Debate Oratory
In 2001, 9/11 happened. Soon after that, Congress decided to invade Iraq. (That’s right, CONGRESS decided to invade Iraq, Bush didn’t just go out on this all out invasion against congress like everyone thought) Eventually Saddam Hussein was captured. So why are we still there? Ill tell you why. Because of all our troops there, it has attracted terrorists local to that area. So we have them right where we want them now, out of hiding. Another reason is because we want to create a self-sustaining democracy.
In the 40s people donated their time and money to the great cause. More than that they donated their spirit. America fought a tough battle for 4 years. Lost a lot of good men and women, caused some innocent casualties, but stayed the course and got the job done.
Forget about how our men and women are dying all over the globe protecting freedom. Forget about how we have liberated millions of Islamic women and children from a life of oppression. Forget about the freedom and opportunity that this country has given millions. Forget about all the good that we do in the world. Instead, all you hear from liberals and media is a constant attack on the good nature of our country. And the brainless peasants are starting to let it get to them.
But don’t let the liberal attack machine get you. Sometimes they’ll say, “Saddam had no WMD’s but this is not true.
Saddam has been in power since 1979. He invaded Kuwait in 1990. We came to their rescue, and got Saddam out of there. You can imagine Saddams anger toward us. He obviously was building up military strength since he first came into power, enough to challenge the power of the U.S. But then he lost, and has been reaccumulating ever since (keep in mind bush's dad was in office at this time). I think he made a deal with al quida, and became the terrorist "patron" if you will. With the help of al quida, he got back up on his feet, and reassessed his strength (Saddam Hussein had the 4th most powerful army before we went to war with him) and prepared to declare war on America by having al quida orchestrate some terrorists attacks (9/11)
After the Gulf War, Iraq continued its weapons of mass destruction programs in defiance of UN resolutions and restrictions. Baghdad has chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles with ranges in excess of UN restrictions. Since inspections ended in 1998, Iraq maintained its chemical weapons effort, energized its missile program, and invested more heavily in biological weapons; most analysts assess Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. After 9/11, bush saw that saddam needed to be taken out, because saddam pulled this same trick 11 years ago on his dad. He knew what needed to be done, so he did it. Those in this country who didn’t have enough foresight and awareness to see it coming, thought that bush went to war for no reason, just wanted the oil.
It’s that ignorant class that thinks the whole world can just sit down and sing koombiyah. It’s just not that simple. The truth is that freedom is not free. There are people out there that want to destroy us. And the conservatives in charge of this country have made the right decision, and have decided to do something about it.
This is the part I have the most trouble understanding. If we were really invading Iraq for its oil, we would have tons of oil now, wouldn’t we? And plus if this was really true, the entire world would be outraged! A country conquering other countries for its natural resources? The truth is that it’s only the democrats who are outraged on that one.
Another point of the liberal attack machine is they will say “but were still killing innocent Iraqi civilians! This is wrong!” Yes it is, but I will ask you to broaden your horizons for a little bit. Consider this. What would happen if we didn’t go to war with Iraq? The evidence I’ve compiled and my reasoning has made it quite easy to see that Iraq WAS a threat, so what would have happened if we ignored this threat? Well, first of all, Saddam would have kept on gassing his people, like he had been doing for years now. If he kept torturing and killing his people, he would have caused a lot more deaths than we ever could. Imagine Saddam twenty years from now. From all of the torturing, he would have killed a lot more than 100,000 deaths. Not to mention the position of power he would have been in, enough to challenge the U.S.
The liberals will also say stuff like “We attacked Iraq first, and without any evidence of weapons of mass destruction! No matter what you say, we still haven’t found them and therefore your argument is worthless!”
And that is truly sad. The fact is, liberals are convinced only by what they see or don’t see. Guess what that is also called? Atheism. That ideology is all really the same thing. I don’t see it, feel it, taste it, smell it, so it isn’t real and that’s the bottom line. Well, mark my words; this ideology of the liberals is going to bite them in the butt someday. We Conservatives aren’t always going to be around to correct their mistakes.
Example? What I’ve been talking about. To sum this all up, to go to war with Iraq was the right decision, but the shortsighted liberals will never see that, will continue to whine and complain, while we keep them secure by keeping on the offensive on terrorism. We’re pretty much the liberal’s security blanket, and if the liberals made the decisions they wanted, this country would be screwed.
There is a poster in my English class that says, “You can’t be all that you can be if you’re dead” There is a mother named Cindy Sheehan whose son died in Iraq. She wants to meet President Bush, and ask him why he killed her son. Well let me tell you something, Cindy Sheehan. Bush didn’t “kill” your son. Your son died in the United States Armed Forces, and there is NOTHING more honorable than that! When you say the things you say, not only are you dishonoring your own son, but you’re dishonoring every soldier that ever stepped up to the plate and fought in Iraq!
Ps: if anyones tired of me reposting this, I am sorry, but TOO BAD!!!!