Friday, October 21, 2005

Wacked out

"Our country is founded on a sham: our forefathers were slave-owning rich guys who wanted it thier way. So when I see an American Flag, I go 'oh my god, your insulting me'. That you can have a gay parade on Christopher street in New York, with gay naked men and women on a float cheering,'were here, were queer!'--THATS what makes my heart swell. Not the flag, but a gay naked man or woman burning the flag. I get choked up with pride"

-Janeane Garofalo

Its Hopeless.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A conversation with an angry america hater.

Here is a conversation I had recently on Aol Instant Messenger who had no clue what he was talking about. Just full of threats.(I apologize for his language.) I also changed his screenname to protect his Identity (although I dont think he cares)

Bulsara37: this world is so fucked up
Bulsara37: that even He doesnt care
MoreLambasBread3: He?
Bulsara37: God
Bulsara37: He is pissed at people like George Bush
MoreLambasBread3: ...
Bulsara37: He is pissed that His creation is illegal and Man's creation is legal.
Bulsara37: man's creation is alcohol
MoreLambasBread3: Oh Im sure he is(majorly sarcastic remark)
Bulsara37: His is marijuana
MoreLambasBread3: oh yeah
MoreLambasBread3: lol
MoreLambasBread3: he isnt pissed at george bush
Bulsara37: God invented weed. Man invented beer. Who do you trust?
MoreLambasBread3: the marijiuana thing is the only thing I disagree with on bush
MoreLambasBread3: your right about that
Bulsara37: well he is pissed at what the world is today
Bulsara37: is what I mean
Bulsara37: he'd be like WTF
MoreLambasBread3: sin spreads
MoreLambasBread3: but theres good people out there trying to help it like GW
Bulsara37: no
MoreLambasBread3: yes
Bulsara37: they piss on it
Bulsara37: USA = shit
Bulsara37: they just want money and the biggest dick
MoreLambasBread3: Well Im part of something called America Blog
MoreLambasBread3: nvm
MoreLambasBread3: that link doesnt work
MoreLambasBread3: I am a patriot and it saddens me to hear you say these things
Bulsara37: im in the court system
Bulsara37: so i feel much different
Bulsara37: they rape me
MoreLambasBread3: we want money, eh?
Bulsara37: and let the rapists go
MoreLambasBread3: is that why we give billions to people in need?
MoreLambasBread3: is that why we free oppressed Iraqis?
MoreLambasBread3: if you feel its the court system, then its not usa your talking about
MoreLambasBread3: its the white collar thugs who screw people for money
Bulsara37: the laws are whats bullshit
MoreLambasBread3: if your interested in this topic I suggest you read "100 people who screw up america"
MoreLambasBread3: (and al franken is Number 37
MoreLambasBread3: the laws are fine
MoreLambasBread3: except for a few
Bulsara37: yeah right
MoreLambasBread3: if your going to call america bullshit just because marijiwana is not legal
MoreLambasBread3: then thats pretty stupid
Bulsara37: thats not it
MoreLambasBread3: seems to be all you care about if thats the case
Bulsara37: idiot
MoreLambasBread3: yeah yeah you can name call and whatever
Bulsara37: why can a rapist go to jail for six months and be set free
MoreLambasBread3: but in the meantime Im the smart one with the political website who KNOWS what hes talking about
Bulsara37: he should be executed
MoreLambasBread3: no he should not
Bulsara37: yep
MoreLambasBread3: but he should be in jail for longer
Bulsara37: executed
MoreLambasBread3: 10 commandments
Bulsara37: just as bad as taking peoples lives
Bulsara37: raping is killing
Bulsara37: scarring someone for life
Bulsara37: ruining there life
MoreLambasBread3: but not ending it
Bulsara37: the 11th
MoreLambasBread3: I dont recall taht one
Bulsara37: and murderers
MoreLambasBread3: but even if it was, I think the 1st one is more important that the 11th
Bulsara37: they get away with it
MoreLambasBread3: your right, they shouldnt
MoreLambasBread3: but you shouldnt let your anger get in the way of your judgement
Bulsara37: Alcohol is legal cause they make money off it
MoreLambasBread3: if you kill them, you prove your just as bad
Bulsara37: they have bars but say no drinking and driving
MoreLambasBread3: they could do the same to weed
Bulsara37: nope instead they fuck you over for it
Bulsara37: to get money.
Bulsara37: make you go to rehab
Bulsara37: so they can take your money
Bulsara37: they say " you may never be able to get a job in any law enforcement position or goverment position"
MoreLambasBread3: people made rehabilitation to help people
Bulsara37: but George Bush
Bulsara37: fuck you
Bulsara37: .George Bush got a D U I
MoreLambasBread3: we all make mistakes
Bulsara37: but for possession of marijuana they ruin your life
Bulsara37: we all make mistakes
MoreLambasBread3: well, Im for that
MoreLambasBread3: I think weed should be legalized
MoreLambasBread3: Im with you on that one
Bulsara37: yeah but everything is fucked
Bulsara37: he wanted to wait to see how many blacks would die
Bulsara37: before helping them
Bulsara37: but then when Texas was affected
MoreLambasBread3: oh my god that is so stupid
Bulsara37: he was like FUCK
MoreLambasBread3: yeah right
Bulsara37: yes, right
Bulsara37: If they want to help...they should help starving people sick people and houseless people
MoreLambasBread3: no, he is not racist
Bulsara37: hah
MoreLambasBread3: guess what condoleza rice is?
MoreLambasBread3: BLACK
Bulsara37: how'd we get half way around the world
Bulsara37: with the tsunami
Bulsara37: and help
Bulsara37: in one day
MoreLambasBread3: we got there, but not very fast
Bulsara37: and a week to help our own country
MoreLambasBread3: Its the governers fault
MoreLambasBread3: now why dont you take your irrational hatred somewhere else
MoreLambasBread3: please
Bulsara37: you're so fucking stupid
MoreLambasBread3: just read my blog dude
Bulsara37: no
Bulsara37: blogs are gay
Bulsara37: so are you
Bulsara37: you're pissing me off cause YOU dont know shit
MoreLambasBread3: blogs are a way of expressing ideas
MoreLambasBread3: I know everything about this
MoreLambasBread3: And a lot more than you
Bulsara37: nope
Bulsara37: you drink piss
Bulsara37: its all fucking wrong and twisted
MoreLambasBread3: I hear the constant liberal attack on the good nature of this country
MoreLambasBread3: and I dont believe it
Bulsara37: its all fucking twisted
Bulsara37: everything including BUsh
Bulsara37: idiot
MoreLambasBread3: you care about joining the rebellion and joining america haters
Bulsara37: fuck yeah i do
MoreLambasBread3: in a hopless effort to discredit my man
Bulsara37: you're a stupid little fucking kid and you're emo
Bulsara37: just fuck off
MoreLambasBread3: and I am 100% behind him!
MoreLambasBread3: And I support the troops!
Bulsara37: so do I
Bulsara37: but not America
Bulsara37: not the goverment
Bulsara37: not the laws
MoreLambasBread3: but you say fuck the president and all your credibility goes down the toilet
Bulsara37: hypocritical lawa
Bulsara37: fuck the president
MoreLambasBread3: so go live somewhere else
Bulsara37: and still care
Bulsara37: you dumb fuck
Bulsara37: i should have kicked your ass when i had the chance
MoreLambasBread3: I challenge you to find ONE COUNTRY THATS BETTER THAN HERE
Bulsara37: Russia
MoreLambasBread3: your an ass. your willing to hurt someone because they have different beliefs than you. your no better than the terrorists
Bulsara37: no I am willing to hurt someone for being a piece of shit
MoreLambasBread3: your the one who exploded at me
Bulsara37: its not about who the president
Bulsara37: its the goverment
MoreLambasBread3: Im the one whos defending my beliefs
MoreLambasBread3: thast being a piece of shit?
Bulsara37: no matter what we live in a fucked up nation
Bulsara37: you're just dumb
MoreLambasBread3: well have a sad, sad life not appreciating the freedom that we get
Bulsara37: haha
MoreLambasBread3: we are the freeest nation in the world
Bulsara37: duh
Bulsara37: thats why I live here
Bulsara37: doesnt mean that most of it is fucked
Bulsara37: and its not free
MoreLambasBread3: so our rules may be "fucked up" but its alot better than everything else out there
Bulsara37: thats not the point
Bulsara37: our goverment is hypocritical
Bulsara37: TWISTED
Bulsara37: thats it
MoreLambasBread3: Well I dont believe that, we have the best system in the world.
MoreLambasBread3: and our president is not twisted
Bulsara37: Europe
Bulsara37: is better
Bulsara37: Canada is better
Bulsara37: no violence
Bulsara37: dipshit
MoreLambasBread3: thats because they dont have the freedoms we have. our freedom comes with a price, we must defend it
Bulsara37: they do
Bulsara37: what??
Bulsara37: ????
Bulsara37: ????
Bulsara37: ???
Bulsara37: ????
Bulsara37: ???
MoreLambasBread3: what
FreddieBulsara37: the people in america fucked it up
Bulsara37: ijdsngkvjas
Bulsara37 signed off at 7:11:55 PM.

this is what our youth is coming to.

America Blog

I recently became a part of this new blog cody created called America Blog. Its a blog where people talk about how great this country is. Conservative, liberal, it doesnt matter. Just comment on the blog if you want to join.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Interesting survey

1. Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog?

lol no

2. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered?

Not at all. But there is someone who photoshopped my photo to make fun of me @

3. Do you like it when creeps or dorks email you?

Its Never happened.

4. Do you lie in your blog?


5. Are you passive-aggressive in your blog?

Umm Kind of

6. Do you ever threaten to quit writing so people will tell you not to stop?

No, because If I threatened to quit they would say go ahead, cuz thats what they want.

7. Are you in therapy? If not, should you be? If so, is it helping?

Oh your hilarious.

8. Do you delete mean comments? Do you fake nice ones?

I dont fake nice comments. I dont delete any comments, because if theyre nasty, it helps people realize what irrational hatred people who disagree with me posess.

9. Have you ever rubbed one out while reading a blog?


10. If your readers knew you in person, would they like you more or like you less?

Yeah, the liberals would definetly like me more in person. Im much more of a casual outgoing person than the hotheaded conservative I am online. In other words, I am one person here, another in person.
11. Do you have a job? Getting one at subway when I turn 16 in Three months.

12. If someone offered you a decent salary to blog full-time without restrictions, would you do it?

Yeah definetly.

13. Which bloggers do you want to meet in real life?

Cody o conner, cuz it would be interesting to meet someone my age whos as interested in politics and as smart as I am. I cant have a political discussion with anyone but my cousin. Im always disscusing it with adults. Plus Saint, because he has influenced my opinion more than anyone else on blogger.

14. Which bloggers have you made out with? (a)In real life? (b)In fantasy?

lol this is getting weird.

15. Do you usually act like you have more money or less money than you really have?

I dont talk about that here.

16. Does your family read your blog?

Yeah my parents do sometimes.

17. How old is your blog?

Since about the end of May 2005

18. Do you get more than 1000 page views per day? Do you care?

No that would be nice because I could make a decent amount of money here.

19. Do you have another secret blog in which you write about being depressed, slutty, or a liar?

Yeah. I role play. I am creating a number of role playing blogs, here is my first one. @
20. Have you ever given another blogger money for his/her writing?

21. Do you report the money you earn from your blog on your taxes?

I dont earn money on here. . . yet.

22. Is blogging narcissistic?

I dont think so.

23. Do you feel guilty when you don't post for a long time?


24. Do you like John Mayer?

Who is that?

25. Do you have enemies?

In real life, yeah theres a couple of gangster kids who want to fight me. Here, just people who disagree.

26. Are you lonely?

Not at all.

27. Why bother?

Because I choose to.

28. If they were to make a movie of your life, who would play the mailman?

Ive never seen my mailman.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Whats wrong With Fox news?

Update: Sorry folks, but for some reason I cant view my blog directly. No matter what computer I try, it comes up as a white blank. its weird.

Wow people are taking drastic measures to make fun of me!
Whats wrong with Fox News? I'll tell you whats wrong with it. The liberals are outraged that such a powerful name in news is Pro Bush. Theyre way too used to thier biased liberal news, theyve given fox a bad rep. they keep on saying things like "youve been watching too much fox news" and to that I say, Excactly! Thats why what I say is right on!

So keep bringin the news, fox, and dont let the liberal attack machine get you down.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Liberals arent liberals anymore

Liberal means open minded. The liberals are not open minded at all to our point of view. They are, how ever, tolerant of gays, abortion, and other things of that sort. I just dont understand it.