in Washington, D.C. do Bush, but have you noticed he never attacks them back? He has class, something the left hasn't learned. He doesn't holler and scream, yell or condemn. He just goes about his job of being President of the United States and the liberals hate him for it. No apologies from this quarter. They are only ticked-off because they lost two presidential elections in this country. I wasn't happy when Clinton won, but as I respect the office of the President of the United States, I can say in front of God that I did not attack Clinton. So who has class and who has not?
And bushcheney08 attracts liberal bloggers for what reason? Or yeh thats right, spamming up as many blogs as he can with LIES about how he enjoy the blogs when he clearly doesn't and has just copied and pasted a comment. That is why he gets on my nerves, he spammed up my site, but hey I suppose thats the only way someone who writes such trash like buahcheney08 is able to get visitors to come to his poor excuse for a political blog. A bit sad if you ask me. Lies make the Baby Jesus cry as my mother, God rest her soul, used to say.
And why on Earth can't i make a judgement about age or religion when forming an argument? Surely these are very valid factors when assesing your reason for write such a ill-informed comment about which you seem no idea except from you fake gods on the radio and on the TV who you seem to woship. I'm not the only making judgements, you make a judgement that because I critise Bush I am immediatly liberal or democrat? It's shallow and isn't gaining you ANY respect from anyone except Republican bloggers who know that they need all the help they can get.
Did I ever not suggest that the soldiers weren't heroes? i support them 100%, they are doing their job and it is against the law for them to do otherwise so don't try and make it seem like anyone in this country has anything but admiration for the job that Bush has made these men and women do. A job that will stick with them for the rest of their lives as they suffer from the hardships of war, lost friends and fallen foes.
So, when was the last time America was attacked by any foreign power on their soil? It has never happened, it has been made more likely to happen by all of the US's invasion. And I'll be damned if you call 9/11 and attack by any country other than Saudi Arabia and don't give me all that Al-Qaudi-links to Iraq crap, it's all opinion that you use to answer difficult questions posed.
Don't think that God is on your side. But if that fact keeps you happy tucked up in your safe confortable home whilst thousands of men women and children are dying in Iraq, Afganistan, and all the other places in the world where all that American military "intervention" has brought it more problems. No progress is being made in Iraq. Nothing is changing. However many political visit go on here or there, however much the "Iraqi Constitution" is mentioned in the press it's clear, America has fucked up Iraq, sure they haven't got Saddam any more! Whoopee, but the civilians are still having to suffer car bombs, mortar attacks and getting caught up in the insurgency that American Military "Action" has brought.
I find your opinion, your blog, your beliefs and your alledged faith to Christianity laughable and equally sickening. And you can twist my words as much you like and make you stories about scary countries that you think truly have the ability to come all the way to America and attacks us (with WHAT military strength?) but do you really think I am going to spend another waking moments of my life that God has blessed me with checking what the big scary Republican bloggers have to say about my comments?
No chance. There is no way that the Republican party can possibly get into office. You watch the Bush fall and slid and slide down the slippery slope to 2008. And until that moment, God save us ALL.
Anonymous said: "There's no way the Republican Party can get into office." In case you missed it, the Republican Party is in office.
haha I think you just proved that guys/girls point, you're twisting the words and being stupidly pedantic, making a fool of yourself.
It's clear that anonymous means "Get into office again" if you bother to read the entire sentance.
i suppose you'll be correcting my spelling next.
Benjamin, I don't have to correct your spelling. You spell quite well.
FYI: I knew exactly what Anonymous meant. This time I was correcting his/her grammar :) He/she should have said "get into office again."
You have proven one of my points: Liberals have to call people names like "fool". It's quite all right. I can take your rancor. I just truly wish it wasn't there. I don't see how liberals and conservatives will ever have a meeting of the minds when liberals seem so anxious to call people who don't agree with them names. I wish it were different and that we could have intelligent discourse, but I can see I am a "fool" for thinking it could happen, so you end up being right after all.
Regarding calling people names: I realize there are numerous conservatives who do the same thing. Both conservatives and liberals should knock it off. We can't discuss anything intelligently when we insult one another. (I have admittedly been guilty of it myself but am turning over a new leaf!)
gayle: thanks for taking care of the liberals while im gone. School has been really time consuming. As for the spamming thing, I only did it to blogs that I thought were liberal to tick them off and come to my site to make a fuss and a fool of themselves. I thought it was funny. Oh and dont worry, I wont stop posting. These guys arent getting to me at all.
blogs that you thought were liberal?! How can you tell? A picture of Kerry with a heart drawn around it?
And isn't spamming just petty. In exactly the same way as if Liberal's were doing it to what they guessed were right wing blog.
I think you'd get equally annoyed with spam and moan about how liberal's cant get any readers for their blogs so have to resort to frankly pathetic tactics of lying just to get Republican's on their site making a fuss and fool of themselves.
A more honest commenting seem's much more friendly and honest:
"I'm sure you'll be pissed at me for this, but I'm plugging my blog anywhere I can, so I've decided to hit up the top ten most popular ones. Good thinkin, huh. Anyway, politics is the name of my game and if you or any of your readers want to get involved in some nasty political debates, bring it on. here's the link:"
"No man who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no man who utters lies shall continue in my presence.
Psalm 101.7"
You're welcome, Bushcheney08! The rancor is amazing and I just want to make certain you don't close down shop like www.theyoungright.blogspot.com did. He was quite upset at the attacks going on in his blog, and so he left a message saying he wouldn't blog any more, which is exactly what the liberals want. He wrote a very thoughtful essay on Affirmative Action and it is worth going there to read. The site is still there, he just said he wouldn't add to it any more; a young college student with still too much sensitivity to endure the BS.
Welcome back....Was wondering where you were.
Oh, and by the way, just for the record, Benjamine, it isn't hard to tell a liberal blog, just as it isn't hard for you to find a conservative blog, as your presence here proves. "A picture of Kerry with a heart around it?" Pleeeeeease! More accurate if it were a picture of Kerry wearing flip-flops.
One more thing, bushcheneyo08... I will come here often to read your posts and to respond to your posts or your comments. However, like the guy who ran the blog I told you about in the above comment, I'm tired of responding to Benjamine and Anonymous. There's no point because there's no way to get through. It just becomes meaningless banter and a waste of my time and energy.
Stay cool. Visit me my blog from time to time.
haha benjamine, i like what you did there, adding an extra letter to my name and all, how about this? GayLes? I also presumed you were gay and called Les
re:"There's no point because there's no way to get through" what you really mean is obvious, I'm not going to win this argument so I'm going to go into the corner, then sulk and cry.
And there's nothing wrong with banter, it's what makes this country great.
Funny how so many pro-Bush people moan about people express their anti-war sentiments by talking about those soldiers are fighting for our rights and our democracy! Yeah.. like the right to freedom of opinion? Oh I guess you forgot that. Its a free country, but did we mention that if you disagree with us then you much be a "wacko"? Benjamin is exactly right - banter is exactly what makes a free country free - democracy exists so that people can freely express their differences.
It is generally accepted that dialogue (not monologue as you seem to prefer) is the key to being free and to making progress. For whatever reason some people (in both camps) seem to have forgotten that and prefer to call each other names instead of coming together to learn and move forward. I find it interesting that Gayle has supposedly opened up her blog to hear liberals' opinions and yet she takes every opportunity to call them names and run down various aspects of their lifestyle because they see life differently than she does.
Of course she will take this as an excuse to call me a liberal and/or wacko, though by by now it should be clear that I am neither of those things.
Sorry Saint, I'm going to disappoint you. I don't believe you are a liberal wacko. I think you are a person who is set in your opinions, as I am. But the wacko's are certainly out there. I didn't say I wouldn't respond to you. There are wacko Democrats and there are wacko Republicans, and there are just plain wacko's, but I never called you one. I believe you think I am one, but that's okay.
It's interesting that you seem to have no problem with the people on this blog who call "me" names. You only have a problem with me defending myself. Hmmmmmm, might it be you are a bit "political" yourself and lean toward the Democratic party?
I stated on my blog that I was attempting to open up "intelligent" discourse between liberals and conservatives and attempt to arrange a "meeting of minds." That I am going to try to be more open-minded. You still seem to have a problem with me. Could it be you just have a problem and need to attack someone? Interestingly enough, no liberal has taken me up on it yet, and the post has been up now for four days.
Just so there's no confusion, because I have two blogs, the blog in question is www.letourvoicesbeheard.blogspot.com I'll leave it at the top of the blog for a month. I might learn a lot if anyone bothers to answer the questions I have set forth there.
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