Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Theory of Mine

Me and my cousin were debating on if homosexuality was natural or not. He said that it was hormonal, and that gay guys could physically not get turned on by a women. He has yet to prove this, but he said if God did make humans homosexual, then how could it be wrong? Well I thought about it, and heres my theory.

The Bible has shown that our God loves to test our willingness of being faithfull to him. In Exodus, when he lead Moses's people across the desert for 40 years, he was testing them. When Moses went up the mountain to speak with God, he was testing Moses's people's patience. They failed on that one, however.

When God allowed Satan to destroy Job's cattle, his farming, give illnesses, even kill his family and friends, God was testing him. And he prevailed. During that whole time, he knew that God was in control and knew that God had a plan for his life. He stayed faithful.

My theory is that God is testing us even today. One way of that? Homosexuality. It says in Leviticus 18:22

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

An ABOMINATION. God shows very clear what he thinks of it. So Zach (my cousin)'s question was: If God thinks that Homosexuality is wrong, but its hormonal, then God must have created people that way. Then why did he if he detests homosexuality?

My theory is that he is testing Homosexuals faithfullness towards him. They should resist their sinful sexual urges and stay faithful to the one true God. And if it is true that women can not physically turn on gay men, or man cant turn on gay women, then stay single. Be married to Jesus, as the nuns are. Your reward? Heaven. And a personal relationship to Jesus Christ. He can fufill all your needs and give make you happy for the rest of your life, and beyond.

Dont give into your sexual desires, along with throwing away your immortal soul. Become one of Gods children, and your Salvation is assured.


Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

>> Me and my cousin were debating on if homosexuality was natural or not. <<

There's good grammar LOL

Seriously, I have no problem with a religion condemning homosexuality. It makes sense from a spiritual/mysoginistic standpoint. However, your beleifs don't give you the right to effect other peoples' lives and rights.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 3:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh honey why ya stressin? I can after all repent right honey boy?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:16:00 PM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

So I have my bible open right here in front of me. Seriously, I do. And Good ol' Leviticus, Chapter 18, in my bible right here, says a lot of interesting things. But my question is this: Is it understood that God himself did not write this bible? Chapter 18 starts right here with, "The Lord said to Moses..." It isn't Jesus writing these words, they are being passed down and written by some guys who claim to know him pretty well. I don't even say this to be offensive to what you believe, but to point out that to take this as the literal word of Jesus doesn't make any sense, considering it says right here that it's being told to someone else. Anyway, I'm also wondering what you would do, as a hormone infused 15 year old, if you were told that you will go to hell for being attracted to the opposite sex. That if you don't remain single for the rest of your life, satan is out to get you. Would it really be easy? You would obviously be embarrassed that you were such a loser in the eyes of your society for being this way, and I can't imagine that would make you feel very good about yourself. Maybe I don't understand this quite right, but doesn't God WANT to forgive us? Does he want us to suffer and die all in his name, or live our lives passing on the messages Jesus preached during his lifetime? It's a fairly dissapointing belief to think that you must be unhappy, opressed, hated, and discriminated all your life in order to go to heaven. If it was a challange purposely put in place by God, why is it not one that everyone faces, rather than only some?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:52:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

No he doesnt. Jesus does. thats why he payed the ultimate sacrifice.

"Would it really be easy? You would obviously be embarrassed that you were such a loser in the eyes of your society for being this way, and I can't imagine that would make you feel very good about yourself."

It wouldnt. but you would get the ultimate reward in the afterlife. Just because what your diong isnt "popular" with everybody else, doesnt mean you shouldnt do it.

"It's a fairly dissapointing belief to think that you must be unhappy, opressed, hated, and discriminated all your life in order to go to heaven."

Your making it sound like life will be a big, long journey, but when compared to heaven for infinity it is NOTHING.

"If it was a challange purposely put in place by God, why is it not one that everyone faces, rather than only some?"

First of all, if everyone was gay, there goes the human race. Secondly, heterosexuals undergo sexual trials as well. Staying faithful to your wife or husband, and not committing adultery. And there is also not having sex till marriage.

"It isn't Jesus writing these words, they are being passed down and written by some guys who claim to know him pretty well. I don't even say this to be offensive to what you believe, but to point out that to take this as the literal word of Jesus doesn't make any sense, considering it says right here that it's being told to someone else."

Well, one hint is if you read the four first books of the New Testament, they are all by Jesus's diciples. And they are all pretty much telling what happened from their perspective. If you read them, you find that you will get pretty much the same story from all of them. Theres proof that It is accurate.

In the old Testament, however, Jesus hadn't come yet. But god was literally speaking to the people who wrote those books when they were writing them. So as you can see the Bible is accurate. I thought of the same thing you were thinking of now a couple years ago, and this is the answer I formed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:25:00 PM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

I honestly don't buy that explanation. Just because there was more than one disciple doesn't mean they didn't all talk to one another and make it up. I mean, it all ended up in the same book, didn't it? I also don't believe that God talks to people, because I prayed and tried extremely hard to accept him and he has yet to speak to me. I do have an aunt that claims God speaks to her, but usually it's about how other people should give her money ,and therefore doesn't seem too believable.

Life WOULD be a long, terrible journey, if you weren't "allowed" to act on desires that most people around you are acting upon all the time. I don't think it's very accurate to say that Heaven will make up for that, if you haven't ever been there. I am also still extremely confused about the whole idea of forgiveness. Just because you disobey that one sentence in the bible (written, as I stated earlier, by some guy who wasn't God) doesn't seem like something that you should automatically be damned to hell for. I do know homosexuals who are practicing Christians, whether you like to believe that or not, and they love God just as much as any heterosexual. In that case then, does God say, "Well too bad you're an amazing, God-loving Christian because you're gay and you're going to hell"? If that's what you're trying to say than my doubts about this God of yours continue to increase, because he just doesn't seem like too cool of a guy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:42:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Thats true. He is a terrible GOd of wrath, who hates sin. If it wasnt for jesus we'd all go to hell. Jesus was the merciful one.

It ended up in the same book decades after the diciples were dead, so my evidence still stands. I dont need to completely prove to you all of these things. Our religion is all about faith.

He is speaking to you, your just not listening.

He doesnt really talk to you, like the big booming voice in your head like in the movies. Its really kinda the first thought that comes to mind; the one that feels specail, then after that you feel pressure, like your scared or something. Thats what its like for me. Thats how god speaks to me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:37:00 AM  
Blogger Island Girl said...

God loves everyone! Ok, anyone who accepts the Jesus as their lord and saviour will get to spend eternity with Him. Even homosexuals! I agree that homosexuality is not biblical and I am still pondering as to why some people don't seem to have a choice when it comes to their sexual preferences. My friend thinks it is a "spirit" that can enter someone even when they are a child. The point remains that if you accept Jesus, then go on to sin and fail him in many ways, you will still go to heaven. Why should homosexuality be the exception to the rule? It is a sin, but it is not an unforgiveable sin that automatically bars you from heaven.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:42:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Because God said it is an ABOMINATION. A very detestible sin in Gods eyes. If you ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, he forgives. But being homosexual means your planning to sin for the rest of your life. And dont forget this is an ABOMINATION. A very bad sin. I think thats taking advantage of God's gift, dont you?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:56:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

I have to say Jayson, this is a bit of a departure from your usual style, but I like where you are going with this. You seem to be really seeking here, and it is a good sign.

The problem, as I see it, with homosexuality - and I think the reason that so many people misunderstand what the Bible is getting at - is that there is a fine line between being TEMPTED (which is not sin) and ACTING upon the temptation (either in thought or deed). As a heterosexual male I NATURALLY am attracted to women who are not my wife - I NATURALLY have temptations in regard to said women and I NATURALLY give in to temptation by allowing my thoughts to entertain those temptations. Thankfully I have not given in to actually being unfaithful in a deedful or physical way, but Jesus himself said that if we entertain the thought we may as well have committed the sin.

There are people in this world who have a NATURAL and yet unhealthy addiction to alcohol or drugs, or lying or stealing or any number of other sinful activities.

Homosexuality may very well be a NATURAL state - I used to get really involved in the debate over whether or not it is genetic and yada yada yada, but then I realized something profound. NATURE does not excuse wrong doing. The Bible states explicity all throughout that HUMAN NATURE is sinful. That something comes NATURALLY is usually a good indication that it may not be good for us. It is NATURAL for one human to kill another out of anger, greed or cruelty. It is NATURAL for one person to steal another person's food or money out of selfish desire. And so it may very well be NATURAL for some people to have homosexual urges. Like I said, I have unhealthy heterosexual urges all the time.

The difference is this - we can have the urge or the temptation without committing the sin. I know for myself, making progress on this earth, with my wife or with God usually requires some degree of resistance to my nature because my nature is not godly - my nature is sinful.

I know of people that are absolutely besotten with homosexual temptation and yet are very powerful followers of Christ who have CHOSEN to resist the urge and remain celibate. It may seem a cruel way to spend one's life, but one who believes in a loving and personal God must also believe that God knows what he made us to do, and if he says that we were not made for that, then we should not do it.

God is not going to condemn us to hell based on that - if one is a practicing homosexual this does not preclude him also being a Christian however it does limit Christ's ability to heal that person's wounds and use him for his created purpose.

Jesus came here to do much more than simply give us a free ticket to heaven - he came to HEAL us and to make us whole. Life isn't just Heaven's waiting room - it is an adventure - it has purpose! God put us all here for a very specific (and different from one another) purpose and he absolutely wants to bless us and lead us into that purpose.

For more about the power of choice, please visit my best friend's blog - http://www.toastedliquid.blogspot.com/

And while your at it come take a look at mine why don'tcha? http://saintday.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:08:00 AM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

My opinion is certainly different from yours, because I do not believe as strongly as you do in a specific religion, but I still don't think that any heterosexual can so nonchalantly say that the urges should just be ignored. In the case I just REFUSE to believe that any God worthy of our love expects these people, those who he gave these natural tendencies to, should live lives that are less fulfilling than his heterosexual neighbor. I also refuse to believe BC08's "proof" of the bible being accurate, as long periods of time and storytelling only worsen the chances of the story being truth. Not only that, but if you are homosexual and "planning to live your life in sin," you are doing so only because GOD MADE YOU THAT WAY. And in response to the statement "He is speaking to you, you're just not listening," I would suggest that you speak for yourself. This has been an ongoing struggle for me because I don't believe in blind acceptance. I accepted things because they were told to me for 16 years, and it finally became apparant to me that questioning could only lead to deeper understanding. Through that questioning I have found nothing that justifies what I have been told to believe, and therefore continue to question. Unless it is unatural to be curious and use logical reasoning, I don't think there is any crime or sin in that.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 1:11:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

It is a little bit difficult to debate the issue of whether or not homosexuality in practice is a sin considering that we do not have a shared faith to base our opinions from, so I will explain something of the background behind nature as per the Bible.

The thing is, God originally made humans to be perfect, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When Adam and Eve rebelled against this plan they effected an ability for imperfection to be introduced into humanity. It was at that point that the nature of humanity became imperfect and sinful so that even at birth we are already sinful beings.

Nature, then, is no longer an excuse because nature is the very thing that causes us to have unhealthy and sinful urges. God did not MAKE a person homosexual anymore than he intended for people to be born deformed or handicapped - these are symptoms of our original fall into imperfection.

God is aware that these things are happening and he has planned for them even though it was not his choice that caused them to occur. God can redeem anything - he has a plan for everyone no matter what natural imperfections we may have.

And the truth of the matter is that a homosexual person who resists the urge to committ sin does not lead a less fulfilled life - if anything they would lead a more fulfilled life, one that is lead by God into its perfect purpose. I think most people get the idea that "having sex" is not fulfilling in and of itself - in fact the habit of "just having sex" always results in broken-hearts and woundedness not only for those directly involved but often for other people in their lives. If, as a heterosexual man, my urge was to just spend my life having sex with as many people as possible I would not be living unfulfilled for resisting that urge and being celibate, or getting married in the way that God ordained from the beginning.

As for blind acceptance - there is an element (in fact the most important element) to a belief in Christ that involves faith. Without faith a belief has no power to transform, it simply becomes common knowledge. God is not one to be ordinary, nor does he want his children to be simply ordinary - but faith is not something that has to come from us - in fact the Bible says very specifically that it is God who gives us the faith to believe.

Our job is seek after him - "those who seek, shall find." You don't have to believe just because someone else told you to - go, seek, ask questions. Not only is questioning our beliefs not a sin, IT IS A REQUIREMENT. Go, seek God, seek truth. If you are honest in your seeking, God will reveal himself to you. It is simple and yet very very difficult in many ways, but God promised to be there with you, throughout the journey.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 1:44:00 PM  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...


are you a gnostic christian?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:30:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

I dont understand what you mean. Please put it in lamest terms because after all, I am a stupid kid.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:45:00 PM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

Thank you, Saint. You aren't an example of the blind acceptance that I speak of, because you know what you believe and exactly why. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:52:00 PM  
Blogger joe said...


Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:34:00 PM  
Blogger Mari said...

You're sincerity with your concern on the issue of homosexuality is touching, but I feel the arguement of whether or not it is a sin is futile. It is not up to us to decide, for God is the one true judge.

A person's sexual preference is not all who they are, but it seems that sex is one of the main things society cares about. And since the "Gay Craze" is making money, with shows such as Queer Eye and Will and Grace, society and the media is just making a bunch of hoopla about the personal relationships of people around the world.

Some people also say that homosexuality is nature's/God's own way to control the overpopulation of humans. Interesting theory, but personally, not something I am thouroughly convinced by.

Sex and, dare I say, love, is a very private and personal matter. It should not be intruded upon with blame and pointing fingers. Just love, pray, and help others. That's all we got to do.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 12:01:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

The argument right now is if its natural or not, not if its a sin. We all know that.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 9:12:00 AM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

What Mari said is valid and very true, BC08.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 9:15:00 AM  
Blogger Pivoney said...

Don't get me wrong here, I am still overcoming being a homophobe. But I just had a thought that kind of blew my mind. It violates most of my foundation.

Is it possible that God changed his mind on this subject?

We all revert to the scripture for guidance on tough topics like this. Assuming that they are accurate accounts (not embellished by those who wrote them) they are 2000 years old. Is it possible that over the past couple milleniums that the Almighty has made some revisions? He does it through evolution, why not policy?

Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:34:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Well, since God is infinite, 2000 years is like a couple of days to him.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:57:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

God has changed his POLICY on certain things - this even happens in the Bible, when God had made a decision and changed his mind because of the heartful prayers of a faithful person - however the Bible also makes it quite clear that God is not changeable - he is perfect, therefore, while he could change his mind about a decision he has made in regards to something he is doing - in regards to homosexuality, it is very clearly stated "God HATES this" and "This is an abomination." For God to just change his mind about something like that would require that God himself had changed, and Biblically that is not possible.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 12:08:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

He tests us because he wants to see how faithful we are to him. In life we must undergo many challenges if we want to go to heaven, therefore he tests us.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:03:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

God tests us so that he make us better. Remember that life is not simply the waiting room to the after-life - we have a purpose here. God is continually attempting to refine us, to make us better, more effective servants and tools (Not only for him but for other people as well). Like anything else, before you put a person or tool into action it must first be tested to make sure it is ready for action.

Testing is the same thing, and Biblically there is a pattern to God's testing - quite often both in the Bible and in life we see people being continually tested in the same area of their lives because God does that - he will keep giving us the same tests until we get it.

A good example in the Bible is the Exodus. God provided a way for them to be released from their bondage and then prepared a country for them - all they had to do was follow his guidance through the desert. The desert was a testing ground for God's people and as it turned out it took them over 40 years to cross a desert that could have been crossed in a few months because they continually missed what God was leading them into and as a result he continually tested them until they 'Got it'. Only then were they allowed to move on to the next phase in their journey. If they hadn't learned the lessons that God was teaching them in the desert, they would not have survived that next phase.

Temptations are definately one way that we are tested. Pre-marital sex is a test that I failed many times - as a result I have deep wounds that continue to plague me even though I am now married - things I would never have expected came out of that experience because I continually made the wrong choices. But eventually I 'got it', and if I hadn't have had those tests I don't think I would still be married.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:10:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

Also - Alisoni:

Thank you very much for your comments as well - your words mean more to me than you probably realize. I certainly believe, and I think that if you really study the context of a lot of passages in the Bible this becomes evident, that Jesus did not come to earth to give us pat and easy answers to all of life's questions. That really was never his intention - the people that were his major adversaries were the ones who already knew everything there was to know about the scriptures - they were the "righteous" ones and they knew this. Because of that, they were unable to question their traditions and all of the religious things they had been taking for granted. Jesus came to give us a path to walk down that would lead us to the right place in the end, but he never guaranteed the way would be free of hills, lakes, rivers, volcanoes, etc.

In fact, most Jesus' teachings were in the form of parables - stories that the people of that day could relate to. I think there was only one time that he ever actually explained exactly what he meant - all the other times he seemed to be provoking the people around him to start asking the right questions.

So many people go through some kind of religious "conversion" experience, become Christians and suddenly stop asking the right questions. If anything, once we have engaged in our faith we should be asking more questions - there is a long road ahead and if we don't get directions along the way we are going to end up getting lost or in trouble.

It is really difficult to be a young Christian these days - humans have taken what Christ came for and reduced to a bunch of rules or moral codes and decided to package these things and sell them, as if Christianity were a product of some sort. From the moment we step into the institution of denominational Christianity we start to become not just Christians (followers of Christ) but we become "Pentecostal" or "Anglican" or "Catholic" or "Methodist" and the institution becomes our god instead of God being our God. Unfortunately this is all too easy to fall into and extremely difficult to get out of.

Keep questioning the status quo - don't ever stop!

Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:21:00 PM  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

>> after all, I am a stupid kid. <<

I would've said adolesscent moron but that's good, too. You wrote a reply that sounded as if you are a gnostic, meaning a person who beleives the god of this world is a harsh demanding one, whereas Christ came and hooked us up with a less petty, more powerful god of compassion and love.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:32:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

well, I guess that is true to a certain extent.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:08:00 PM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

Exactly, Saint. My church (cathloic, if I haven't already stated that) used to participate in the Crop Walk, and my family walked in it every year. A few years ago, we were told that Catholic churches in our area were no longer participating, because the same organization also distributed condoms and birth control in Africa. Around that time, the Catholic Church became, in my eyes, so much different than I had previously seen it. I couldn't believe that because of a highly outdated "church rule," our Christianity could no longer be displayed through a charity event. There are obviously other reasons why I have my doubts about God in general, but that story related, so I thought I'd share.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:55:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

Cate:A valid point to make, certainly. To slightly modify the words of Christ - "Let he who has perfect grammar and punctuation cast the first stone." Here's a better idea - let's keep comments about grammer out of the political arena altogether - judging by certain U.S. Presidents, good grammar is not a pre-requisite to success in politics.

Allisoni: This kind of action is unfortunately a common symptom of institutional "christianity". People stop seeking for what God (in his infinite love and compassion) would have us do, and start basing their worldview and belief system on people instead of on God.

In this case, for instance, the Pope makes a decree about birth control or pre-marital sex and because he is supposedly the next thing on Earth to God (a concept so entirely unbiblical and blasphemous that it is no small wonder catholic people are generally discouraged from reading the Bible without guidance from a "priest")the entire "church" has to follow suit and ban things that are probably very well-meaning and beneficial.

Here is my main problem with this - and this is a point that can be applied to a lot of other things, including abortion: it may be correct that pre-marital sex is wrong, which I believe it is - in which case the best action to take would not be handing out condoms but educating people on how to be safe and stop having sex outside of marriage. But - if that is the view we are going to take, then we MUST follow it the whole way through. In Africa there is a major problem with AIDS, and if that threat doesn't curb all of the unclean sex going on all over the place, then taking away their ability to do it SAFELY won't stop them either. If one is to decry the distribution of condoms based on the fact that it encourages people to continue having sex, then one must ALSO back that up by getting involved and making the best scenarios happen.

If the Catholic church were putting its resources into going over to Africa (or hell, even going into their own communities) to minister to people and educate them on how and why to practice abstinance, THEN they might have a right to be upset at the people coming in to give out condoms. But when the people giving out condoms are the ONLY ones trying to do anything about the growing crisis, we really have no right or place to say a thing about it.

Friday, August 19, 2005 9:00:00 AM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

I agree, Saint. Not so much about Abstinence Education, as I think our society is far past accepting that and is therefore better off taking birth control than having abortions. I agree with your standpoint on the Catholic church, though, thanks for the comments.

Friday, August 19, 2005 11:19:00 AM  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

>> FYI, you used "effect" out of context, it's "affect." Don't insult others for poor grammer when you cannot use the English vocabulary properly, either. <<

Hey cate, go fuck yourself-how's my grammar now?

Monday, August 22, 2005 3:24:00 PM  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

>>Normally I would not have corrected anybody, but the fact that he insults others about their grammar, and at the same time does not speak perfect english either kind of bothered me :) <<

Also, when you've written professionally and edited the work of other professionals, I might allow you to point out a typo. Until then, play your little volleyball games and pretend to know things that don't include me.

Monday, August 22, 2005 3:27:00 PM  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

Incidentally, my dark-complected polish blogger, the next time you point point out someone's mistake grammatically, make sure you don't spell the word "grammar" as "grammer."

And ya know I'm through!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005 3:30:00 PM  

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