Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Wmd's have been found

Tom Winter wrote:

"Did you know that Wmd's have been found in iraq?

1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium

1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents

Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas)

Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal over populated areas
This is only a PARTIAL LIST of the horrific weapons verified to have been recovered in Iraq to date. Yet, Americans overwhelmingly believe U.S. and coalition forces found NO weapons of mass destruction.

The question is... WHY do they believe this lie?


Dear Fellow Conservative,

This is an email about one of the most powerful weapons of our time... "disinformation."

It's a weapon that is used on all of us over and over every day of our lives. How do I know this?

The deliberately suppressed list above is one reason. Here's another: Have you heard that Osama bin Laden is on kidney dialysis? I'll bet you have. Much of the Western media report bin Laden's presumed affliction as a matter of fact -- and most Americans believe it. But...

...it's just not true.

Now, you may well be thinking: "Why would the news media want to make me believe that Osama bin Laden is a very sick and perhaps dying man?" Well, here's why...

The news media are -- overwhelmingly -- against the Iraq War. The image of an aged, 6-foot, 8-inch Arab limping from cave to cave, trailing a camel loaded down with dialysis equipment -- eluding George W. Bush and the most powerful military in the world -- appeals to them enormously.

And so the myth lives on -- for SEVEN YEARS now! -- long past the normal life expectancy of patients hooked up to dialysis in the best hospitals, let alone the freezing, rugged mountains of the Afghan-Pakistani border.

There is a name for this phenomenon -- disinformation.

The term refers to the deliberate dissemination of FALSE information (and the intentional omission of TRUE information) for the purpose of confusing rivals or influencing public opinion.

Indeed, the false conclusion that "Bush lied, there were no WMDs in Iraq," is the main supporting claim of the anti-war Left. Without it, the movement collapses.

My name is Tom Winter, Editor in Chief of HUMAN EVENTS. It grieves me to admit that millions upon millions of Americans unknowingly accept blatant falsehoods as facts due to the power and prevalence of disinformation.

Take a look at some of the most pernicious lies that you have no doubt read or heard:

There is no connection between Iraq and al Qaeda

The U.S. funded the Taliban in the 1980s

Suitcase nukes are in place across America

Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA

Halliburton made a fortune in Iraq

There were no Jews in the Word Trade Center on 9/11

What do each of these widely publicized, widely believed "facts" have in common? Here's what:

They are undeniably false... as you will discover in Disinformation, the new blockbuster book by veteran reporter Richard Miniter, and it will be my pleasure to send it to you FREE in hard cover, just for trying HUMAN EVENTS.

Rich Miniter's career sounds like something out of a spy thriller
-- except it's real. In addition to writing for newspapers in the U.S., Western Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia, he has traveled with rebels into war zones in Uganda, Sudan and Burma and along smugglers' routes in Laos, Thailand and Cambodia.

Few reporters are more familiar with the methodology of disinformation -- the clever misdirection, false rumors, press manipulation, and endless repetition of falsehoods until they morph into "truth." Disinformation is a dark art, and Richard Miniter understands its shadings and subtleties.

In Disinformation, you'll delve into this shadowy world and discover...

Why both the CIA and al Qaeda prop up the myth that Osama bin Laden is immensely wealthy. (The reality of his so-called "wealth" will surprise you)

The truth about Halliburton's "war profits." (If Dick Cheney steered Iraq contracts to the company, Halliburton should sue!)

Who started (and spread) the insidious myth that no Jews died in the 9/11 attacks. (Actually, more than 500 Jews perished in the World Trade Center, in addition to those who were passengers on the doomed planes)

Why it was so important for the airlines and the U.S. government to spin the myth that "box cutters" were used to commandeer the planes on 9/11

The true story of the Canadian woman (a convert to Islam) who duped the eager-to-believe media into reporting rapes that never happened at the Abu Ghraib prison

Did the U.S. -- as charged by the Left -- fund the Taliban in the 1980s? (Answer: Impossible! The Taliban wasn't even formed until 1995)

There's so much more in this enthralling and disturbing book... How Bush-hating civil servants quietly sabotage the War on Terror... Pro-al Qaeda websites the global press treats as "impartial"... The country that acts as a pipeline for terrorists into the U.S. (It's not Mexico)... How the media continue to give Bill Clinton a "free pass" on bin Laden.

As I said, most Americans do not begin to comprehend how the Left is determined to undermine U.S. efforts to bring democracy to Iraq and win the War on Terror.

You'll be one of those in the know as soon as I send you a just-published hardcover edition of Disinformation FREE, just for taking a no-risk look at HUMAN EVENTS.

Why is HUMAN EVENTS for you?

Here's why. The treacherous strategy of disinformation goes far beyond the Iraq War.

Indeed, it is employed by liberals throughout American culture as a means of indoctrination to glorify sex and violence, to trivialize family values, to glamorize drug consumption, to promote the tax-and-spend "social justice" agenda and, of course, to demonize anyone who dares disagree with the liberal orthodoxy.

HUMAN EVENTS is the antidote to disinformation -- the weekly newspaper that zeroes in on the real story like a truth-seeking laser beam!

A couple recent examples...

LIBERAL DISINFORMATION: "George Bush killed the Kyoto Treaty that would 'save' the world from global warming."

Nonsense! Reports HUMAN EVENTS. Liberal reporters know perfectly well that the U.S. Senate voted 99-0 against ratifying the Kyoto Treaty during the Clinton administration... and, moreover, that global warming is a dubious theory disputed by many leading climatologists.

LIBERAL DISINFORMATION: "GOP tax cuts have caused the budget deficit to explode."

Hogwash! Reports HUMAN EVENTS. The budget deficit exists because of the cost of The War on Terror and excessive government spending (much of it "pork") at home. What's more, the deficit has been dropping sharply because President Bush's tax cuts have increased government tax revenues as the economy has strengthened.

See what I mean? HUMAN EVENTS is not afraid to buck the conventional journalistic "wisdom" and reveal the politically incorrect truth... no matter whom it offends!

(Which probably explains why there is no faster-moving object in Washington than a liberal politician trying to duck a tough-questioning HUMAN EVENTS reporter!)

What's it like to read HUMAN EVENTS? Well, let's try this: Would you like to know...

WHICH group of American citizens will soon be allowed to virtually secede from the United States? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: Native Hawaiians who, with Senate approval, could have their own separate, race-based governing authority.)

WHO demanded that attorney-client privilege be waived on memos written by Judge John Roberts? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: Sen. Ted Kennedy -- whose attorney-client discussions about a young girl drowning in the waters off Chappaquiddick Island have remained secret for 36 years.)

WHAT do radical Islamists mean when they speak of "The Caliphate"? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: They are referring to bringing about the overthrow of existing Mideast regimes and replacing them with a chain of theocratic Islamic dictatorships stretching from Morocco in the West to the Philippines in the East... holding control over 60% to 70% of the world's oil reserves.)

WHICH group sponsored a drug conference that included a lecture titled "You Don't Have To Be Clean and Sober... Or Even Want To Be"? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: The United States Department of Health and Human Services.)

WHAT single act would free America from depending on Middle East oil? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: Liberating U.S. companies to find, drill, refine and deliver gas to our pumps from ANWR and other places -- which they are NOT permitted to do now.)

In addition to independent reporting like this, the best columnists in the country are writing for HUMAN EVENTS -- Robert Novak, Michelle Malkin, L. Brent Bozell, Terence Jeffrey, Bruce Bartlett, Thomas Sowell, David Limbaugh, Phyllis Schlafly, Oliver North and, as the icing on the cake, the peerless, priceless Ann Coulter.

The most hated (by liberals) woman since Margaret Thatcher, Coulter had this to say about Jimmy Carter's demand that the U.S. shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention center for terrorists:

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It reads like a gripping spy novel -- but it's not fiction. Richard Miniter takes you into the subterranean world of "disinformation," where experts in the art of turning illusion into reality work to deceive the innocent. Packed cover-to-cover with stunning revelations, such as the suppressed list of WMDs already found in Iraq, this MUST-READ book is yours FREE, just for trying HUMAN EVENTS risk-free!

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The day will come when Americans understand the War on Terror for the epochal struggle it is. They will wonder (as many did after the fall of the Soviet Union) why they didn't see the truth through all the lies. But you won't be surprised!

You won't want to put this book down, I promise! There's only one way to be absolutely certain of getting your gift copy -- and that's to order now!


Thomas S. Winter
Editor in Chief

P.S. Don't miss out on this offer! Remember, you receive your FREE copy of Disinformation and HUMAN EVENTS at our special introductory rate.

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No nuclear weapons yet, but fuel to nuclear weapons, and biological ones. Although I have not read this book yet, I encourage everyone (especially dfkz) to read it.


Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

I encourage everyone (especially dfkz) to read it.

dkfz is too busy reading the truth with jokes by Al Franken and laughing really hard at the part where Cheney has 7 heart attacks in one week.

He's a sick, sick man.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 11:24:00 AM  
Blogger saint said...

Wow this sounds really good!

Except that it is a sales-pitch, and if one is to believe that everything a person tries to sell is as good it is claimed to be then I would have to believe that Pedigree Dog Food is a completely balanced and nutritious diet for my dog. Only one problem - it is full of crap that most dogs are allergic too, and when my dog ate it giant patches of hair started falling out his coat.

You can't believe a sales-pitch.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 12:19:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Why would I want to read "Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror" by Richard Miniter? I like being lied to? I find it humorous the way Republicans take lies and run them through the spin cycle -- which magically transforms them into "True Facts" (as Ottmann would say)? The book is appropriately titled though -- it is insidious disinformation aimed at people already inclined to believe this crap. Meaning the target audience is people like you. I STRONGLY advise you NOT to read this book Jayson! You're only damning yourself by continuing down this path.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Review by Marissa Sousa, Media Matters.

1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium

Twenty experts from DOE's national laboratory complex packaged 1.77 metric tons of low-enriched uranium and roughly 1000 highly radioactive sources from the former Iraq nuclear research facility.

For use in commercial light water reactors (LWR), the most prevalent power reactors in the world, uranium is enriched to 3 to 5 percent 235U. It is not a direct bomb risk.

That's just the first debunk. Check out the full amazon reivew for the rest of the debunking

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 12:56:00 PM  
Blogger Allisoni Balloni said...

Saint stole my comment! :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 1:48:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

Don't listen to the fools on the left who have no concept of reality. All they do is bash anything that exposes their lies, with more lies, period.

Even the first 'DEBUNK" dkfz uses is hogwash. What he doesn't say is that that amount of low uranium can be quickly turned into enriched uranium, and is why Saddam wanted it stored.

Liberals will lie about everything because they're being exposed as massive deceivers who can't admit the truth when it's put in front of them. They have indeed ALL been blinded to the truth, or they're so evil that lies mean nothing to them. Power and money is what they crave!

dkfz said: "The book is appropriately titled though -- it is insidious disinformation aimed at people already inclined to believe this crap. Meaning the target audience is people like you"

But he reads crapola from Moore and Franken and believes those lies instead of the truth!

How does he explain Micky Moore owning big corporate and Haliburton stock, that he falsely protests against? It's all on the record!

dkfz is a liberal sucker of EPIC proportions who falls for all the disinformation listed. Of course he doesn't want you to read the truth, because he's all about lying for the democraps. But his world is falling around him as everything he believes is being exposed as the lie it is !!!!

The biggest lies from liberals is about the Iraq war. And while they've had some success in their lies, they will not win in the end, they will instead be doomed.

dkfz's arrogance will not allow him to admit he's been wrong on everything. His only recourse is to inflate his lies in trying to convince you. DO NOT fall for his b.s.

I've read Human Events for years and find it VERY credible! Of course dkfz will come back saying I've been deceived. But he's wrong as usual as he has no discernment.

The liberals have lost. All they have are lies now, period!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 2:02:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ottmann lied... But he reads crapola from Moore and Franken and believes those lies instead of the truth!

I've read 2 books by Al Franken. I own 1 book by Michael Moore, which I haven't read yet. I started it but then set it aside. The Al Franken books were funnier. I just finished "Big Lies" by Joe Conason, and am currently reading "Bushworld" by Maureen Dowd. I'll go back to Michael Moore's "Dude, where's my Country?" when I finish "Bushworld". If anyone wants to read any of these (books presenting the "True Facts") I suggest starting with "Worse than Watergate" by John Dean. Very informative. It isn't a partisan attack either -- Dean just presents the facts. He doesn't draw any "outrageous" conclusions -- he lets the facts speak for themselves.

I trust Al Franken. Mainly I go to him to clarify things I've heard elsewhere. I don't get my news only from Al Franken. He also has very knowledgeable and informative guests on his show. You can listen live over the internet by going here.

Ottmann lied... The liberals have lost. All they have are lies now, period!

If the liberals have lost please explain to me how "Hitlery" can be elected president in 2008 and then hand over power to the EU.

Ottmann lied... I've read Human Events for years and find it VERY credible! Of course dkfz will come back saying I've been deceived.

I don't know anything about it -- I skipped over that part when I read Jayson's post. But if you read it -- it HAS to be crammed full of lies.

Ottmann lied... But his world is falling around him as everything he believes is being exposed as the lie it is!!!!

EVERYTHING I believe is being exposed as a lie?? I thought there was the possibility that vindication was around the corner -- now that the Democrats are standing up and decrying bush for the liar that he is.

Ottmann: Can you please explain how the following applies to Democrats:

"Their end is destruction. Their God is their stomach; their glory is in their "shame". Their minds are occupied with earthly things". (Phil. 3:19).

It would be hilarious if you could provide an really insane explaination. I'd like to email it to a few friends.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 3:35:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ottmann lied... How does he explain Micky Moore owning big corporate and Haliburton stock, that he falsely protests against? It's all on the record!

I couldn't find any "on the record" information. I found plenty of web pages all based on the claim made in that stupid book, but none which offered any proof he actually owns the stock.

According to the information I found Michael Moore does NOT own Halliburton stock. The "Center for Alternative Media and Culture" owns the Halliburton stock in question:

It is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 503© corporation that gives money away to independent filmmakers who are in the post-production phases of making films about various political and social causes. The foundation was started by Moore using half the money he made from "Roger & Me". The foundation is apparently run by Starr and Co., a bookkeeping firm on Park Ave. in NYC. Quite likely, there is a relationship between Starr and Co. and Moore, and he trusted them and chose them to run the foundation.

So basically, what they (and "they" quite likely doesn't even include Moore -- all he did was start the damn thing, and he did it with his own money) are doing is investing their money in a relatively standard manner, probably outside Moore's purview, in order to keep money coming in so they can fund alternative films that basically "stick it to the Man".

So, what really happened was that Peter Schweizer spun the facts (A non-profit organization that Michael Moore Started owns Halliburton stock) and came up with a lie that fit his purpose. Typical Republican smear tactic. You can't trust these liars because they have no morals. There is no limit to how low they will go to discredit their opponents.

Republicans are the "massive deceivers". All they do is LIE LIE LIE. Example: Write a book claming to debunk "liberal media" lies and call it "Disinformation" -- when IN FACT it is disinformation itself!

Another example: Start a war based on lies, then when you're caught in the lie claim that the Democrats saw exactly the same information you saw, and that they're trying to "rewrite history".

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 5:27:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

LOL dkfz. The book has the correct info from the stock purchased by Moore along with many other stocks he owns. Again all you an do is spin the truths I post. YOU sound very frustrated now as your crapola isn't working on those of us who see through your incredible lies. Alternative Media? LOL!

Your heros Micky Mooron and Al Franken sure have you screwed dude. Now bend over and beg for more!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 8:22:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

The Antichrist cometh?....

Esquire: Clinton is world's "most influential man"

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 8:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cloaked in mystery and shrouded in secrecy, ten ruthless men comprise the "Inner Circle" of the Illuminati conspiracy. In this explosive book, based on over nine years of intense, investigative research, Texe Marrs exposes the diabolical Plan which these evil men call their "Great Work." He unmasks their occult religion and discloses how this hidden group meets privately behind closed doors and issues strict orders to a network of agents and associates spread throughout the globe.

The Inner Circle sets the agenda for such notorious organizations as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Priory of Sion, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and the Grand Lodges of Freemasonry. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Russian KGB, and British Intelligence also work for the Inner Circle and enforce its directives.

Presidents, prime ministers, and dictators alike bow to this hidden group and plot together World Government. Does the Inner Circle also control President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Senate Leader Trent Lott, General Colin Powell, and billionaire Ross Perot?

Circle of Intrigue reveals the shocking truth about the World Conspiracy and warns of the cosmic destiny of this murderous clique of super-rich conspirators. Will their despicable plot succeed? Have they decreed bloodshed for America’s future? Will you end up one of their victims?

from Texe Marrs


lookie another one

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 8:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crimes Committed by Crooked Men with Crooked Smiles—The Brutal Beheading of Nick Berg, The Outrageous Price of Gasoline at the Pump, and the Truth About the War in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Around the World: Our nation’s political leaders dress up in fancy suits and ties and smile even as they speak the biggest of lies. Case in point: Nick Berg, the 26-year old American who supposedly was murdered by five so-called "Iraqi-based terrorists" and had his head sawed off, this grotesque horror being shown across the globe via the internet. Texe Marrs presents persuasive evidence that Nick Berg was, in fact, an intelligence operative employed by the Israeli Mossad. Berg in 2001 played a central role in the recruiting of the 911 Arab hijackers. He was in Iraq on a spy mission. Berg’s beheading as a sacrificial victim was done by the Mossad, with specific CIA knowledge, to divert America’s attention from the Abu Ghraib prison torture scandal. Meanwhile, the outrageous scam of ridiculously high gas prices—in the very midst of ample Iraqi oil flowing once again—should make every American angry and hot behind the collar. Indeed, the whole "War on Terrorism" is a pre-planned, bogus conflict fed by lies and incited by the corrupt Zionist neocons who now control the White House and tell Bush what to do.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 8:55:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

To dkfz...

Even Lieberman can't deny the reasons for Bush going to war, were/are correct...

"Joementum" on Iraq

Senator Joe Lieberman today on the floor of the Senate:

It is no surprise to my colleagues that I strongly supported the war in Iraq. I was privileged to be the Democratic cosponsor, with the Senator from Virginia, of the authorizing resolution which received overwhelming bipartisan support. As I look back on it and as I follow the debates about prewar intelligence, I have no regrets about having sponsored and supported that resolution because of all the other reasons we had in our national security interest to remove Saddam Hussein from power – a brutal, murdering dictator, an aggressive invader of his neighbors, a supporter of terrorism, a hater of the United States of America. He was, for us, a ticking time bomb that, if we did not remove him, I am convinced would have blown up, metaphorically speaking, in America's face.

I am grateful to the American military for the extraordinary bravery and brilliance of their campaign to remove Saddam Hussein. I know we are safer as a nation, and to say the obvious that the Iraqi people are freer as a people, and the Middle East has a chance for a new day and stability with Saddam Hussein gone.

The full text of Senator Lieberman's statement can be read here.

dkfz, This is the same man that ran with Al Gore, that YOU voted for in 2000! Now go ahead and tell us all what wuss he is.... you hypocrite!

The Creative Conservative

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:03:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

How exactly do you know that the information is correct? Just because you wish it to be true does not make it so. This is a new book, so I think I'll give Mr. Moore a chance to answer these charges. FYI he isn't my hero -- so even if this is true (doubtful), it will not mean that my world is falling down around me.

I am not frustrated at all. I never thought there was any chance you would do anything but lie. bush is screwing you big time, and you're either to ignorant to realize it -- or you actually like it!

Now how about explaining how the bible quote you posted applies to Democrats? Or do you realize now you made a mistake, since it obviously applies to Republicans?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:05:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

He's wrong. How does Joe Lieberman being wrong make me a hypocrite? Al Gore would not have waged an illegal preventative war on Iraq.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:15:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Esquire: Clinton is world's "most influential man".
He has tackled global issues from AIDS, poverty and global warming to the recovery from last December's Indian Ocean tsunami.

Wow, how EVIL can one person be? Maybe you're right Ottmann. Wait a minute, those are all GOOD things! Why are your lies so pathetic Ottmann?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:28:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

I knew dkfz would just ignore what Lieberman said. In this case Lieberman is correct. The democrats are now having to come to terms with their lies against Bush as they've been exposed as such.

dkfz is the world's second greatest denier. Heck, if Clinton shot his mother right in front of him, dkfz would ask what SHE did wrong, and if he could help cover it up for 'Ol Slick.

That is how truly screwed up that dude is!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:43:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I didn't "ignore" what Liberman said. I read it. He's wrong. The Democrats are NOT lying. bush is the liar. bush and cheney manipulated and cherry picked the intelligence that supported their desire to invade Iraq. It's one of those "True Facts".

Mr. Clinton isn't shooting his mother, he is doing good deeds. How screwed up is Ottmann comparing humanitarian work to murder??!

Since you refuse to answer my question regarding your bible quote I will assume you are avoiding answering because you know you are wrong.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 10:01:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

The Iraq war is NOT illegal at all. It was voted for by Congress. Solid evidence was brought before the UN by Colin Powell. Bush made his case to go to war after 9/11 to make sure another one did not happen here.

America does not need anyone's permission to defend itself from possible attack, based on conclusive evidence from intelligence sources all over the world.

This is why ABLE DANGER is coming to kill the Slick Willey beast! Oh don't worry, you'll understand soon enough, dkfz.

Speaking of doing good, how come have haven't given GWB credit for his AIDS work, which is at least 3 times that of Clinton's ??????

How Come Slick let all the terrorism that killed thousands of innocent people go on and on during his presidency?????

Had we failed to act, the dictator's weapons of mass destruction programs would continue to this day. Had we failed to act, Security Council resolutions on Iraq would have been revealed as empty threats, weakening the United Nations and encouraging defiance by dictators around the world. Iraq's torture chambers would still be filled with victims - terrified and innocent. The killing fields of Iraq - where hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children vanished into the sands - would still be known only to the killers. For all who love freedom and peace, the world without Saddam Hussein's regime is a better and safer place.

Some critics have said our duties in Iraq must be internationalized. This particular criticism is hard to explain to our partners in Britain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Spain, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Netherlands, Norway, El Salvador, and the 17 other countries that have committed troops to Iraq. As we debate at home, we must never ignore the vital contributions of our international partners, or dismiss their sacrifices. From the beginning, America has sought international support for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and we have gained much support. There is a difference, however, between leading a coalition of many nations, and submitting to the objections of a few. America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our people.

We also hear doubts that democracy is a realistic goal for the greater Middle East, where freedom is rare. Yet it is mistaken, and condescending, to assume that whole cultures and great religions are incompatible with liberty and self-government. I believe that God has planted in every heart the desire to live in freedom. And even when that desire is crushed by tyranny for decades, it will rise again. – President George W. Bush, January 2004 SOTU address.

One of the Iraqi memos contains an order from Saddam for his intelligence service to support terrorist attacks against Americans in Somalia. The memo was written nine months before U.S. Army Rangers were ambushed in Mogadishu by forces loyal to a warlord with ties to al Qaeda.

Other memos provide a list of terrorist groups with whom Iraq had relationships and considered available for terror operations against the United States.

Among the organizations mentioned are those affiliated with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Ayman al-Zawahiri, two of the world's most wanted terrorists.

To believe that the White House concocted a fable about WMD in Iraq, you would have to believe in a massive conspiracy involving not only the Bush people, but both Bill Clinton’s and George Bush’s CIA director, George Tenet; Bush’s first term secretary of state, Colin Powell; Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright; Clinton’s key NSC Persian Gulf adviser, Kenneth Pollack; and numerous WMD experts at the United Nations.

How many people, for instance, know that Wilson himself, the Democrats’ big stick to beat up on Bush, believed that when the war began Saddam had weapons of mass destruction?

Here is what he wrote in his now infamous July 6, 2003, column in the New York Times, attempting to disprove, unsuccessfully, that the Bush Administration was wrong when it insisted Iraq had been seeking nuclear materials in Niger:

“I was convinced before the war that the threat of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Saddam Hussein required a vigorous and sustained international response to disarm him. Iraq possessed and had used chemical weapons; it had an active biological weapons program and quite possibly a nuclear research program—all of which were in violation of U.N. resolutions.”

What Wilson said in this column, of course, contained the core rationale the administration gave as to why this country went to war. Was Wilson in on the White House conspiracy, too?

Even though Wilson argued that his oral report to the CIA refuted Bush’s claim that Iraq had sought uranium in Niger—the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence forcefully asserted quite the opposite—he did believe what virtually the whole world believed: that Saddam Hussein had plenty of WMD and was energetically attempting to acquire more.

Of course dkfz is a lost cause who will never ever believe anything that doesn't come from liberal wacko conspiracy theorists' Al Franken and Micky Mooron, or the "brains" in hollywood who live in fantasyland.

Wilson is going to jail one day. Maybe dkfz would like to join him? He's already in his own personal prison of self-deception.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 10:22:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Oh don't worry, you'll understand soon enough, dkfz.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm probably wrong about some of the things I've posted here. One thing I am certain of though -- Everything you believe is a lie; Everything you post is a lie. You are going to be quite shocked when the truth is revealed to you -- but by then it will be too late for you to save yourself.

This "permission slip" crap is really insulting. This doesn't have anything to do with "permission slips"! This is about an arrogant president who thinks he can make a show of presenting a case to the UN, then do exactly as he pleases -- over the objections of the other member nations. BTW Colin Powell was USED. He knows he was used, which was why he didn't stick around for the second term.

I don't care which Democrats believed beforehand that Iraq had WMD. They believed bush because they thought that he, as president, wanted to do what was best for our country. It turned out that he lied because he was determined to "rewrite history" and finish the job his father started. Cheney had him convinced that it would be a cake walk (or God told him). Oh well, there is still plenty of money to be made via Oil contracts, War profiteering, fraud and outright theft.

Is this the AIDS work you are referring to:

Bush Accused of Aids Damage to Africa.

The U.S. government's emphasis on abstinence-only programs to prevent AIDS is hobbling Africa's battle against the pandemic by downplaying the role of condoms, a senior U.N. official said on Monday. Stephen Lewis, the U.N. secretary general's special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, said fundamentalist Christian ideology was driving Washington's AIDS assistance program known as PEPFAR with disastrous results, including condom shortages in Uganda.

"There is no doubt in my mind that the condom crisis in Uganda is being driven by [US policies]", Mr Lewis said yesterday. "To impose a dogma-driven policy that is fundamentally flawed is doing damage to Africa".

In 2003, President Bush declared he would spend $15bn on his emergency plan for Aids relief, but receiving aid under the program has moral strings attached.

What's really at stake here is PROFITS for pharmaceutical companies:

Bush's AIDS "Gift" Has Been Seized by Industry Giants.

Fighting AIDS was supposed to show George Bush's softer side. "Seldom has history offered a greater opportunity to do so much for so many", he said in his State of the Union address in January. He has since reconsidered, deciding instead to offer a few more opportunities to the few. First he handed the top job of his global AIDS initiative to a Big Pharma boss, then he broke his $3bn promise of AIDS relief. And now there are concerns that he may sabotage a plan to send cheap drugs to countries ravaged by AIDS.

In August, the World Trade Organization announced a new deal on drug patents that was supposed to give poor countries facing health problems the right to import generic drugs. But the deal seemed unworkable: the United States, at the behest of the pharmaceutical lobby, had successfully pushed for so many conditions that the agreement exploded from a straightforward 52 words to a sprawling 3,200-word maze.

Countries wanting to import cheap generics must jump through multiple hoops to prove they are truly in need, unable to afford patented drugs and incapable of producing the medicines domestically. Meanwhile, there is no guarantee that there will be a sufficient supply of drugs for them to buy, since the deal also puts up hurdles for countries wanting to export. "A 'gift' tightly bound in red tape", declared a coalition of NGOs, including Médecins Sans Frontières and Third World Network.

Bush's AIDS strategy is far less ambiguous. His $3bn a year AIDS pledge has been whittled down to $2bn, and possibly much less. And on October 3, the Senate approved Bush's choice to head up his global AIDS initiative: Randall Tobias, former CEO of drug giant Eli Lilly, charter member of the industry group leading the charge against the Canadian plan.

Tobias's appointment is a bit like trusting the CEO of ExxonMobil to lead a government effort to promote solar power. The Bush administration insists that Tobias, who is holding on to his Eli Lilly stock, will not use the job to do Big Pharma's bidding and will support the use of generics if they are cheaper. (right)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 11:16:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

Esquire editor David Granger argued that Clinton was poised to become "something like a president of the world or at least a president of the world's non-governmental organizations."

Indeed, things are shaping up quite nicely for the "man of peace" to take his place on the world stage. Clinton was just in Israel to set it all up. Also remember that the libs in Europe love him, to death.



Former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation failed to meet at least six of 19 accountability standards established by the Better Business Bureau.

A report by the watchdog group said the Clinton Foundation lacks policies requiring performance reviews for its chief executive officer and for the foundation as a whole.

"One would have hoped to have seen an organization like this, a charity like this, living up to the highest standards of disclosure,” said Marion Fremont-Smith, a senior research fellow at Harvard University’s Center for Nonprofit Organizations.

The Clinton Foundation’s latest report, released on September 23, showed the organization took in $57.7 million in donations last year, and borrowed nearly $38.5 million to cover expenses related to the library.

Donors to the foundation have included the Saudi Royal Family, the governments of Dubai, Kuwait and Qatar.

Is Clinton the Real Antichrist?

The Canadian Red Cross issued a weak apology for killing more than 3,000 people with tainted blood.

The organization was fined $4,000 for distributing the plasma tainted with the AIDS virus and hepatitis C.

That an organization as prominent as the Red Cross could get away with mass murder is bad enough, but the international press never bothered to scratch beneath the surface of the story. No one bothered to ask the simple question: From where did this tainted blood originate?

There's a reason for that.

Even a cursory probe would lead directly to a former president of the United States – Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was at the center of a scandal in Arkansas in the 1980s involving the sale of contaminated blood to Canada – blood that would be distributed by the Red Cross.

As governor of Arkansas, Clinton awarded a contract to Health Management Associates to provide care to the state's prisoners. The president of the company was a long-time friend and political ally of Clinton and was later appointed by him to the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission. Later, he was among the senior members of Clinton's 1990 gubernatorial re-election team.

Health Management Associates struck a deal with the state, signed by Bill Clinton, to collect and sell blood from Arkansas prisoners. Because of the exploding AIDS crisis, U.S. regulations did not permit the prisoner blood to be sold legally within the United States. But HMA found a willing buyer in Canada – Connaught, a Toronto blood fractionator, which didn't know the source of the supplies. The blood was also sold to other countries.

Sales continued until 1983, when HMA revealed that some of the blood might be contaminated with AIDS and hepatitis.

Whistleblower Michael Galster, who conducted orthopedic clinics in the Arkansas prison system during the period blood was collected, charged HMA officials knew the blood was tainted as they sold it to Canada and a half-dozen other countries.

His thanks was an arson attack on his clinic.

Here is perhaps the least well-known Clinton scandal.

As governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton knowingly oversaw the illicit sale of state prison blood to hemophiliacs and others – spreading AIDS and other deadly diseases to thousands in the 1980s.

Galster says Clinton organized a payoff plan to various officials, including a judge, to make sure the blood sales continued. He claims millions were made from the conspiracy because between 5,000 and 8,000 units of blood were shipped every week from one prison alone. He even witnessed inmates drawing blood from each other with dirty needles.

While the Canadian Red Cross apologized for the death of 3,000 from the distribution this bad blood, no one really knows how many have died. They stopped counting Canadian deaths in the blood scandal in 1997. And, of course, no one – not the United Nations, nor the United States – has bothered to chronicle the death toll in the other countries that received the tainted blood from Bill Clinton's death factories in Arkansas.

Should there be indictments over this crime? If ever there was a reason for an international human-rights tribunal to be invoked for trial and punishment of those responsible for a massive human-rights violation, this would seem to be the appropriate case.

Think about it – public officials making deals with private companies to permit them to collect tainted blood and sell it overseas. This was about trading the lives of unknown foreigners for profit and political expediency. Simple as that.

Canadians should not accept a simple apology from the Canadian Red Cross. They should demand real justice be extracted from those responsible for this crime in the United States – beginning with Bill Clinton.

Let's also not forget that Bill Clinton allowed terrorism to flourish in the 1990's, even after Osama bin Laden had declared war on the U.S. at least twice, culminating more than 3000 deaths on September 11, 2001.

Clinton also gave U.S. nuclear secrets to China, and possibly Iran in exchange for campaign money while granting Enron Corporation a huge government contract in India worth Billions, thus saving it from bankruptcy. The corruption from there, including Global Crossings and Worldcom is what helped lead to the bubble bursting and subsequent recession during the last year of his U.S. wreckage.

Bill Clinton also initiated the disastrous Oslo accords between the Palestinian's and Israelis, that failed miserably and jump started the Intifada for Yasser Arafat, whom Clinton sided with against Israel in order to annihilate more Jews using Palestinian terrorism. After all, it is the goal of the Antichrist to kill all of God's chosen people while taking over the world during a time of chaos and tribulation, which Clinton fostered and exacerbated. This he is ready to complete.

Clinton then proceeded to tell a bald-faced lie to the entire nation in a televised speech denying that he had sex with Monica Lewinsky. If not for her stained dress as evidence to the contrary, she would likely be dead, as are others who got in the Clinton's way, such as Ron Brown and Vince Foster.

The former president from Arkansas (worst state in the nation at the time of his election) should pay dearly for the massive crimes he committed while president.

Democrats should never be allowed to have anyone as president who does not have his record gone over for years beforehand with the finest tooth comb. In fact there should be hearings before his nomination as is done with other high government posts. The DNC cannot be trusted to give us another president because they do not have America's interest in mind, but its destruction.

Had Clinton been a republican, you can be sure that the hyprocritical, double standardized media would have broken loose with calls for the presidents impeachment if not death eminating from their liberal base and the all democrats, who really only care about their own, and those naive or dumb enough to agree with their emotional ploys. Clinton's crimes make Watergate comical in comparison.

So in circumspect, it is far more likely that Bill Clinton could be the true Antichrist, and he is now working to install his false prophet in his "wife" Hillary, whom as we all know is full of __it, but who will make grand emotional speeches to con most American's into electing her.

It worked before in 1991, so this time she or he may come up with a massive one-sided media feeding frenzy against the other candidate, who will not stand a chance, thus ensuring that the real Antichrist comes to power, and this time will surely be the end of civilization as we know it.

Perhaps I will do a website called IS BILL CLINTON THE COMING ANTICHRIST? I've got more than enough proof!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:07:00 AM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mr. Clinton did NOT "fail to act" in combating terrorism. In fact, as I pointed out in the prior thread, Mr. Clinton did an OUTSTANDING job combating terrorism. It was bush who instituted "Operation Ignore".

Quote from "Big Lies" by Joe Conason:

The indictment of Clinton by Sean Hannity, Sullivan, and other conservatives relies heavily on a fable about attempts by the government of Sudan to "hand over bin Laden to the United States" in 1996. Authoritative reporting in the Washington Post and in "The Age of Sacred Terror" by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon shows that the Sudanese offered only to "arrest bin Laden and place him in Saudi custody".

Post reporter Barton Gellman detailed the efforts by the Clinton white house and the State Department to induce the Saudis to accept custody of bin Laden, a request that the authorities in Riyadh adamantly refused. There was no offer to hand bin Laden over to the United States before the Sudanese deported him back to Kabul.

The Clinton critics like to dismiss his administration's efforts to stop bin Laden as a couple of missiles fired at an empty tent. Yet there was no lack of zeal in Clinton's hunt for the Saudi terrorist. In 1998 Clinton signed a secret National Security Directive that authorized an intensive, ongoing campaign to destroy al Qaeda and seize or assassinate bin Laden. Several attempts were made on bin Laden's life, aside from the famous cruise missile launch that summer, which conservatives falsely denounced as an attempt to deflect attention from the Lewinsky scandal.

In 1999, the CIA organized a Pakistani commando unit in enter Afghanistan on a mission to capture or kill bin Laden. That operation was aborted when General Pervez Musharraf seized the Pakistani government from Nawaz Sharif, the more cooperative civilian Prime Minster. A year later, bin Laden was reportedly almost killed in a rocket-grenade attack on his convoy. Unfortunately, the missiles hit the wrong truck.

Simultaneously, the White House tried to persuade or coerce the Taliban regime into expelling bin Laden from Afghanistan. Clinton signed an executive order freezing $254 million in Taliban assets in the United States, while the State Department kept the Taliban internationally isolated.

On Clinton's watch, the CIA and the National Security Council instituted a special al Qaeda unit that thwarted several deadly conspiracies, including a scheme to blow up Los Angeles International Airport on Millennium eve, and plots to bomb the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels in New York City as well as the United Nations building. Timely American intelligence also prevented a deadly assault on the Israeli embassy in Washington. Meanwhile, the State Department and the CIA neutralized dozens of terrorist cells overseas through quiet prosecutions, extraditions, and executions undertaken by allies from Albania to the Philippines.

A month before Clinton left office -- and nine months before the planes hit the world trade center -- the nation's most experienced diplomats in counter terrorism praised those efforts. "Overall, I give them very high marks", said Robert Oakley, former Ambassador for Counter terrorism in the Reagan State Department. "The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama, which has made him stronger". Paul Bremer, who had served in the same post under Reagan and later was chosen by congressional leaders to chair the National Commission on Terrorism, disagreed slightly with his colleague. Bremer told the Washington Post he believed that the Clinton administration had "correctly focused on bin Laden". (pages 205-207)

Bottom Line: Republicans don't give a damn about poor people except as a source of cheap labor. Their number one priority is cutting taxes for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans. Democrats, on the other hand, fight for programs designed to help America's working poor overcome the unfair advantages they face in a world that overwhelmingly favors the privileged.

For me, it's an easy choice.

The Bible on the Poor (or, Why God is a liberal)

I think it's fair to say that American attitudes toward the poor are mostly disdain and fear. They're dangerous and different. Republicans believe that their condition is their own fault, that they're simply lazy or inferior. Other Americans are more kind-hearted, but prefer not to look at the poor too closely; it's depressing, and they're surely not fun people to be with. These attitudes are a world away from God's attitudes, as described in the Bible. Neediness arouses compassion in God -- and action. We may think: "Of course God loves the poor; he loves everybody". But it's not so simple as that; God's character is presented as a model for our own. If God values the poor, we have to think about what that means for us.

Many Evangelicals worry what might happen to our country if sexual immorality flourishes. Now, the sexual morality the Bible tells us to be worried about is our own, but that's another discussion. A more serious worry is what will happen to us, our churches, our nation, if we don't serve the poor. Obviously, adding to the misery of the poor is bad -- exploiting workers, oppressing immigrants, robbing the needy. But it doesn't stop there. Merely ignoring the poor is a crime. Sodom wasn't destroyed because of sexual immorality; it was destroyed because it "had arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease" -- and isn't that a pretty good description of America? -- and it "did not help the poor and needy".

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:59:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I respond to more Ottmann nonsense from the prior thread:

Ottmann lies AND insults women... Pelosi is one of the richest bitches in the world. So is Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. All of them are richer than some countries and comined are richer than many countries! They will suffer so very dearly when it's time due to their lying hypocrisy.

Wealthy Democrats have to give all their money away or they are hypocrites?

Quote from "Big Lies" by Joe Conason:

If it is morally right and good for America to lift families out of poverty with a minimum wage increase or an earned income tax credit, why would those policies be less valid when advocated by a millionaire? And why wouldn't a millionaire or billionaire who loves America advocate what's best for all the American people? Quite a few enlightened men and women of wealth have sought to help the poor and the middle class. That has often meant abandoning their narrow, immediate material interests. Yet somehow conservatives cannot imagine that a person who has enjoyed abundance, privilege, and education might adopt any worldview other than icy selfishness. Not every fortunate son is as blinded by privilege as the offspring of the Bush family. (Page 22)

This is just a Republican smokescreen used to discredit Democrats. It's basically meaningless BS -- especially since the Republican senators are just as wealthy! The fact is that these Democratic Senators have dedicated their lives to serve average and underprivledged Americans -- NOT the super wealthy and corporations. Their service is admirable, not hypocritical! FACT!

Ottmann lied... Democrats are the most vile liars on the face of the earth who rape the people with taxes that they pocket for themselves!

LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE -- that's all Ottmann does! Republicans are the ones who steal from the the American people by way of no bid contracts, fraud, and tax cuts for the super wealthy! When they leave government they continue stealing by becoming lobbyists and unfairly use their government contacts to secure no bid government contracts for their clients (It's the Republican circle of theft). For Republicans it isn't about serving the public -- it's about fattening their pocketbooks!

Ottmann lied... So let dkfz can continue his filthy lies, ... he's already gone. And he knows it!

Everything you believe is a lie -- but you're to far gone to see the facts right in front of you!

dkfz truthfully pointed out an obvious FACT... Mr. Clinton did NOT "fail to act" in combating terrorism. In fact, as I pointed out in the prior thread, Mr. Clinton did an OUTSTANDING job combating terrorism. It was bush who instituted "Operation Ignore".

You're 100 percent correct -- The bush administration's "Operation Ignore" makes it extremely clear that GW bush is responsible for the 3000 deaths on September 11th. He is guilty of failing to do his job as president and protect the American people. This was a failure so colossal that it is completely inexcusable!

bush's war crimes make Watergate appear comical in comparison. Never in American history has there been so dishonest and amoral a president!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 4:01:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

I wish he'd stop it, he's making me laugh too hard~!

NO, he's not frustrated at all, now is he? Geesh!

The dems like Pelosi, Boxer, Kennedy, etc are all lying scum hypocrites who don't give any of their millions to anyone else. They are the richest of the rich and the most selfish of them all. Take the Clinton's on taxes, they refuse to pay what they really owe. Bill deducts his used underwear he's so cheap. Oh yeah, they really care about the poor. What a load of crapola that is! All dems care about is money and power, period. Blacks have gotten nowhere with dems for all these years. dems just string them along with empty promises.

Democrats entire game is falling apart as they're being exposed for the lying jackasses they are. They're all about raping the people, especially the poor. Just look at Louisiana, the poorest state, run by democrats who ran it into the ground due to their selfish, lazy attitude.

Clinton was so outstanding that Osama laughed at him for 8 years until Clinton pissed him off enough for him to give the go ahead for 9/11. Clinton was so good that he turned down Osama's hand over twice before 9/11!

Clinton was so good that all the other attacks on us in the 90's never actually happened. It was all a mirage. Moghadishu, the USS Cole, Niger, Somalia etc., Oklahoma City, Waco were all just a bad dream. Clinton took absolutly no responsibility for anything, ever!!!! Hang that bastard!

The FACT is that Clinton was pathetic. He blew it bad because he was weak and thought being president was like a job in hollywood. The jerk Clintoon is an inbred hillbilly who had no business being president of the greatest nation on earth.

As I've said previously, Democrat's have nothing other than lies, smears and revised history to offer America.

Wed Nov 16 2005 18:56:46 ET

Excerpts As Prepared For Delivery Tonight by Vice President Cheney

THE VICE PRESIDENT: "As most of you know, I have spent a lot of years in public service, and first came to work in Washington, D.C. back in the late 1960s. I know what it’s like to operate in a highly charged political environment, in which the players on all sides of an issue feel passionately and speak forcefully.

In such an environment people sometimes lose their cool, and yet in Washington you can ordinarily rely on some basic measure of truthfulness and good faith in the conduct of political debate. But in the last several weeks we have seen a wild departure from that tradition.

And the suggestion that’s been made by some U. S. senators that the President of the United States or any member of this Administration purposely misled the American people on pre-war intelligence is one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city...

Some of the most irresponsible comments have, of course, come from politicians who actually voted in favor of authorizing force against Saddam Hussein. These are elected officials who had access to the intelligence, and were free to draw their own conclusions.

They arrived at the same judgment about Iraq’s capabilities and intentions that was made by this Administration and by the previous Administration. There was broad-based, bipartisan agreement that Saddam Hussein was a threat … that he had violated U.N. Security Council Resolutions … and that, in a post-9/11 world, we couldn’t afford to take the word of a dictator who had a history of WMD programs, who had excluded weapons inspectors, who had defied the demands of the international community, who had been designated an official state sponsor of terror, and who had committed mass murder.

Those are facts.

What we’re hearing now is some politicians contradicting their own statements and making a play for political advantage in the middle of a war. The saddest part is that our people in uniform have been subjected to these cynical and pernicious falsehoods day in and day out. American soldiers and Marines are out there every day in dangerous conditions and desert temperatures – conducting raids, training Iraqi forces, countering attacks, seizing weapons, and capturing killers – and back home a few opportunists are suggesting they were sent into battle for a lie.

The President and I cannot prevent certain politicians from losing their memory, or their backbone – but we’re not going to sit by and let them rewrite history.

We’re going to continue throwing their own words back at them. And far more important, we’re going to continue sending a consistent message to the men and women who are fighting the war on terror in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other fronts.

We can never say enough how much we appreciate them, and how proud they make us. They and their families can be certain: That this cause is right … and the performance of our military has been brave and honorable … and this nation will stand behind our fighting forces with pride and without wavering until the day of victory.

DEMOCRAPS ARE HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:12:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

Democrap lies about the "leak" case are coming back to haunt them bigtime!.... JUST AS KNEW, AND SAID THEY WOULD. TOO BAD dkfz, YOU FREAKIN' LIAR! YOU'RE SCREWED NOW DUDE!!!!!!!

WASHINGTON — Testimony by Washington Post editor Bob Woodward in the CIA leak case is a bombshell to the special prosecutor's case against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, an attorney for Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff told FOX News on Wednesday.

The disclosure by Woodward in Wednesday's Post shows that Libby was not the first government official to tell a reporter the secret identity of a CIA operative, said Ted Wells, one of Libby's lawyers.

Libby resigned from his position immediately after he was indicted on perjury and obstruction charges last month. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald alleged the former aide lied about his role in revealing the name of CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to reporters.

Plame Wilson is the wife of Bush administration critic Joseph Wilson. Her name was first revealed in a column by Robert Novak in July 2003.

Woodward wrote in his account of the testimony that he talked to Libby on June 20 and June 27 but didn't recall Libby mentioning Plame Wilson. Woodward's account undermines Fitzgerald's argument that Libby was involved in a scheme to discredit Plame Wilson by leaking her name and identity to the press, Wells said.

William Jeffress Jr., one of Libby's lawyers, told the Post that Woodward's testimony raises questions about his client's indictment. "Will Mr. Fitzgerald now say he was wrong to say on TV that Scooter Libby was the first official to give this information to a reporter?" Jeffress said.

Added former Justice Department official Victoria Toensing of Fitzgerald: "He has been investigating a very simple factual scenario and he has missed this crucial fact. It makes you cry out for asking, 'Well what else did he not know, what else did he not do?'"

A best-selling author, Woodward, famous for his investigation with Carl Bernstein of the Watergate scandal during the Nixon administration, is now assistant managing editor of the Post. In October, he was dismissive of the outing of Plame Wilson, telling a cable news show that the damage from her exposure was "quite minimal."

"When I think all of the facts come out in this case, it's going to be laughable because the consequences are not that great," Woodward said.


Any Moore lies to tell us all dkfz? The DNC script is a joke. FYI, we've known about the GAME PLAN MEMO to discredit Bush and the administation, for six months! Yet you keep lying, which is simply amazing to us.

Hell, go ahead and keep on lying through your teeth. You know where you're going, oh hateful one!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:32:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ottmann lied... The dems like Pelosi, Boxer, Kennedy, etc are all lying scum hypocrites who don't give any of their millions to anyone else. They are the richest of the rich and the most selfish of them all.

They are arguing to raise taxes on themselves and that makes them hypocrites? I think not Ottmann. Your lies really do grow tiresome.

Ottmann lied... a few opportunists are suggesting they were sent into battle for a lie.

Maybe they're "suggesting" it because it's TRUE! I hope the Democrats are successful in proving it. I don't see how that could be possible though -- since the AntiChrist's plans would then be thwarted.

Ottmann lied... Clinton was so good that he turned down Osama's hand over twice before 9/11!

I've already pointed out that this is a lie! It NEVER happened! It is a fabrication direct from the Republican lie machine!

Ottmann lied... The jerk Clintoon is an inbred hillbilly who had no business being president of the greatest nation on earth.

Junior is the one who has no business being president! His ONLY "qualification" is being the son of a former president! He got into Yale and "skull and bones" because he was a "legacy". Then he started an oil company which would have went bankrupt, except that he was bailed out by his family's rich friends. Next he made a ton of money in a baseball deal by STEALING from taxpayers! The guy's a LOSER whose only "accomplishments" in life are due to his rich daddy's connections!

What we're hearing now is some politicians contradicting their own statements.

So? Thank God they've come to their senses! They shouldn't have voted for war to begin with -- even considering the FACT that the only "evidence" they saw was that which was cherry picked by the liar Cheney. However, I don't think it is surprising that bush was able to start this war based on feeble evidence and lies -- it's further proof that he is the AntiChrist.

I don't know what to make of the Woodward development -- except to say that -- if bush is the AntiChrist (and I'm fairly convinced he is) -- then the Democrats are doomed to fail.

Of course you'll be giddly typing away, delighting in the Democrats failure -- and posting more lies on your blog. You can't throw it back in my face when the Democrats fail Ottmann -- because I'm predicting it right now.

The Democrats will be "history", Hillary won't be elected in 2008 (because the election will be rigged again), she won't hand over power to the EU, and Bill Clinton won't be able to manipulate things from behind the scenes as a powerful "first man".

The success of the AntiChrist is predicted in the bible, but that doesn't mean people should stop fighting for what is right! I am very happy to be on the RIGHT side -- which will ultimately be the WINNING side.

Ottmann's inner monologue... Hell, go ahead and keep on lying through your teeth. You know where you're going, oh hateful one!

Talking to yourself is a sure sign of delusion -- although I have to agree with you on this one point.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:46:00 AM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...


Clinton admitted that he turned down Bin Laden's handover. I've got the evidence, and it's on tape. Silly dkfz can't handle that facts, as usual.

Ha, ha, get this.... anti-war criminal and "mother"Cindy Sheehan was found guilty for dem on strating without a permit. She just can't keep her big mouth shut. She was fined $50.00 and HER LAWYER said they will appeal! How much did her lawyer cost? I'll bet at least $500.00. Gawd are they stupid or what?

Desperate Dems are now screaming for an Iraq pullout. They want to abandon the mission before it's complete so that America loses like Vietnam.

But thank God we have a real leader in office who knows what the stakes are, and won't cave to the sissy's.

Democraps are getting in more trouble as their lies are being exposed. Bush and Cheney are fighting back and aren't going to let the lying-libs rewrite history. Screw those liberal anti-American bastards like dkfz. We won't let wimps like you continue your lies against the president and our troops.

"There's a bright line there that the Democrats have crossed. They have no facts on their side."

More great articles today exposing the dummycraps. See: Big Lie Democrats

An Incomplete Investigation, Why did the 9/11 Commission ignore "Able Danger"? By Louis Freeh

Democraps are losing big just as I predicted they would.
Losers like dkfz are having fits because their lies just aren't working, no matter how many polls they take amongst themselves.

Senator Kerry is, in fact, the Great Deceiver. So it is fitting that he has now taken up the Democratic crusade against George W. Bush, accusing him of lying to the Senate and to the American people on the basis of, well, let's be honest, next to no evidence, and in the face of a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The reason that the Democratic 'leadership' (HA!) seems intent on aggressively pushing a transparently false charge against the President of the United States is that it sees political advantage in doing so. It is what the Michael Mooron base of the party desires, and with the American public showing weariness of the war and of hearing the casualty figures reported daily in the media, the time is ripe, they miscalculate, to hammer Bush on the war. The only problem is, much of the Democratic leadership supported going to war.

That dilemma is solved, in their mind, by pushing the argument that they were "misled" by Bush into doing so. This may turn out to be a bit uncomfortable for the Democrats' probable 2008 presidential candidate -- Hilary Clinton -- who is already on record as admitting that the intelligence used by the Bush administration was consistent with the intelligence assessments during the Bill Clinton presidency. But the Democrats will cross that bridge when they come to it. In the meantime, it is the Democratic priority to discredit the U.S. Commander in Chief, in time of war, simply because he's a Republican.

History will correct the current lies and misperceptions regarding Bush "lying us into war." And, most probably, history will eventually render an unflattering judgment on the Democratic leadership's current behavior. But that will be small comfort if the Democrats manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq. Fortunately, Bush seems to have awoken to the fact that he can't continue simply to shrug off Democratic attacks and will, with the Republicans in Congress, aggressively respond to the Democrats' smear campaign.

Seeing their windfall political capital beginning to evaporate, the Dems needed something to keep up the momentum. Having failed in their efforts to prove the Bush administration nearly as corrupt as Clinton's was, they returned to the falsity of alleging that the Bush administration cherry-picked the intelligence to bolster his case for removing Saddam. To accomplish this, the Democrats are cherry-picking intelligence and news reports, using 20-20 hindsight, to bolster their case that Bush cherry-picked intelligence to bolster his case. As usual, dems are doing the very same thing they accuse Republican's of. Amazing!

At no time that I am aware of has anybody explained Bush's motive for inventing a new case for war when none was needed.

Hans Blix' report to the United Nations provided all the evidence necessary to justify removing Saddam, even without any input from the Bush administration. Blix outlined a litany of deception and violations of existing U.N. resolutions against Iraq, even as he argued that UNMOVIC was beginning to get its act together.

He noted the discovery of 3,000 pages of documents in the home of an Iraqi scientist, "much of it relating to the laser enrichment of uranium," saying UNMOVIC believed such tactics were "deliberate to make discovery difficult and to seek to shield documents by placing them in private homes."

Blix's report escaped the Democratic National Committee's cherry-pickers. While using the war to slam Bush, the Democrats also needed to explain why 77 of them voted in favor of the Iraq war. They say it's because Bush had better intelligence than they did. The fact is, had any Democrat requested intelligence from the White House and was refused, it would certainly have caused a congressional catfight that would have been all over the news.

Instead, say the Dems, they simply accepted the Bush administration's assessments at face value, and that is why they voted in favor of war. It is the constitutional duty of the Congress to authorize war. That makes it the duty of every member of the authorizing body to fully investigate the reasons for war.

For the Democrats to argue that they didn't know what they were doing, but did it anyway, is an admission of utter incompetence, if not outright dereliction of duty.

The war with Saddam didn't begin on Sept. 11. It began in 1991. It continued for the entire decade, including a massive U.S. attack on Baghdad in 1998, codenamed 'Operation Desert Fox.' Regime change in Iraq was a U.S. policy articulated by Bill Clinton.

George Tenet, whom the Democrats allege cooked the intelligence for Bush, was hardly a Republican apparatchik. Tenet began his career as uber-liberal Sen. Pat Leahy's aide on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He was appointed the Committee's staff director by Democrat David Boren. Tenet was appointed to his CIA post by Bill Clinton. Bush's role in Tenet's career amounted to not firing him when he took office. The 9-11 attacks took place nine months into Bush's presidency – under the noses of a director of central intelligence appointed by Democrats. The resolution authorizing war was passed at a time when the Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress.

The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, chaired by former Democratic Sen. Charles Robb of Virginia and senior federal appellate court judge Laurence Silberman concluded after a lengthy investigation that CIA analysts "universally assert[ed] that in no instance did political pressure cause them to change any of their analytical judgments."

The CIA's own ombudsman, "also found no evidence, based on numerous confidential interviews with the analysts involved, that political pressure had caused any analyst to change any judgments."

For Bush to have mislead the nation into war, two things – for sure – would have to be unquestionable. The first is that Bush knew his "secret" intelligence sources (he didn't share with Congress) were 100 percent right and the CIA assessment was 100 percent wrong. Secondly, knowing the truth, Bush would have to have concealed this intelligence from his staff, the Pentagon and the Congress.

Perhaps this is a good time to point out that President Clinton couldn't conceal an affair he was having in the Oval Office bathroom. By definition, Clinton's affair began as a conspiracy of two. Within months, it was all over the front page.

To deliberately start a war based on false pretenses would be a lot more serious than a tasteless affair – it would be high treason. Anybody knowingly involved would therefore be part of a conspiracy to commit treason. And there would have to be a lot more than two conspirators. To argue that the White House could manage such a wide conspiracy – and keep a lid on it – is believable only to the politically naive.

In short, the Democrat's charges aren't even possible, let alone feasible, and those who are making those charges know it. The central charge is that the president is a liar. The more irresponsible among the loony left, including Howard Dean, have said so in so many words.

Here is the conundrum the Democrats have created for themselves: If Bush didn't lie, then they are themselves liars for making the accusation without knowing that it is true. On the other hand, if Bush did lie, then they accuse themselves of incompetence at best, and dereliction of their constitutional duty at worst.

But nobody will hold the Democrats accountable for lying. It's only wrong when Republicans do it. Right? HA!

What dkfz and his liberal fools will come to understand someday if they ever grow-up, is that this war has been going on for decades, and it's time we just won it.

While lib dems play politics egging-on the terrorists', our soldiers are getting killed because of them. The cost for all that is to be determined, but I suspect it will be very high! Ignorance is no excuse!

Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:13:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

President Bush excels at creating fiction


WASHINGTON -- A large part of every president's portfolio is the freedom to rewrite history. The White House does it all the time to dress up policy decisions and make the president look wiser.

I heard President Johnson expound at length that he alone championed development of the space program when in truth it was a collaborative effort in Congress. His mentor, Georgia Sen. Richard Russell, snorted: "Lyndon, I knew you wanted to be president just so you could rewrite history".

Johnson, who later would be driven from office by the Vietnam War "credibility gap", made no response.

President Bush is more adept than most of his predecessors. Nowadays such muddying of the facts is so common it is called spin. During the 2004 campaign, most of the president's statements on Iraq were a whole lot of meringue and not much pie.

So it was silly when Bush asserted last week that critics who complain of being misled by distorted administration intelligence on Iraq were rewriting history.

Bush contends Congress had "the same" intelligence he had, and that when he held office President Clinton had the same data, too. Yet Congress had only some of the same intelligence, and only that provided by the administration.

The president did not share his most sensitive intelligence, such as his Daily Brief. Congress only got summaries that did not include the skepticism expressed about some of the information. And it was all classified and not cleared for public release.

Intelligence agencies around the world did believe Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and Democratic lawmakers were as alarmed about the threat as Republicans. But the degree of the threat, in particular the risk of that nuclear "mushroom cloud" administration officials kept describing, was very much in dispute.

Before the 9/11-induced hysteria over WMD, Clinton indeed saw the basic presidential warnings. But his conclusion was very different. He felt inspections and economic pressures were containing Saddam's ambitions, which turned out to be true.

Clinton bombed some Iraqi trouble spots, but would not consider sending in ground troops.

Bush also said official investigations had proved there was "no evidence of political pressure to change the intelligence community's judgments".

Not so fast, please.

The Senate probe was confined to searching for direct evidence of pressure, discounting the constant but low-visibility nagging of Vice President Dick Cheney and others to get reports rewritten the way they wanted. It stopped before examining how the information was used, or abused.

Frustrated Democratic senators recently forced the Senate into a rare closed-door session to pressure GOP Intelligence Committee chairman Pat Roberts to launch another probe, to compare what administration officials said with what was known.

There is a long list of discrepancies between what we now know and the justifications offered by Bush and company for a war they had already decided to wage. This is finally seeping out to the voters, who are responding by calling Bush's bluff -- he's down to a record-low 37 percent approval.

His attempt to fight back by smearing critics as unpatriotic is in itself unpatriotic. We still have free speech. The push for war came from him, not Congress. His critics were hoodwinked but they didn't give the invasion orders.

Bush is so busy rewriting the story of how the United States blundered into a war we cannot win he's up to at least three volumes of fiction, with more to come.

How can anyone believe Bush? His spokeswoman, Nicole Wallace, called Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid "a liar" for saying that the administration had no strategy for victory in Iraq. Pretty strong stuff. The trouble is, on the subject of Iraq we know the biggest liar occupies the White House.

To deliberately start a war based on false pretenses would be a lot more serious than a tasteless affair – it would be high treason. Anybody knowingly involved would therefore be part of a conspiracy to commit treason.

You are absolutely correct! bush is guilty of Treason! Bill and Monica both knew what they were doing was wrong. In this situation, all the principal players actually believed their own BS -- their "end justifies the means" mentality convinced them they were doing the right thing! So what if their sources were unreliable or proven wrong -- the only thing that mattered was that these sources were telling them what they wanted to hear! So what if their "evidence" included forged documents! With the right amount of spin they were able to dupe everyone into believing their case was much stronger than it actually was. Finally, you have to remember that this is the ANTICHRIST we're talking about -- you don't think the AntiChrist can keep the lid on a conspiracy??

Make no mistake regarding who is responsible for our soldiers getting killed -- it's the man who sent them there. The man who lied us into war. That man is George W. Bush.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 2:25:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

My God you're annoying, dkfz.

*beginning of realistic impersonation of dkfz*

duh, Bush is the Anti-Christ! Bush is the Anti-Christ! duh...om..uuhhh. ahhh.... Bush is the Anti-Christ....If you believe otherwise your a deluded hack... duhh...ohh...uhhh...ummmm. You're a lier, Bush is a lier, duh... Bush is the Anti-Christ!



uhhh...duhhh. I've got tons and tons of proof... he's a real satanist alright...


*end of realistic impersonation of dkfz*

Give it a rest moron.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 3:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO IS THAT ZIONIST SEAL it was given by the Royal Family of the Rothchilds when isreal was created and with Bush as far as I am concerned they can join me in hell. How low can a teen go yes maturity my ass...


Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:16:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

dkfz is wrong and lying to cover up for the Schlick Meister. President Bush is doing his job, and the one Clinton should've done. Congress voted for the war. No matter what the democrat's claim, they cannot change the facts to fit their political agenda. Too bad for them. I've certainly proven them wrong on their entire fiasco.

Here's more UNDENIABLE (except by dkfz) proof that democrat's have lost favor with the American people.

NAACP chief makes switch to GOP

As of this week, Derrick Wallace, head of Orange County's NAACP, has switched parties -- to become a Republican.

"I've thought about this for two years," Wallace said Tuesday afternoon, just a few hours after returning from the elections office. "This is not a decision I made yesterday."

It is, however, a decision that rang out like a shot among political circles.

Republican Party leader Lew Oliver described himself as "extraordinarily pleased," while Democratic leader Tim Shea said he was disappointed.

Wallace, a construction-company exec, was candid about the fact that his business life was a big part of his decision to change.

"It's purely a business decision. Ninety percent of those I do business with are Republicans," he said. "Opportunities that have come to my firm have been brought by Republicans."

To that, democrat Shea responded: "I'm a little confused. Are we talking about the National Association for the Advancement of Construction Professionals -- or Colored People?"

Wallace elaborated that his "business" line of thought also referred to the NAACP. Behind many of the power desks in this town sit Republicans. And he said he wants his organization to be part of that structure. Just as importantly, he said, he didn't want people to immediately brand -- or dismiss -- NAACP concerns as synonymous with those of liberal Democrats. "I want this branch to be respected," he said.

Oliver said they already are, noting that all of the members of the GOP executive board joined the NAACP a few years back to show that they were serious about outreach. "We have taken pains to do our very best to reach out," he said.

Democrat's have contended that GOP policies negatively effect blacks. But this too is a lie from the left.
Many blacks have come to realize that the GOP delivers its promises to minorities, whereas democrat's have not.

Blacks have literally gotten nowhere following the DNC, who promise everything, but deliver next to nothing.

This wake-up call is being heard loud and clear all over the country as more minorites switch to the honest party for the people from the party only for themselves.


The tide is turning as more people wake-up to the fact that Republican's care about the people and democrat's only care about themselves and how they can rape the people of their money.

Polls are a joke, they change with the wind, especially when democrat's are taking them every hour amongst themselves and falsely claiming they represent the nation. It's like democrat's claiming they're the majority Party even today. They're so far removed from reality that they believe their own lies.

So it's good that democrat's continue re-lying on polls to make themselves "feel" better. But as in the past several elections, democrat's are only setting themselves up for another crushing blow because they refuse to admit their failures.

2006 mid-terms will be yet another disaster for the party of misfits living in denial on the left bank.

dkfz realizes dems have lost, which is good thing, but he continues on with his lies against Bush, to no avail. He cannot comphrehend the possiblility that he's wrong about Bush.

This will make him literally have a massive heart attack and die when he finds out the truth, because it will be undeniable even to him. I certainly don't wish that on him at all, but it'll happen unless he repents, does some serious soul searching and alot of praying.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:21:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

Now this is the part where dkfz comes back with exactly what I've said, and spins it against me. You really can't get more pathetic than that!

It just proves beyond doubt that dems have zero originality, or credibility.

So bring it on, Mr. spinner.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:29:00 PM  
Blogger saint said...

I'm beginning to think you people really are hopeless.

Ottman, you aren't providing anything of any discernible value as far as I can see. Yay one democrat turned republican, whoop-de-doo. He didn't even do it for ideological reasons, it was all business. What does THAT tell you?

Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:50:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Cody "humorously" comments... dkfz is too busy reading the truth with jokes by Al Franken and laughing really hard at the part where Cheney has 7 heart attacks in one week. He's a sick, sick man.

I agree, Cheney has some serious heart problems:

(June 1978) Suffers his first heart attack at age 37.
(September 1984) Suffers second heart attack at 43.
(June 1988) Suffers third heart attack.
(August 19, 1988) Undergoes quadruple bypass surgery.
(Nov. 22, 2000) Suffers a mild heart attack, and is rushed to George Washington Hospital, where doctors implant a artery-clearing device in his chest.
(March 5, 2001) Checks himself into George Washington University Hospital after complaining of two brief, mild episodes of chest discomfort. Doctors perform a catheterization and find a blockage.

Cody rudely and foolishly declares... Give it a rest moron.

You won't be able to say you weren't warned. I could care less that you called me a moron -- Unlike you, who went crazy.

Ottmann lied... This wake-up call is being heard loud and clear all over the country as more minorites switch to the honest party for the people from the party only for themselves.

Sounds to me like Derrick Wallace sold out. The FACT remains that minorities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.

Ottmann lied... dkfz realizes dems have lost, which is good thing, but he continues on with his lies against Bush, to no avail. He cannot comphrehend the possiblility that he's wrong about Bush.

Yes, I can comprehend the possibility I am wrong. Maybe bush is JUST a terrible president who lied because he really was convinced that occupying Iraq would be a cakewalk. Can you comprehend YOU might be wrong? I very seriously doubt it -- you will deny the truth to your dying breath.

Ottmann lied... I certainly don't wish that on him at all, but it'll happen unless he repents, does some serious soul searching and alot of praying.

I'll be praying that the Democrats retake the house or senate in 2006 and gain subpoena power.

When judgement day comes, and Ottmann's crimes are revealed to him, he definitely will be shocked -- but of course it will be much to late from him to do anything to save himself from his unpleasant fate. I'll take no pleasure from Ottmann's misery, but I won't feel sorry for him either.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:24:00 PM  
Blogger Cody O'Connor said...

SO IS THAT ZIONIST SEAL it was given by the Royal Family of the Rothchilds when isreal was created and with Bush as far as I am concerned they can join me in hell. How low can a teen go yes maturity my ass...



So what, are you like a 30 year old still living with your mom. Your right, maturaty my a$$. You think you are so high and mighty being older than me but who is acting older I ask.

Go get a life you loser.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:39:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

What did I tell you? dkfz just spins whatever I say. He's a predictable riot.

dkfz said: Ottmann lied... This wake-up call is being heard loud and clear all over the country as more minorites switch to the honest party for the people from the party only for themselves.

Where's the lie? The facts remain the same. Blacks are leaving the dem party in droves! But of course dems can't stand to admit it. SO THEY LIE!!!!!!

dkfz said: "Ottmann lied... I certainly don't wish that on him at all, but it'll happen unless he repents, does some serious soul searching and alot of praying."

Again, where's the lie? Then dkfz just spins the rest. Pathetic!

If you can't see it, then you certainly need some new glasses.

Did you bother to read the links? Let's face reality here, dems are liars relying on emotional propaganda from the fringe lunatics. They're being exposed as such with ABSOLUTE facts, facts that they can only spin, but the people are smarter than they believe them to be. IN fact, dems think anyone who isn't a liberal is a redneck idiot.

Caught ya, you said: well yeah!

Now, if you still can't see it, then you're not a discerning person and you don't recognize one when you read it.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:59:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

dkfz said: "I'll be praying that the Democrats retake the house or senate in 2006 and gain subpoena power."

That is exactly what the dems game plan is, to get Bush impeached based on trumped up charges IF they somehow regain control of the House. They plan on charging Bush in 2007-2008 no matter that they don't have any evidence, as payback for Clinton. Besides it's CONGRESS who gives authority for war, not the president!

So have fun with that one liberals! "Oh, Bush lied us into war." What a crock of crapola, only a fool would buy into.

But the facts still cannot be changed to accomodate their hateful wishes.

Should evil prevail, democrats will bring America down, just as Satan wants. Then the end will come.

But it is highly unlikely dems will pull this off, as the closer they get to 2006, the more they have to admit they're too stupid to be in congress in the first place due to the fact they did not check the information out for themselves before voting for the war. OOPS!

Once again, democraps feel they can have everything both ways. OOPS again!

So you see folks, the LIE is by democrats! And the American people know it now. Watch the reversal of fortunes.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:34:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ottmann lied... But it is highly unlikely dems will pull this off, as the closer they get to 2006, the more they have to admit they're too stupid to be in congress in the first place due to the fact they did not check the information out for themselves before voting for the war. OOPS!

Congress did NOT see the same "intelligence" that bush saw, as the article I posted above points out. FACT!

Bush did lie us into war -- only a fool would continue to believe those lying scumbags in the White House.

Ottmann lied... dkfz said: "Ottmann lied... I certainly don't wish that on him at all, but it'll happen unless he repents, does some serious soul searching and alot of praying". Again, where's the lie? Then dkfz just spins the rest. Pathetic!

The first lie is that you don't wish me ill. The SECOND lie is that it isn't YOU who should do the soul searching and praying.

So you see folks, the LIE is by democrats! And the American people know it now.

No, you're confused again. bush and cheney are the ones who lied -- the Democrats are trying to expose their lies.

Friday, November 18, 2005 6:25:00 AM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

Just to make a point about whats going on here, dfkz - what your doing is using baised news sources to prove your points and what were using is common knowledge.

Friday, November 18, 2005 9:58:00 AM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

Congress is privy to the same info the White House gets. Congress can call for that info anytime... FACT! Also Bush informed congress and the UN of the info he had, which was corroborated by Britian and Italian intelligence. Democrats were too lazy to check the info out for themselves anyway, as they schemed for this before the war. As I said, we have the memo of the dems playbook and know all that is coming. Bush has finally woken up to it too. Now the dems are going to lose really, really bad.

Bush's new poll numbers from leftist Rasmussen are already in the mid 40's, which is another crushing blow to the liberals, who will now come back and lie that they don't care about polls. This after putting out poll after poll, after poll in a never ending charge of hate.

dkfz is the confused one. He sucks up all the emotional liberal hate being spewed as fact, when it's nothing but wishful thinking and demogogurey. The ultra-wealthy democrat's are his gods.

BC'08 is right, dkfz's sources are biased and massively so. Do dems actually believe we're going to take their lies sitting down? Maybe in the past, but no more. Bush and Cheney are fighting back, bigtime. Democrats have yet to beat them on anything.

The Woodward testimony has exploded in the democraps faces, and exposed them democrats for the liars they are. Oh, they loved Woodward when he was writing a book against Bush, but now they switch like a light to hating him because he blew their lies against Libby.

Democrat's are haters who hate anyone who exposes their lies.

dkfz has one thing right, I do need more soul searching and prayer. We all do, especially during these days. But he's wrong that I wish him ill. I'm trying to help him, but he's too ill for the truth medicine. Poor dkfz, drew, is a waste of time as his brainwashing was a complete success.

So more homicide bombings today in Baghdad. dkfz and the democrat's want us to bring the troops home so homicide bombers can start making it happen here to kill American's. That is how utterly screwed up their thinking is. If dkfz or someone in his family was hurt by a homicide bomber in his town, what would he say then? It's Bush's fault? Pathetic!

Well as Bush has warned time and again, the closer we get to the December elections in Iraq, the more desperate democrat's and terrorists will get. He been proven right again! The desperation of democrat's is just as stupid as those terrorists' who want to kill for power over the people in Iraq.

Notice that Bush is giving the people democracy, and democrat's don't want it to happen, just like they didn't want it to happen in Russia either.

Democrat's are not about giving people freedom, they're about taking it away from them!

Friday, November 18, 2005 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT? WMDs? Why haven't I heard that on the Mainstream?! See this is the stuff that media will never show you.

Friday, November 18, 2005 12:59:00 PM  
Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Common Knowledge???! I'm using biased news sources??! What the hell is Jayson talking about? Check out the story Ottmann linked to:

Big Lie Democrats

This story is ALL bias and ZERO fact!

Ottmann LIED... Congress is privy to the same info the White House gets.


Richard Clarke (bush's former National Security Advisor and Chair of the Counter-terrorism Security Group from 1992 to 2003) was on the Daily Show last night, and he said the same thing that the article I posted above says -- The Senate did NOT have the same intelligence that the "president" did!

FACT — Dissent From White House Claims on Iraq Nuclear Program Consistently Withheld from Congress:

Several Congressional and intelligence officials with access to the 15 assessments [of intel suggesting aluminum tubes showed Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program] said not one of them informed senior policy makers of the Energy Department's dissent. They described a series of reports, some with ominous titles, that failed to convey either the existence or the substance of the intensifying debate. [NYT, 10/3/04]

FACT — Sen. Kerrey: Bush "Has Much More Access" to Intel Than Congress:

Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE), ex-Senate Intelligence Committee vice chairman: The president has much more access to intelligence than members of Congress does. Ask any member of Congress. Ask a Republican member of Congress, do you get the same access to intelligence that the president does? Look at these aluminum tube stories that came out the president delivered to the Congress — "We believe these would be used for centrifuges". — didn't deliver to Congress the full range of objections from the Department of Energy experts, nuclear weapons experts, that said it's unlikely they were for centrifuges, more likely that they were for rockets, which was a pre-existing use. The president has much more access to intelligence than any member of Congress. [CNN 10/7/04]

FACT — Rockefeller: PDBs, CIA Intel Withheld From Senate:

Ranking minority member on the Senate Intelligence Committee Jay Rockefeller (D-WV): People say, "Well, you know, you all had the same intelligence that the White House had". And I'm here to tell you that is nowhere near the truth. We not only don't have, nor probably should we have, the Presidential Daily Brief. We don't have the constant people who are working on intelligence who are very close to him. They don't release their -— an administration which tends not to release — not just the White House, but the CIA, DOD [Department of Defense], others — they control information. There's a lot of intelligence that we don't get that they have. [11/04/05]

FACT — War Supporter Ken Pollack: White House Engaged in "Creative Omission" of Iraq Intel:

In the eyes of Kenneth Pollack, a Clinton-era National Security Council member and strong supporter of regime change in Iraq, the Administration consistently engaged in "creative omission", overstating the imminence of the Iraqi threat, even though it had evidence to the contrary. "The President is responsible for serving the entire nation", Pollack writes. "Only the Administration has access to all the information available to various agencies of the US government – and withholding or downplaying some of that information for its own purposes is a betrayal of that responsibility". [Christian Science Monitor, 1/14/04]

FACT — White House Had Exclusive Access to "Unique" Intel Sources:

The claim that the White House and Congress saw the "same intelligence" on Iraq is further undermined by the Bush administration's use of outside intelligence channels. For more than year prior to the war, the administration received intelligence assessments and analysis on Iraq directly from the Department of Defense's Office of Special Plans (OSP), run by then-undersecretary of defense for policy Douglas J. Feith, and the Iraqi National Congress (INC), a group of Iraqi exiles led by Ahmed Chalabi". [MediaMatters, 11/8/05]

Ottmann lied... dkfz has one thing right, I do need more soul searching and prayer. We all do, especially during these days. But he's wrong that I wish him ill. I'm trying to help him...

You are not trying to help me, you are trying to damn me to hell along with you!

Friday, November 18, 2005 1:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MY MOTHER IS DEAD! I embalmed her body with formaldehyde and having the best orals ever! It felt great hmmm smelled like fish. CIA allowing torture my lover is a CIA and and was disgusting hmm he smelled like fish and urine! I found out their little homosexual activities with children so I had to leave them behind because they are such disgusting little miscreants. My lover is one of them nasty CIA barbarians. People who love the CIA are completely VILE and disgusting people!

love SATAN

Friday, November 18, 2005 8:00:00 PM  
Blogger OTTMANN said...

Why would I want to do that? I'm a Christian for life. You're the one putting your soul in jeapordy, not me. The simple fact is that you don't face reality here dude. You're wrong on it all. You're only fooling yourself, Honestly!

Maybe someday if you mature enough, you'll get it. But until then, you're just spinning your wheels while whistling in the dark.

I pray you'll cut the lies and save yourself.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 12:21:00 AM  
Blogger Gayle said...

I agree with Ottman 1000%, which I'm sure is no surprise to anyone.

Jayson, aren't you monitoring your comments? You really should delete Anonymous's last comment... it's simply vile.

You shouldn't be subjecting yourself to DFKZ either. I'm positive he is being paid to go into conservative blogs and make a pest out of himself.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 8:13:00 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Saint, your dog might have allergies. My dogs have been eating Pedigree for years with no problems.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 8:16:00 PM  
Blogger c nadeau & t johnson said...

I guess that uranium wasn't for the nuclear power plant Saddam was planning to build, right? Oh, and those chemical weapons...YEAH, we gave him those to use against Iran during the 10 year War. Nothing about that either? I am shocked and chagrined!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:58:00 PM  
Blogger Bushcheney08 said...

And I guess after we went to war with saddam because he invaded kuwait, he wouldnt use that uranium to build nuclear weapons, since he was reconstructing his nuclear program. . . yeah. I guess he was trying to still build a nice nuclear powerplant because he loves his people sooo much! And to think that he wouldnt use those biological weapons against us because were enemies now! SMACKED DOWN!!!!

Monday, January 09, 2006 2:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right on about the bought off and paid for media in this country. Ever notice how the same exact "News" is recycled all day long? Starts out at 7am and goes till 11pm, except for your local interest stories its pretty much the same. Maybe that's why Fox is the #1 News network and its ratings are through the roof nationwide. It's the only place you get to hear more than 1 side spewing the same Liberal Mindless Jargon over and over and over. It's great to see that there are young people out there who are "thinking for themselves" and not just following the mainstream media and MTV News. History will get it right. I've been around long enough to tell you that our current Pres will be remembered as one of Greatness because he did what was necessary to protect our country and was courageous enough to Go it Alone and make the hard choices and stick to them despite being torn to shreds day in and day out since the day he took the oath. Like Lincoln (who everyone hated in his time) history will show the wisdom of his actions. We need leaders in the white house. Not mindless 20 term Senators who use Polls to decide what to do. Perhaps if Clinton had a conscious during his term we would not have had 9/11 to begin with. As he had the chance to take him in to custody more than once and said it was "Too Political". The man wasted his chance to do something great while he traveled more than any other President seeing the world, renting out the white house as a cheap motel room and sold national secrets to China and korea. Helping them attain the ability to get satelite orbits and set up "Nuclear Power". We are still reaping the rewards of his 8 years. Think about this when you decide how to vote in November. It keeps me up at night thinking that Hillary or Nancy Pelosi may be in charge in 2 years at a time when the enemies of democracy in the world have been testing nukes and threatening to use them on the US. We are at a time that its critical to protect the homeland and we need a leader who will let the Military do its job, not be busy trying to cover up Sexual Perversion and Adultery, Lies and Playing politics as usual.
At least I can sleep for 2 more years knowing there is someone of "Moral Character" (and I dont care about all the slanderous phony garbage out there) in the white house. Look at how he treats people, look at his marriage, look at his family. He has integrity and character. He took a stand for his beliefs and he has been slandered and hated for it. Pretty much anyone who dare speak of "religious conviction" or of God gets this reaction. Our freedoms are dissipating. If you want to reatain your freedom to express your faith and practice it be sure to vote next month!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do realize that the United States supplied Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq with sarin and other deadly chemical nerve agents and weapons during the Iraq-Iran war under the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations, right? Ever think that these weapons they "discovered" in Iraq are the ones they took from us?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 10:40:00 AM  

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